A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 142 I prefer horse racing girls to horse racing

The avatar slams the iron ball, new strength is regenerated, and the range is greatly increased!

Oyegmoba's expression suddenly froze on his face.

'boom! ’

The iron ball spun around and hit his chest squarely, twisting and deforming his entire chest.

Crushed internal organs.

‘Kingdom Assassin’ Oyegmoba cannot rise again.

"Damn it!"

His companions rushed to the street, and the broken-armed Missus Robinson cursed and hurriedly summoned 'Plague'.

In an instant, hundreds of carnivorous beetles flashing with strange green light flew out.

His avatars are similar to the 'Collector', they are all long-distance control avatars, and there are about a hundred of them in total.

Seeing the swarm of insects, Jero did not rush into the formation blindly. Instead, he pulled the reins, turned the horse's head, and ran away neatly.

Misers Robinson was stunned at first.

Immediately, a chill came over my heart.

‘Buzz. ’ ‘Buzz. ’

At this moment, two more armor pieces struck!

How could Misses Robinson, who had already suffered a loss, dare to confront him head-on? He rolled and crawled to avoid it as if running for his life.

The attack failed.

In the distance, Johnny, lying on the sand dune, sighed secretly.

Raising his hand to signal, a lasso flew over and locked Johnny's left arm.

Mandon Tim, who was galloping on his horse, pulled hard, and the thin Johnny was lifted up and landed firmly on the back of the spotted horse.

"Come on!" Johnny said concisely.

Mandon Tim pressed the brim of his hat and used his excellent riding skills to quickly approach Misers Robinson.

‘Blessings never come in pairs and misfortunes never come alone’.

Jero also took the opportunity to fight back!

Misers Robinson looked to the left, then to the right, gritted his teeth, and stamped his feet.

"It's too much to bully others, I will fight with you!"

The insect swarm swept across and divided the army into two groups.

Unexpectedly, Jero and Manden Tim (Johnny) just feigned an attack.

Halfway through the race, they pulled back on their horses.

The breath that Misses Robinson finally raised was completely released in one fell swoop.

What are you doing?

I just want to ask, what do you want to do?

Fight but not fight, retreat but never retreat.

Isn’t this bullying an honest person?



Jero and Johnny are really bullying honest people.

When the enemy retreats, we advance; when the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy is tired, we harass; when the enemy retreats, we pursue.

‘A dull knife cuts flesh’, 24K pure torture.

Misses Robinson knew that he could not continue the fight, so he ran towards the horse dragging his seriously injured body.


Very good idea.

Unfortunately, Johnny didn't want him to have his wish.

One round of rotating armor shot from far to near, easily cutting off the horse rope.

The frightened gray horse raised its hooves and kicked Misers Robinson directly!

This kick kicked out the entire midsummer.

After suffering a heavy blow, Misers Robinson flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

The body is damaged and the spirit is relaxed.

The swarm of insects disappeared.

Of course, Jero and the others would not miss such a good opportunity and ride their horses forward again.

Misers Robinson was on the verge of tears.


Completely defeated.

Knowing that he could not escape even if he had wings, he simply raised his remaining left arm and surrendered knowingly.

"Spare my life!" he shouted, "I have information about other killers!"

Originally, the iron ball had already been thrown.

Hearing this, Jero quickly grabbed forward and fished the iron ball back.

Misers Robinson swallowed and said with a pale face: "In addition to us, there is also a man named Shutroheim who also accepted your assassination mission!"


A name I've never heard of.

Jero stared down at Misers Robinson, "What else? This little information is not enough to buy your life."

His brain was spinning rapidly, and Misers Robinson said dryly: "There is also a certain big shot. It is said that he is very interested in your lives."

Seeing the expressions on Jero, Johnny and others, Misers Robinson quickly swore, "Really, everything I said is true.

Although I don’t know who that big shot is, your bounty has reached a terrifying figure, and many mercenaries and cowboys who feel they have no hope of winning have set their sights on you. "

Rolling his eyes, he added: "Gero Zebelin, respected messenger of the king, there are many people who don't want to see you win the championship, why don't you take me with you, I will definitely be useful!"

Johnny and Mandon Tim looked at Jero at the same time.

Jero was silent for a few seconds and threw the iron ball without saying a word.


Misers Robinson, his soul has passed away.

The Baili attack ended with this.

"Jero, what does 'King's Messenger' mean?" Johnny asked.

Unexpectedly, Jero waved his hand and said, "Johnny, there are some things I won't say, so don't ask."

Mandon Tim blinked and interjected: "Gero Zebelin, if I guess correctly, you are a member of the royal family of the Kingdom of Naples."

Emperor. A member of the royal family? !

Johnny's eyes widened.

Jero pinched his eyebrows speechlessly, "Mr. Cowboy, why do you act like a woman and like to gossip about others?"

Hearing this, Manden Tim touched his nose in embarrassment, "If I offended you, I apologize to you for my behavior.

However, when I was tracking you with Oyegmoba and the others, I saw many times the symbol of the Kingdom of Naples tattooed on the items they carried.

It just so happened that news of the civil strife in the 'Kingdom of Naples' appeared frequently in newspapers not long ago. Based on the words of Oyegmoba and the others, it was inferred that Jello Zebelin, you must be a member of the 'Kingdom of Naples'.

Moreover, the status is respected! "

It has to be said that Mandon Tim is an excellent detective, and he was able to guess Jero's origins from just a few words and fragmentary clues.

Three black lines appeared on Jero's forehead.

Without saying a word, he got off his horse and pulled Johnny off Mandon Tim's horse.

Using his arms, Jero hugged Johnny firmly, "Let's go, we don't play with bitches."

Mandon Tim:.

"Gerro." Johnny looked embarrassed, "Don't be a child and put me down."

As if he couldn't hear him, Jero laid Johnny across the horse's back, pinched the horse's belly, and the two of them walked away.

Manden Tim was dumbfounded.

After a long while, he came back to his senses and smiled helplessly.

He rode his horse and left alone.

the other side.

"Jero, you are so rude." Johnny said weakly, "At least Mandon Tim helped us track down the two killers."

"Yes, that's why I wiped out what he had done before." Jero kept galloping on his horse without looking back.

Seven or eight minutes later, they came to a relatively flat open space.

In the clearing, a bonfire burned.

Jon was roasting a leg of lamb leisurely.

Seeing the two of them, he waved, "What a coincidence, you came back at just the right time."

"Where did the leg of lamb come from?" Jero asked as he lifted Johnny off the horse.

"Don't ask, just ask because I can do anything." Jon looked behind the two of them, "Where is Mandon Tim, is he gone, or was he unfortunately killed in battle?"


Jero seemed a little unhappy.

Johnny, who sat back in the wheelchair, leaned next to his cousin and whispered something.

Jon understood.

Can't help but feel a little funny.

This kind of behavior is indeed very 'Gero Zeppelin'.

"Now, let me tell you, Jon, Jonny, the three of us have known each other for a long time, why don't we each tell a secret." Jero scratched his eyebrows and suddenly suggested.

Jon and Johnny looked at each other.

Nodding slowly, "Okay."

Jero took a deep breath, "I'll go first."

After a pause, he said word by word: "My real name is actually Julius Caesar Zeppelin."

Johnny was stunned for a few seconds, then said: "I have played three P."

Jon continued absentmindedly, "I've done a lot of bad things."

After saying that, Jero and Johnny looked at Jon at the same time.

That probably means

——Is this considered a secret?

Jon laughed a few times and had to change his words: "I have killed many people."

Jero and Johnny's movements remained unchanged.

--That's it? Who doesn’t know that your nicknames are ‘Blood Butcher’ and ‘Devil in Human Skin’!

Jon licked his lips, "Okay, okay, it's not that I can't move due to excessive use of the stand, I just don't want to be bumpy, so I didn't chase Oyegmoba and Misers Robinson with you. Now you guys Are you satisfied?"

Not satisfied.

But, it can barely be considered a secret.

Jero and Jonny let Jon go for the time being.

The second round starts again.

"I come from the Kingdom of Naples and am an executioner."

"Honestly, I think mosquito bites on beautiful women look sour."

"A lot of the time, my actions don't make sense, I just think it's fun."

Round three.

"For a child, I crossed the ocean and came here."

".I killed my brother."

"Compared to horse racing, I prefer horse racing girls. Horse girls' ears are small and soft~"

Jonny \u0026 Jello:? ? ?

Are we abnormal, or are you abnormal?

The more you talk about it, the more outrageous it becomes, right?

never mind.

Ignore this guy.

Jero coughed slightly and then said: "Only by winning and getting a bonus can I save that innocent child, so I want to win first place!"

Johnny clenched his fists, "I don't care about bonuses and reputation at all. I just want to understand the secrets of "ripples" and "whirlpools" as soon as possible, and turn my life from negative to zero! "

Jon crossed his arms and said, "I like not only horse girls but also ship girls. By the way, have you heard of 'Belfast'?"

Jonny and Jello:

We don't understand.

But we feel that your XP is at least a hundred years ahead of its time.

Being interrupted by Jon, the slightly heavy air disappeared.

Jero took off his hat and grabbed his hair hard, "Yeah, once I say it out loud, I still feel shy. I am an executioner by profession."

Johnny raised the corner of his mouth, "Don't worry Jero, cousin Jon and I will do our best to wish you the championship."

Jon waved his hand, "Okay, we are already buddies who have had a tea party. In the next journey, the three of us brothers will work together and we will have a bright future.

Without further ado, let’s get started! "

A steam train dozens of kilometers away.

With a "pop" sound, Stephen Steel dropped the photo in his hand.

On the side, a secretary in a suit and ties reported in an orderly manner: "These are documentary images taken by a hot air balloon 200 meters above the ground. The contestants in "STAGE 2" are roughly divided into two groups.

Among them, a total of about 800 runners crossed the Arizona desert.

However, most of these players chose to abandon the game.

The confirmed death toll has been counted at seventy-seven. "

"Seventy-seven people?" Stephen Steele asked.

"Yes, I think it's because of the "Devil's Palm". The secretary pushed up his glasses and explained, "'Devil's Palm' is the name of the local Pache tribe for that devil's land."

Although it is a location, because the place moves like quicksand, even the Pache tribe cannot be sure where the "Devil's Palm" will appear next.

This time too, the terrain disappeared again about six to seven hours after it appeared. "

Stephen Steele remained silent.

Then, he suddenly smiled, "I heard that "Devil Palm" will actively select people."

The conversation changed.

"By the way, are the first people to pass through the "Devil's Palm" Gerold Zeppelin and Jon Joestar? "

"Yes, although the hot air balloon lost track of them, the first person to cross the "Devil's Palm" was indeed composed of Jello Zeppelin, Jon Joestar and Jonny Joestar. squad.

They are now in the absolute lead in "STAGE 2". "

Steele Stephen pretended to be casual and asked: "Did you notice any abnormalities when Gerald Zebelin and the others passed through the "Devil's Palm"? "

"What do you mean?" the secretary asked confused.

Stephen Steele stood up and said, “For example, ‘mummy’. "


The secretary was getting more and more confused.

Stephen Steele sighed, "Anyway, let's go investigate and see if there are any "mummy" or "zombies" there. "

"As commanded."

The secretary did not dare to disobey Stephen Steele's order and left the carriage full of doubts.

After the secretary left, Stephen Steele straightened his collar and respectfully opened the curtain behind the carriage.

"You did a good job, Steele." Inside the curtain, a fat man with long curly hair leaned back on his chair. "However, there is one thing that needs to be corrected in the conversation just now."

Stephen Steele lowered his head in silence.

"Jero Zeppelin and the others must have obtained part of the "Saint's Remains". Even if you send people to investigate, nothing will be found. "

The curly-haired fat man lit a match and placed it on the delicate pipe.

“The Oyegmoba I sent left such contact information at the relay point.

It is said that he learned from a cowboy named Mandon Tim that Zero Zebelin and Johnny Joestar had obtained magical powers. "

"Mr. President, what do you mean?" Stephen Steele asked.

Known as 'Mr. President', Fanny Valentine smiled coldly.

"Steele, listen carefully, that "body" represents justice. It is a corpse that is more precious than any power and wealth in history. Its priority is far greater than anything else.

I will do whatever it takes to get it!

So unfortunately, Steele, the number of contestants in this competition may be reduced by three. "

--Dividing line--

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(The storm cries.jpg)

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