A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 132 Made In Heaven

Hello everyone.

still me.

Enrique Pucci.

Tell a joke.

I was 'Eula'ed by a nineteen-year-old girl.

Her (stand-in) punch was very hard.

Hit me in the face and it hurt.

But that's not the point.

The point is, when I got knocked off my feet.

Her three dads.


Just three.

To be honest, I don't know why she has three dads.

Back to business.

When I was beaten away, her three fathers also beat me inhumanely.

For a moment, my ears were filled with the sound of ‘Ola Ola’.

Quite magical.

My loyal stand-in "Crescent World ACT2" tried to protect me, but he was also beaten.

During the punches and kicks, I looked at it.

There was an inexplicable feeling of sadness in my heart.

I don't know if it's my imagination.

But I always feel.

Someone changed my script.

never mind.

Say no more.

I'm going to lie down.

It was impossible to die anyway, so before the "new moon" came, I decided to give up thinking.

that's all.

Good night.

The second battlefield.

"We have something to say about this strong man wearing a loincloth."

Jon smiled as he punched Kaz in the face with his fist.

"As the saying goes, there is no obstacle in the world that cannot be overcome. If I didn't sleep with your wife, and if I didn't abduct your daughter, it wouldn't be a life-or-death struggle. Why don't we sit down and have a good chat? I have wine and a story."

As he said that, he flew up and kicked Kaz dozens of meters away. "I wonder what you think?"


Talk about your grandma’s legs!

Kaz remained silent.

In fact, he had already noticed that the other party was not Joseph Joestar.


Pursing his lips, Kaz popped out the brilliant blade on his arm.

"No need to go into details." He said calmly, and a dazzling golden arc suddenly appeared on the surface of his body. "I have the urge to kill you, so you must die."

Take a look.

This is typical unreasonableness.

Jon shook his head and said seriously: "As an adult, er, an adult "ultimate creature", you should restrain your impulse and reward yourself is not advisable. "

I do not understand.

But I know I didn't say anything nice.

Three black lines appeared on Kaz's forehead.

Calm your mind.

He flashed and suddenly rushed in front of Jon!

Jon's pupils shrank sharply, and he caught Kaz's Brilliant Blade with his bare hands.

Seeing this, Kaz's lips curved into a sneer.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Hundreds of blood vessels protruded out like poisonous snakes, all of them piercing Jon's body.

"You were fooled." His tone was extremely calm, as if he was describing the most ordinary little thing.

Jon smiled.

Countless transparent filaments protruded from behind, and they also penetrated into Kaz's body.

"You are the one who was fooled!"


I'll stab you.

Are you going to stab me with your backhand?

Are you the "ultimate creature" or am I the "ultimate creature"?

We don’t talk about basic rules anymore, right?

Kaz is strong.

There is no doubt about this.

However, Jon is not weak either.


He is not alone.

Facing Kaz's complicated eyes, Jon said word by word: "Sir, times have changed."

Take a deep breath.

"Little D, help me!"

As soon as the words fell, a long and thin black shadow appeared out of thin air.

It raised its slender arms, palms facing outward, and its eyes were locked on Kaz without emotion.

Time and space govern, and all things are unified.

This is my stand-in,

——Gate Requiem ACT2!

‘Buzz. ’

‘Space Confinement’ and ‘Time Counterflow’ are all activated.

Kaz watched helplessly as his blood vessels were withdrawn from the other party's body and drilled back into his own body.

But the other party's filaments didn't move at all!

Jon uses Scissorhands on Kazby.

"WIN! WIN! WIN! The victory of this battle belongs to me, Jon Joestar."

"Jon Joestar." Kaz said with difficulty, "Who are you?!"


Jon smiled slightly.

"Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you with great mercy that I am the descendant of the Youbo pattern, a substitute messenger, a vampire killer, a pirate emperor, a gang nemesis, a professional hero, a special instructor of the Demon Slayer Corps, and a traveler in the heavens. The ‘world runner’, Jon Joestar!”

After a pause, he added: "By the way, I am still the most beautiful cub among Joseph Joestar's children."

"Sure enough!" Kaz gritted his teeth.

Don't look at appearances.

Just talking about the problem of gossiping, this kid is definitely inseparable from Joseph Joestar.


If you say yes, then so be it.

I don't care~

At this moment, classmate Little D sent a message.

[Thank you for your hard work, partner. Fortunately, you delayed me. 】

"It's a trivial matter." Jon smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Kaz, who noticed something was wrong, suddenly changed his expression, "What did you do?"

"It's nothing, I'm just lusting after your body." Jon replied matter-of-factly.

Hearing this, Kaz's eyes were splitting, "Despicable human being, you plotted against me!"

"Yeah." Jon nodded, "So, what can you do? Bite me."


Kaz, angry.

The fire of ignorant karma burns.

He unexpectedly broke through the 'space confinement', stretched out his neck like a plesiosaur, opened his mouth full of fangs, and bit Jon's throat in one fell swoop!

Jon's expression remained unchanged, "Have you had enough trouble?"

Kaz refused to give up and launched an attack.

Unexpectedly, he was easily slapped away by Jon.

"You are not Kaz, you are just his phantom." Old God Jon said: "Even if you have the same abilities and the same thoughts, you are not him."

The ‘protagonist’ thing is very mysterious.

Just like Jotaro.

Can the eighteen-year-old Jotaro be the same as the forty-two-year-old Jotaro?

In the same way, the Kaz of "Battle Tide" and the Kaz of "Sea of ​​Stone" must be different.

After all.

"The ultimate creature" is just a remnant of the times.

The environment has been retired in the stand-in version.

‘Each version, one god’

The reality is cruel.

Nothing can be done.

"How dare you scheme against the great Lord Kaz!"

Kaz was still unwilling to give in and wanted to attack again.

Jon saw it, and with a simple tug, he put Kaz, who couldn't resist, into his fourth-dimensional pocket.

Katz (pseudo).


Age unknown.

[Okay, I got something good again. 】

After collecting Kaz's body, Little D looked very happy.

[Wait a minute, I have completely taken away Kaz’s ability. Partner, your physical strength will rise to a new level. 】

Anglers will never be in the air force!

The same is true for Little D’s classmate.

"Ultimate Creature", what a great strengthening material.

It is no less precious than the Boingo-style Godzilla we got not long ago!

"We'll talk about the future later. It's not advisable to be too ambitious." Jon coughed lightly.

After pondering for a moment, he scratched his eyebrows and said, "It doesn't feel real, Kaz, it's unexpected."

He gestured, "Weaker than I thought."

【What? Do you still want to fight him for three thousand rounds with no outcome, and then, under the sunset, the two of them roar with fists of youth and passion, and finally fall to the ground at the same time? 】

Without waiting for Jon to answer.

Classmate Little D continued.

[Partner, to many people, you are already considered a moving natural disaster. If you want to do evil and destroy the world on a whim, most people will not be able to stop you. 】

Jon reacted suddenly.


I am also an "ultimate creature".

That's okay.

My thoughts suddenly became clear.

Jon turned his attention to Jotaro.

Take a closer look.

Good guy.

Father Pucci is flying!

This ‘fly’ literally means ‘fly’.

The three 'Platinum Stars' worked together and knocked Father Pucci thousands of meters into the air.

The wind howled.

Father Pucci, whose nose was bruised and his face was swollen, suddenly opened his eyes with a feeling of bliss.



The big one is coming!

Jon was stunned.

Then it dawned on me.

No wonder Kaz, who was attracted by ‘destiny’, is so weak.

I'm sorry, the real function of Kaz SAMA is not to get rid of him, but to delay time and ensure that Father Pucci goes to "heaven".


Being beaten up.

Also go up.

Completely in line with the trajectory of ‘destiny’.

"It turns out that the "new moon" has already arrived, and you only need to enter the correct "position" to open the door to heaven! "

Father Pucci's injuries improved instantly.

“Sure enough, as ‘destiny’ revealed, Joestar’s bloodline will accompany me to ‘heaven’. "

The skill of speaking.

Every inch of his body was cracked, revealing brilliant and dazzling white light!

Everyone looked solemn.

Jon flashed to Xu Lun's side and patted him on the shoulder, "Axu, how do you feel about this situation?"

"What time has it been, can you be more serious!" Xu Lun was angry and angry, "Didn't you say that you would be the one to ascend to "heaven"? "

After saying that, everyone's eyes focused on Jon.

Jon shrugged, "Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while."

Everyone:? ? ?

Jotaro, who pretends to be a student, is the person who knows Jon best.

After glancing at Jon's expression, he felt confident and raised his hand to press the brim of his hat, "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"Jon, if you have any trump card, use it now." Giorno's eyes were solemn, "Please!"

Being able to make Rong Rong use honorifics shows his mood at this time.

However, Jon waved his hand, "It's not time yet."

Since I want to be the Riddler.

Then we must implement it to the end.

Look up at the sky.

The corner of his mouth raised a relaxed arc.

"Uh hahahahaha, hahahahaha!"

Above the sky, Father Pucci, whose eyes were filled with light, kept laughing wildly.

He has completed his transformation.

His stand-in, 'Crescent World ACT2', also completed his transformation.


The hand holding the reins poked out from the old body.

The next second.

A pure white stand-in appeared in front of Father Pucci.

Just what he dreamed of

——‘Made In Heaven’!

"I have become a god!"

Open your arms.

Father Pucci looked down at everyone.

The electric eyes are compelling!

A huge sense of oppression fell like a mountain.

Both Jotaro and Giorno felt the fear called "despair" in Father Pucci who ascended to "Heaven".

Jon smiled while stroking his hands.


Mr. Father.

You did well!

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Jotaro, pretending to be a student, pushed Jon, "Pranks should be done in moderation."

Jon blinked.

Jotaro, pretending to be a student, said, "Whenever you show that wicked expression, it means someone is going to be in trouble."

Jon was noncommittal.

Taking a step forward, he seemed to be mumbling to himself, or deliberately telling everyone, "Obedience to 'fate' is to change 'fate'; giving hope to the enemy is to make the enemy despair."

I am the one who truly ascends to "heaven".

Jon Joestar!

Reach the sky in one step.

Jon came across from Father Pucci.

Father Pucci opened his arms, "It's too late, Jon Joestar, you have no chance!"

"Oh?" Jon stared at Father Pucci with a half-smile and asked, "Aren't you curious why the content of "DIO Diary" is so absurd?"

Upon hearing this, Father Pucci's expression suddenly froze, "You"

"Haha." Jon took another step forward, closing the distance between the two parties, "Because except for the fourteen "code words" in the diary, I made up the rest. "

"What?" Father Pucci panicked, "This is impossible!"

Immediately, he calmed down and said, "You are talking nonsense, which is an unforgivable crime! You rude person, I will order you to retreat by God's decree!"

Following his words, 'Made in Heaven' flew out and rushed straight towards Jon.

Jon stretched out his hand.

Take advantage of the situation and hold ‘Made in Heaven’ in your arms.

Father Pucci was dumbfounded.



Wait a moment.



that is.

My stand-in.


(Language system disorder)

Father Pucci stared blankly at the well-behaved 'pony' in Jon's arms, his mind going blank.


The numbness cannot be numb anymore.

It feels like working so hard, even selling blood and kidneys to raise a daughter, that in the end, she is no longer her biological child.

Father Pucci opened his mouth, too stunned to speak.

Jon touched the head of 'Made in Heaven' and said, "Thank you for taking care of my substitute for so long."

After saying that, little classmate D appeared behind him and wrapped countless transparent filaments around the 'Made in Heaven'.

‘Made in Heaven’ didn’t resist, and even showed joy.

Father Pucci watched all this in despair.

My heart felt like a mess.


Why on earth!

Jon seemed to see through the other person's mind and explained: "As early as when you took Jotaro's memory DISC, you were already attacked by my substitute.

After that, I found the "green baby" one step ahead of you and gained the qualification to ascend to "heaven".

In other words, ‘Crescent World ACT2’ is actually my stand-in, but I lent it to you temporarily.

The stronger your power is, the stronger my power is, so I can activate the 'time countercurrent' that affects the entire world.

Of course, 'Made in Heaven', which evolved from 'Crescent World ACT2', is also my stand-in.

To be more precise, part of my stand-in. "

The more he listened, the uglier Father Pucci’s face became.

What a precise layout.

What a vicious thought.

Jon Joestar.

Your "evil" is outrageous!

"I'm sorry, Father, I stole your 'destiny'."

He said 'I'm sorry', but there was no trace of shame on Jon's face.

After briefly explaining the ins and outs, Little D also successfully recovered ‘Made in Heaven’.

All of a sudden.

Jon's momentum continued to rise under Father Pucci's gaze.

Golden light bursts out every inch.

He smiled and led his stand-in "Gate. Requiem ACT3. Beyond Heaven" to the sky.

"Don't blink, time is starting to speed up."

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