A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 143 ‘Diego’ joins the team

"German technology. No. 1 in the world"

Leaving his last words in his life, F.V. Shutroheim died with hatred.

After retracting the iron ball, Jero lowered the brim of his hat and said helplessly: "Counting Oyegmoba and Mises Robinson, this is already the seventh wave of killers who want our lives."

A wry smile appeared on Johnny's lips, "I can't help it. Who made our reward so high?"

"What's wrong?" Jon asked, "If it weren't for these killers, how could you have made such rapid progress in the use of substitutes?"

There is also a gap between the substitute messenger and the substitute messenger.

Real knowledge comes from actual combat.

"That's right." Jero scratched his face.

Just then, a flock of turtle doves flew by.

Johnny raised his head subconsciously.

Then, he froze for a moment and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

"What's wrong?" Jero asked curiously.

"No," Johnny confirmed repeatedly, shaking his head slightly, "It's nothing, it's just dazzling."

"That's it~"

Hearing what Johnny said, Jero didn't think much about it.

Taking out the map and compass, comparing them, he said: "Brothers, we will reach the end of "STAGE 2" in about twenty-five kilometers, cheer up, GO! GO! GO! "

After saying that, he grabbed the horse's belly and rushed out first.

Jon and Johnny saw each other, smiled at each other, and hurriedly followed.

“The leader is still the winner of the first stage, Gerald Zeppelin. He is very fast and takes the lead!”

"Behind Jero, there are Jon Joestar and Jonny Joestar, two brothers, one on the left and one on the right, running neck and neck!"

"Crossing the line! Player number B-636, Gerold Zeppelin once again became the winner of the second stage, and received a bonus of 10,000 US dollars and a one-hour "time bonus". "

"Second place is Jon Joestar!"

"Third place is Johnny Joestar!"

"It's amazing. The combination of Zero and the Joestar brothers is simply unstoppable!"

"What? They don't plan to stop and rest?"

"Then, "STAGE 3" officially begins! "

When they arrived at Monument Valley, Jon and the others did not stop for a moment, but instead rushed into the distance.

"STAGE 3", from Monument Valley to Kahn City, the total distance is 510 kilometers, and the estimated time is 7-9 days.

After the three of them crossed the line, almost four hours passed before Sunao and Diego also completed the second leg.

Looking at Sunao's back, Diego gritted his teeth angrily with a tired look on his face.

He actually lost for the second time to this guy who only ran on his legs!

"Mr. Brando, Mr. Brando, please accept our interview."

"How do you feel now?"

"This time you achieved a good result of fifth place. What are your next plans?"

Reporters swarmed around like sharks that smelled blood.

Diego's face looked extremely ugly.

'the fifth place'

In other words, besides Sunao, there are three people faster than him?

He focused his attention on a certain reporter and asked: "Who are the first, second and third?"

The reporter didn't seem to expect Diego to talk to him, and was obviously stunned for a second. But soon, he reacted and said truthfully: "The first place is Gerald Zeppelin, and the Joestar brothers are second and third."


Hearing this, Diego took a breath.

God felt pity for him. In the past ten days, except for necessary sleep, he spent almost all the rest of his time on the road.

That's it, I almost fell out of the top five.

Jon Joestar and the others are monsters!


Is the Arizona Desert actually dangerous?

Diego remained silent.

Looking down at his mount, he made a decision in his mind and left the group of reporters behind to start the third leg.

Sandao, who was drinking water and eating, took a look.


This is not possible!

Throwing the bottle away, he threw his long legs and chased after him.

The reporters looked at each other.

Ah this

Fortunately, the savior of our media friends has appeared.

Poklock crossed the finish line leisurely on his yellow gelding.

"Uh-huh!" He laughed loudly, "This time, I will definitely be the first!"

Journalists, look at me and I'll look at you.

I thought to myself, I must not let this black boy escape again.

the other side.

Diego hurriedly chased him from dawn to dusk.

Finally, I saw Jon and his party somewhere on the plains.

By the time he turned over and dismounted, his thighs were numb, and even his walking was unsteady.

However, he still retained the last bit of pride and said loudly: "Jon Joestar, I fulfilled our agreement. In the second schedule, I am fifth!"

"Fifth is fifth, why are you yelling so loudly?" Jon, who had just had dinner, said angrily: "Is it a big deal to pass the line?"


Very unhappy.

However, there is no reason to refute it.

"Hey, hey, who is this guy?" Jero looked Diego up and down, "Why does he look so confused?"

Jero deserves to be Jello, and he hits the nail on the head.

"What did you say?" Diego stared at Jero fiercely.

Then, my stomach growled dissatisfiedly.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

"Are you hungry?" Jon asked with a smile.


Diego denied it without thinking.


People are iron rice is steel.

If you don't eat one meal, you will feel really hungry.

Not to be outdone with her mouth, but very honest with her body.

Jon casually took a bunch of beef from the campfire and handed it to Diego, "Eat it. Only when you are full will you have the strength to confront us."

Diego:? ? ?

Although I don’t know what ‘online’ means, the meat is really delicious.

The golden retriever reluctantly took the beef skewers and sat down by the fire with difficulty.

Beside, Johnny hesitated to speak.

After devouring seven or eight skewers of beef, Diego regained some of his strength.

Jon took the opportunity to tell Gerald about his agreement with Diego.

When Jon said that Diego was going to be given fifty million dollars, Jero's eyes widened.

That probably means

——Brother, I think you seem to be the pure resentment type.

But then I thought about it, if a capable player like Diego joins them, it can indeed reduce a lot of uncertainty.

So, Jon's pretense of resentment is all because of me!


A handful of love.

Jero, who was good at thinking, had little stars twinkling in his eyes.

Johnny endured it for a long time, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Let me tell you first, I won't trust this guy."

Hearing this, Diego and Johnny's eyes collided, sparking countless sparks in the air, "Johnny Joestar. Haha, whether you trust me or not has nothing to do with me. I just want money."

I, Diego Brando, have been wandering for half my life, and I have never recognized money but people.

If you give me money, who will be my father.


Foster father.

"Then it's settled." Jon snapped his fingers, "You will be with us for the rest of the journey."

After a pause, he changed the topic, "However, these 50 million are not for nothing. We have agreed in advance that it will be dangerous to follow us.

Diego, I believe you must have heard some rumors. The reward for the three of us is now terrifyingly high.

To be honest, in the second stage, we encountered seven waves of killers. If you follow us, you will probably be targeted or even killed. "

Diego's heart thumped, but his face remained calm as he said, "Scarily tall? How scary?"

Jon raised two fingers and said, "The three of us combined, it's almost two million dollars."

Upon hearing this, Diego's eyes flashed, and he said righteously: "A person must be trustworthy. If I say I want to help you win the championship, I will definitely help you win the championship.

Danger doesn't matter, I, Diego Brando, am not a vegetarian! "

Anyone with a little bit of brains will know which is more, fifty million or two million.

Rolling his eyes, Diego added: "But, trading is all about attitude."

Jon understood instantly, and pretended to rummage in the backpack behind him for a while, found a blank checkbook, then found a pen, and wrote down a series of zeros.

"This is a check accepted by American Union Pay. You can withdraw cash at any Union Pay bank. This money can be treated as a deposit from me."

Stop pretending, let me show my cards, I am the richest man in the world.

Diego was dumbfounded.

Immediately, there was endless ecstasy.


Got the little money!

Not to mention Diego, even Jero and Jonny were frightened by Jon's generosity.

Jon looked at the two of them, "What, you are short of money?"

The two shook their heads.

"That's enough." Jon threw away the checkbook like trash, "A substitute must have the pursuit of a substitute, and money is something external to the body."

Substitute messenger?

What's the meaning.

Diego, who was clutching the check tightly, didn't know why.


never mind.

Whatever it is.

Happy is all.

More Diego.

The speed of the group increased instead.

The main reason is that Johnny always competes with Diego intentionally or unintentionally.

The two of them chase each other and refuse to give in to each other.

Jero took a look.

Bullying my Qiao Bao?

This is not okay.

So, he also got involved.

If the previous schedule was leisurely and tense, then since Diego joined, it has become tense and rushed.




The three men rushing were exhausted and their horses were exhausted.

But what puzzles them is that no matter how fast they run.

Jon could always hang leisurely and comfortably about ten meters behind them.

What's even more unacceptable is that the splendid black horse under Jon's crotch never showed even the slightest hint of tiredness from the beginning to the end.

Diego was convinced.

A master player like him can crush ordinary players of low level.

But when it comes to someone like Jon who is very skilled and can make money, there is absolutely nothing he can do.

However, thanks to the spirited competition of the three of them, in just the past two days, they had completed half of "STAGE 3" and arrived at the midway point town.

Just entered.

The residents of the town cheered to the four.

"Jero! Jero, you are so handsome! You must continue to maintain your advantage!"

"Jon, I love you! Accept my love!"

"Johnny, look here!"


The ‘S.B.R’ competition is popular across the United States, and the top contestants can be said to be top stars, to put it bluntly.

Jero felt a little dazed, turned to Johnny and said, "Did you hear that, Johnny, they are cheering my name."

Johnny was silent.

He looked towards a corner.

There, two men, one tall and one short, stared at him with serious smiles.

Johnny subconsciously covered his left arm.

"Johnny? Johnny!"

At this moment, Jero's voice brought him back to reality from his vague uneasiness.

Johnny came back to his senses, "Huh? What did you just say?"

"It's really boring." Jero curled his lips and looked at Diego who looked unhappy.

After thinking about it for a while, he didn't say anything.

The four decided to spend a night in the town repairing.

After eating a simple meal, they came to Datongpu.

As soon as he entered the door, Diego frowned, "Are you kidding me, Dio, to squeeze in with you two?"

‘You two’, of course, refers to Jero and Johnny.

As for Jon?

That’s the sponsor’s father!

Not to be compared with a poor man.

"Tch." Jero waved his hand, "If you don't want to, you can leave."

Johnny was unmoved.

Jon saw all this and silently gave this scene a name - American Bullying·1980 Limited.

Diego was very temperamental and actually turned around and left without saying a word.

"Sure enough, that guy made me very unhappy."

Perhaps because Johnny was talking bad things about Diego in his ears all day long, Jero was very prejudiced against Diego.

He looked at Jon and said, "Say, wouldn't it be nice for the three of us? Why do we have to bring in an outsider?"

"Jero, I'm doing this all for you." Jon said half-seriously.

Jero was suddenly speechless.

On the side, Johnny looked at the strange marks that had appeared on his left arm in silence.

Obviously it didn't exist before

Fifteen minutes later, Diego came back with his head hanging down.

Jon blinked, as if he noticed something.

"Hey, hey, Diego, where's your backbone?" Jero chuckled, "If you want to do something, just stick to it."

Johnny seemed to have noticed some problems.

He stared at Diego's skin, feeling like something was coming out of it.


Johnny scratched the back of his head in confusion.

Under the gaze of everyone, Diego slowly raised his head, revealing his amber-like vertical pupils.

Jero and Johnny were startled.

What the hell?


Diego roared, his hands twisting into sharp claws. At the same time, the muscles on his face deformed, and the corners of his mouth suddenly split, all the way to the base of his ears.

"Stand-in attack!"

Jero reacted, and the 'Iron Ball Destroyer' appeared in the palm of his hand.

'Oh la!'

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

The iron ball spun around and hit Diego in the head.

'boom! ’

The force was so great that it destroyed the entire wall.

Jero and Johnny felt relieved.

But at this moment, a sharp fishhook suddenly emerged from the broken bricks that collapsed from the wall, and it hit Jero without any hesitation!

When Johnny saw it, he hurriedly turned the armor plate to cut the thick line on the fishhook.

Unexpectedly, a blue-green figure suddenly appeared from the smoke and gravel, and jumped in front of Johnny from a distance in a single step.

The fishy wind blows against my face.

Johnny moved his hands.

Seeing the monster's appearance clearly, he opened his mouth unconsciously.

Standing in front of him was a dinosaur about two meters tall with sharp teeth and claws!

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