A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 192 Reversal ritual, ghost-killing artifact

Just like Li Qiye was destined to be unable to find the lost sheep;

Jon was destined not to be able to enjoy the meal at Erzhu's house.


never mind.

After the ninja alliance is assembled, it won't be too late to go back and watch the excitement after the war begins.

Following the 'positioning coordinates', he hurried to Demon Slayer World. At a glance, he saw the various pillars in the courtyard with different expressions, as well as Nezuko, who was hiding in the wooden box and shivering.

Let that girl go!

Jon wanted to shout this.

But thinking of his character in this world, he changed his mind again and chuckled: "If the guarantees of Ninataki Sakonji and Giyuu are not enough, then how about adding me?"

The words fell and the atmosphere became quiet.

The next second, all the 'pillars' turned around and said in great surprise.


"Lord Jon! You are back!"

"Teacher, long time no see, do you still remember me?"

"My Ripple Qigong has encountered some bottlenecks recently. You came back at the right time."

I, Jon Joestar, the Demon Slayer idol!

(tactical fallback.jpg)

Jon nodded to all the demon slayer captains and slowly walked towards Uyashiki Yoshiya.

Brother, let me mend your demons.

Oh no, the blood has returned.

Under the eaves, Uyashiki Yaoya and his two children looked extremely happy.

Jon first RUAd the little Lolita and the little Shota's heads a few times, then looked at the extremely weak Uyashiki Yōya, frowned and said: "The curse has deepened again?"

Hearing this, Yoya Shiki's expression was calm, "As Kibutsuji Mumei's power becomes stronger and stronger, my body will naturally become weaker and weaker."

Jon said nothing and put his hand on the other person's shoulder.

Immortal Road·Ripples are running fast!

In an instant, the golden light flourished.

In full view of everyone, Uyashiki Yōya's pale cheeks were visibly restored to life.

Several demon slayer captains were overjoyed.

Your mentor is worthy of being a mentor, I can't even come close!


I haven't felt this relaxed for a long time.

Ubuyashiki Yaoya took a deep breath and said with a smile: "It's been a while since I last saw you. Your Excellency seems to have become a lot stronger."

Jon did not deny it, "Well, compared to before, one is in the sky and the other is under the ground."

The last time he came to 'Demon Slayer World', Jon hadn't yet understood the true role of his stand.

And now, he is already galloping on the road to becoming a god!

The delivery room is slightly stunned.

Then he shook his head and said, "What a pity. I really can't imagine what the so-called 'heaven' scene is like."

Jon shrugged, "I'll give you a chance to see it."

As he spoke, he changed the subject, "I just heard the whole story. The person in the box should be Tanjiro's sister."

Ubuyashiki Yōya nodded slightly.

Jon pondered for a moment, then waved to Fengzhu Immortal River Saneya, "Immortal River, carry that box over to me."

If someone else had ordered him like this, Immortal Sakawa Saneya would have killed him with a sword.

But, who said that the person who spoke was the mentor who had the same status as the lord?

Immortal Sekawa pursed his lips, silently sheathed his sword, picked up the wooden box and walked to the eaves without saying a word.

"Move gently," Jon ordered.

Immortal Kawa Saneya, who was about to drop the wooden box, hesitated and had no choice but to do so.

"Teacher, don't blame me for not reminding you." Immortal Sekawa gritted his teeth, "All ghosts are disgusting creatures, don't expect too much from them."

After a pause, he added, "If you change your mind, I am willing to kill it for you!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew that he was an old ghost slayer.

Jon waved his hand, "I know it well."

The words just fell.

Tanjiro, Giyu Tomioka and Iguro Kobanai are back.

Seeing Jon standing side by side with Ubuyashiki Yōya, except for the paralyzed-looking Tomioka Giyu, the other two people all showed expressions of surprise.


"Master Mentor!"

Jon waved to the three of them, "Tomioka, Iguro, and Tanjiro, long time no see."

"Master Mentor, you are really back!"

It only takes one Jon to return from hell to heaven.

Tanjiro broke free from the restraints, ran quickly to Jon, and knelt down with a bang, "Please, please save Nezuko!"

The mood is understandable, but it is really hard for Jon to accept kneeling down at every turn.

Stretching out his palms to help him, he said angrily: "Looking at your little potential, you are really embarrassing to me!"

Tanjiro was stunned and lowered his head silently.

Jon didn't bother to pay attention to him and opened the wooden box.

He knelt down and looked down.

He happened to look into a pair of lavender eyes.

"Nezuko?" he asked.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Nezuko nodded cautiously with a piece of bamboo in her mouth.

Jon held out a hand, "Come out."

There was hesitation in Nezuko's eyes.

But remembering the stories her brother Tanjiro had been talking about all day long, she still chose to believe the man in front of her, held that hand, and slowly crawled out of the box.

After getting out of the box, Nezuko's figure has obviously grown a lot.

Jon was amazed when he saw it.

Dry girl Xiaomi (×)

Dry things girl Xiaomi (√)

The evil spirit appears.

The expressions in the eyes of most of the demon slayer captains changed and became extremely dangerous.

Nezuko was extremely scared.

But she didn't hide away. Instead, she suppressed her fear and ran to her brother's side.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." She muttered something vaguely.

As he spoke, he wiped away the blood on Tanjiro's forehead with his white and tender hands.

What a wonderful little sister, I fell in love with her

Jon scratched his brows and said: "You may have imagined things too complicated. It's just that you have changed from a human to a ghost, and you can't change back. Are you so nervous?"

The wind blows.

The scene was silent.

Whether it was Giyuu Tomioka with a paralyzed face or Yoshiya Ubuyashiki, who was always calm and composed, everyone stared at Jon in utter amazement, as if they had heard a fantasy.

Jon had expected this and said with a smile: "What do you think I am doing during this time? Traveling around. As long as it is a ghost that has never eaten people, I am confident that I can turn it back into a human again."

After reacting for a long time, Tanjiro suddenly jumped up, "Master mentor, Nezuko has never eaten humans! Really, she has always suppressed her desire to eat humans! She has never harmed humans!"

Jon pressed his hands and said, "I know, I know, why are you shouting so loudly?"

After saying that, he hooked his fingers and said, "Nezuko, if you want to become a human again, just come here."

This tone is very much like the big bad wolf who kidnapped Little Red Riding Hood.

Nezuko looked at her brother.

Tanjiro nodded one after another, "Master Mentor said there is a way, and there must be a way! Great Nezuko, you can turn back into a human!"

Tanjiro has always been obsessed with turning his sister back into a human.

How could he not be excited when his dream came true!

Nezuko listened to her brother's words the most and walked towards Jon with a tense body.

The petite Nezuko looked like an extremely delicate doll in front of the slender (and powerful) Jon.

The pillars gathered around him involuntarily, wanting to carefully observe how Jon turned the evil spirit back into a human.

As if he couldn't see those eyes, Jon summoned a substitute and communicated secretly: "I'll leave it to you, no problem."

【Who do you think I am? After all, I can analyze and seize living creatures, not to mention]

[Speaking of which, Nezuko is really cute, small, soft, and fragrant. 】

"Stop, stop, please be normal." Jon pinched his eyebrows gently, "Hurry up and do your work."

[Partner, you’ve been really cold to me lately (T ^ T)] Classmate Little D, who hasn’t appeared for a long time, pretended to be resentful.

Jon was too lazy to pay attention to it, and reached out to take down the bamboo tube Nezuko was holding in her mouth.

Then, he put his hands on the other person's head.

Suddenly, countless transparent filaments came out from his back and pierced into Nezuko's body.

[The analysis was successful, haha, Ghost Dance Tsuji Mukai, that’s it? 】

After all, it is 'Gate·Requiem ACT3·Beyond Paradise' that can even plunder the world authority. It is simply too easy to solve the small problem of Nezuko's ghost transformation.

With a thought in Jon's mind, golden walls of light suddenly appeared.

Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner.

The misfortune that Sister Nezuko has endured should be returned to its original owner.

At the same time, Kyoto.

A certain beauty in a gorgeous kimono shivered for no reason.

She scanned the surroundings vigilantly, but couldn't find anything strange, so she had to sit down again, her blood-red eyes full of suspicion.

Let’s not mention Boss Chip who is affected by the ‘Love Train’ ability.

Simply speaking, after Jon forcibly removed the 'blood of no misfortune' from Nezuko's body, her demonic features such as pupils and fingernails faded away little by little. In just a few breaths, she turned into a normal girl!

All the ‘pillars’ were dumbfounded.


Is it that simple?


Tanjiro stared at his sister in disbelief and called softly.


The bloodthirsty instinct in the body that could torture people to madness finally disappeared, and Nezuko couldn't help but burst into tears.


Without any regard for etiquette, Tanjiro ran and crawled to Nezuko's side.

He hugged his only remaining family member.

All the ‘pillars’ were silent.

Even the Immortal Kawakawa Genya, who was the most ruthless towards evil spirits, never mentioned that he wanted to kill Nezuko.

They took a deep breath and looked at Jon with burning eyes.

Master Mentor, you are a true God!

"Although I can't see it, you should have succeeded. Your Excellency, you always bring me too many surprises." Ubuyashiki Yoshiya said with a smile.

After a pause, he deliberately asked, "Is it true that this secret technique of turning evil ghosts back into humans can only be reversed by ghosts who have never eaten humans?"

Jon thought for a few seconds and then changed his words: "Actually, ghosts that have eaten people are also okay, but after killing, something called "karma" will be produced in the ghost's body.

If you want to become a human again, you have to burn all your "karma". The feeling is even worse than death. "

"I see."

Ubuyashiki Yōya nodded slightly to express his understanding.

Joo Se will be very happy to hear this news.

He thought to himself.

"Master Tutor, I'm very curious!"

At this time, Insect Pillar Butterfly Shinobi raised his hand inappropriately, "What exactly is the principle of this secret technique? Can we learn it?"

In fact, the Butterfly Ninja has been developing a drug that can turn ghosts back into humans, but the progress has not been smooth.

Now that someone was bringing the vision to life before her eyes, she was literally dying of excitement. To be honest, if her lord hadn't been there, she would have jumped up and hugged her mentor and asked questions.


How can I, a substitute messenger, explain the principles to you?

Jon had a slight headache, so he had to lie casually, "I traveled around the world incognito, and finally enlightened on the top of Miaomu Mountain and learned the magical meaning of immortality."

Since there are already things like ghosts and breathing techniques, it doesn’t matter if you add a little more settings.

Butterfly Ninja:? ? ?

I talk to you about science, and you talk to me about metaphysics?

But then I thought about it.

Just now, dazzling golden light like barriers appeared on Master Tutor's body.

Could it be

Is everything he said true?

Butterfly frowned slightly, his worldview inevitably shaken.

Jon didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, so he clapped his hands and said, "Okay, the matter has been resolved. It's really gratifying and gratifying."

Naturally, the ‘Pillars’ would not buy this kind of words that were like the end of a story.

They were just too curious.

I’m curious about your mentor’s experience.

Curious about the mysterious magic of Master Tutor!

Ubuya Shiki Yaoya covered his mouth and smiled softly, and said: "It's rare that you are all here, so we will stay for a casual meal tonight. If you have anything to say, we will talk about it then.

Now, let Sir Jon take a good rest. "

The Lord's words are the decree.

Naturally, the demon slayer captains would not disobey.

Jon breathed a sigh of relief.

That night.

The bright moon hangs high.

The interior and exterior of Ubuyashiki's mansion are brightly lit.

Above the main hall.

Ubuyashiki Yaoya is in the middle.

Beside him was Jon, who had changed into his home clothes.

At the starting point, several demon slayer captains faced each other.

After everyone was seated, Yoya Shiki said softly: "I'm glad that everyone can gather together. Please raise a toast to celebrate the return of Sir Jon."

The special instructor of the Demon Slayer Corps.

The noodles are quite sufficient.

Both those who could drink and those who could not, all raised their glasses.

Cups and cups intertwined.

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya smiled and said: "Taking this opportunity, I would like to summarize the recent situation of the Demon Slayer Corps. Because of the new breathing method, the attack on evil spirits has gone more smoothly than before, and people's lives have gradually stabilized.

The incident at Natian Spider Mountain also shows that team members who have practiced Ripple Qigong can bring greater harm to evil spirits.

However, the overall situation is still not optimistic. "

At this point, Jon suddenly laughed.

Ubuyashiki Yōya asked in confusion: "Why are you laughing?"

Jon flipped through it and magically pulled out an ultraviolet flashlight from his arms.


What is this?

Everyone whose vision has been limited by the times is very puzzled.

"This is called a portable ultraviolet flashlight. You can understand it as sunlight that can light up at night." Jon showed everyone an industrial product from modern society. "Push the switch lightly, and the evil ghost will disappear in an instant. It is really home lighting. , to kill ghosts and eliminate evil, a must-have magical weapon."

"Sunlight that lights up at night"!

With just one sentence, Ubuyashiki Yoshiya and all the demon slayer captains can't be punished.

Jon put down the UV flashlight and took out a thin piece of paper from his arms.

"There is also this, called the Great Compassion and Compassion Salvation Talisman. Just light it with an open flame and stick it on the evil ghosts, and you can send them to a blissful rebirth."

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