A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 131 Time Stop + Time Stop + Time Stop

Hello everyone.

My name is Enrique Pucci.

I'm panicking now.

Taking a deep breath, Father Pucci whispered to himself: "Relax, it's no big deal, 'fate' is taking care of me."

Looked up.

Look at the two familiar figures opposite.


Sure enough, I was still panicking.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

Jotaro, dressed as a student, raised his hand and lowered the brim of his hat, giving Jon a rare look of approval.

Play DIO?

That has to be me.

His head was smashed!

Some things don't need to be explained. The student pretended to be Jotaro and summoned the 'True Platinum Gorilla', his body burning with golden arrogance.

White-clad Jotaro follows suit.

A sense of oppression came towards him, making Father Pucci's eyelids jump.

It’s so outrageous. My mother opened the door for me. It’s so outrageous!

Three Jotaro.

Are you kidding me?

Not much to say, let’s get straight to work.

Jotaro, dressed as a student, pointed forward, "Platinum Star.THEWORLD!"

‘Buzz. ’

Time stands still.

The 'Platinum Star' flies up and hits continuously.

Father Pucci came back to his senses and hid behind the 'Crescent World ACT2'.

At this moment, Jon volleyed and kicked Father Pucci in the chest with lightning speed.

"Ye Kai!"

Of course, ‘Ye Kai’ was just shouted casually for fun.

However, Jon's physical body has been superimposed with multiple BUFFs, and the power it has exploded has already surpassed the 'Eight Gate Dunjia'.

One kick, smashing Father Pucci's bones into pieces!

It’s not over yet.

After adjusting his body shape, he clasped his hands together and said, "Look at the move, all things will be guided by heaven!"

'call out! ’ “Boom!” “Boom!”

Dozens of meteorites the size of millstones fell from the sky.

Father Pucci, who had just repaired his injury, had no time to dodge and was directly smashed into a pulp by the meteorite!

That scene.

Highlight a ferocity.

The main body was beaten wildly, and ‘Crescent World ACT2’ also felt uncomfortable.

Although ‘Platinum Star’ is not its opponent.

But there are so many people who can’t stand it.

Two fists are no match for four hands.

It's even harder to beat Six Hands.

Three 'Platinum Stars' surrounded it and greeted it with their fists as if they wanted no money.

Not only that, in the field of "time stop", "Crescent World ACT2" also suffered a big loss.

Five seconds + five seconds + five seconds.

A full fifteen seconds of 'time stop'.

Except for the first nine seconds, where it can symbolically resist, the remaining six seconds are pure sandbags.


Want to cry.

Turning around with difficulty, he took a look at the main body.


The original body is even worse than me.

That's okay.

Fifteen seconds flew by.

The scarred ‘Crescent World ACT2’ took the initiative to escape from the battlefield.

Close combat?

It’s 2011, who is still engaging in close combat?

A gentleman speaks but does not use his hands.

It’s useless to say more, eat my ‘cosmic rays’!

As a self-aware long-distance automatic tracking avatar, ‘Crescent World ACT2’ has a high combat IQ.

The close combat was suppressed, and it changed its attack mode without hesitation.

In an instant, solar radiation poured down.

The three Jotaro couldn't help but narrow their eyes, secretly thinking something was wrong.

Suddenly, Little D stretched out the transparent filaments behind his back and constructed a 'portal' that could cover the entire battlefield.

the other side.

Jon made a stroke with one hand.

The second 'portal' appeared in front of Father Pucci.

Activate the magic card, the magic reflector!

Spaces are connected.

The unparalleled power of the sun swallowed up everything in front of it.

Father Pucci.


He died at the age of thirty-nine.



As a core disciple of the 'Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Sect', how could Father Pucci die so easily?

The wind blows and the molecules in the air reunite.

Enrique Pucci.

Perfect resurrection!

However, his face looked very ugly.

Or rather ugly and scary.

"You bastards." Father Pucci gritted his teeth, "How dare you do anything with God?"

Before the word 'enemy' could be uttered, the attacks from Giorno and 'Golden Experience Requiem' arrived.


Although Rong Rong, who had died once, looked unrecognizable on the outside, he was still holding his breath in his heart.

damn it.

Give! Lord! die!

Just talk about filial piety.

Giorno is definitely T0 level.

Seeing this scene, Jon was moved to tears.

Okay, RongRong, you did a good job!

Touched and moved.

But Qiao's movements were not slow, even a few points faster than the 'Golden Experience Requiem'.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!"

"Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing!"

The fists and kicks were exchanged, and the momentum was terrifying.

Father Pucci and ‘Crescent World ACT2’ are like a boat in the storm.


Shake it.

Shaking and swaying, eyes gradually lose color

‘Crack. ’

No one found out.

Just when Father Pucci was beaten to the point of doubting his life by Jon and Giorno, one of the summoned meteorites was slightly broken.

The next second.

A pair of eyes suddenly opened!


Stone chips are flying everywhere!

Above the sky, Jon stopped as if feeling something.

Swipe down.

I go!

real or fake?

I just brushed up my proficiency in the 'Meteor Summoning Technique'. Can I still summon this thing? !


The "ultimate creature" who once gave up thinking.

Officially back to Earth!

Not only Jon, Father Pucci also noticed something unusual on the ground.

In the dark, a spiritual light flashed across my heart.

He realized.

"Hahahahaha, 'destiny' always favors me. It's great, it's really great!"

When you can't beat it, cheat.

When you can't beat even cheaters.

‘Destiny’’s own mother will send another hook.

Father Pucci was ecstatic.

It felt like I was playing with the beautiful little bun on a whim.

Delightful from the inside out.

"here it is?"

Kaz raised his head in confusion and saw several figures in the sky.

After pondering for a moment, his arms turned into wings, and he flew to Father Pucci in the blink of an eye.

"Who are you?" He said with a haughty look, "Smell carefully, you have a good smell."


The legendary ‘Man of Pillars’.

Feeds on vampires.

Father Pucci pretended to be calm and said: "It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that we have the same enemy."

Same enemy?

Kaz tilted his head.

My eyes suddenly straightened.

"Joseph Joestar!" He stared at Jon and roared with a distorted face: "How dare you scheme against the great Lord Kaz!"

Jon believed that he looked exactly like his father Joseph when he was young.

But there is one thing to say, in terms of temperament, am I not much more stable than that unreliable old thing?

Jon spread his hands.

He finally understood.

The appearance of Kaz is purely the result of forcibly patched by 'fate'.

The purpose is to fix this BUG that shouldn't have appeared in the first place!


Jon chuckled to himself.

Do you really think that the "ultimate creature" can stop me, Joe?


In a sense, I am also an "ultimate creature".

Am I proud?


With a sharp look in his eyes, Jon hooked his fingers at Kaz, "Stop talking nonsense and come here."

"I am going to kill you!"

Just as Jon expected.

As if Kaz couldn't see anyone else, he rushed towards his 'mortal enemy' like crazy.

The two immediately started fighting.

Seeing this, Father Pucci breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, although Giorno and the three Jotaro were also difficult to deal with, the pressure they brought to him was far less than that of Jon Joestar.

it's good now.

The nuisance has disappeared.

He can stand up again!

"Uh-huh, Jotaro, it's not a good feeling to go from being full of hope to falling into despair." Father Pucci said calmly, "Next, I will show you what the real 'hell' is."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jotaro, pretending to be a student, cursed, "Yakamashi!"

Father Pucci was speechless.

Ah this

Your strongest DPS, Jon Joestar, has been forced offline.

Why aren't you afraid?

If Jotaro (youth version) heard Father Pucci's inner activities, he would definitely laugh out loud.


I'm afraid you'll die too quickly!

When I hit others, I am not submissive.

When fighting DIO, I hit hard.

Same ability.

Different fighting power.

The real God of War of the Qiao family must be me, a pink and tender nineteen-year-old quasi-college student!


There is so much nonsense with the enemy.

Just hit and that's it.

The student pretends to be Jotaro as the main C, and the other two Jotaro and Giorno consciously act as assistants.

The four of them attacked Father Pucci.

Father Pucci didn’t dare to pick up the fight, so he turned around and ran away with ‘Crescent World ACT2’.

Slipping away.

I'm afraid of you fools.

No matter how much I beat, I won't get any good juice.

Anyway, it's still some time before the "new moon" arrives, so I'll let you go for now.

Not a bad idea.

However, conditions do not allow it.

"Platinum Star.THEWORLD!"

This is the first time that Father Pucci and ‘Crescent World ACT2’ can move freely.

"Platinum Star.THEWORLD!"

This was the second time the time stopped. Father Pucci and ‘Crescent World ACT2’ froze in action.

"Platinum Star.THEWORLD!"

This was the third time the time stopped, and Father Pucci and ‘Crescent World ACT2’ began to be beaten again.

‘Time Stop’ superposition.

Isn’t this a rogue act?

Father Pucci was filled with grief and anger.

Obviously I used 'time stop' first.

Why are you more skilled than me?


Enrique Pucci.

What a miserable man.

There were punches and kicks, and the scene was chaotic.

The fighting was quite fierce.

It can be summarized simply as

——Jotaro fights Jotaro. After Jotaro fights, Jotaro fights. Jotaro fights Jotaro. After Jotaro fights, Giorno fights.

Amidst the sounds of 'Eula' and 'Wuhan', Father Pucci gently closed his eyes.

Fight, can't beat.

If you resist, you will be beaten even more severely.


I'm going to show off now!

let's hit.

You can't kill me anyway.

If you have the ability, keep fighting.

Let's see who will be beaten to death by you first, or you will die of exhaustion first!

Such behavior is very un-DIO.

After all.

Even if his thoughts are the same as those of DIO, Father Pucci, who has the personality of DIO, is just two very similar flowers.

The three Jotaro felt bored for a while.

Hob while being beaten.

There's really nothing they can do.



Movement will be slow.

After a pause in the offensive, Father Pucci found an opportunity and used "gravity" to escape from the encirclement.

Rolling his eyes, he locked in a certain direction and shouted, "Crescent World ACT2, THEWORLD!"

‘Buzz. ’

Everything in the world is frozen.

"You were fooled, Jotaro, this was exactly my plan!"

Father Pucci laughed wildly and rushed towards Xu Lun in the distance with all his strength.

Can't beat you.

I'll take it out on your daughter!

The guy who can 'reverse time' has been forcibly banned by 'fate'.

Your daughter has become your weakness again.

Just a pity.

No throwing knife at hand


Jotaro and the others suddenly became alert.

Father Pucci grinned, showing two fangs, "Taste the feeling of despair!"

The moment time resumed flowing, two high-voltage rays were shot out.

It is the unique ability of vampires, ‘Eye-slits and Shock’!

Things took a turn for the worse.

Jotaro and the others didn't have time to think about it.

"Platinum Star.THEWORLD!"

Time stops.

Father Pucci smiled disapprovingly.

No bets, no bets.

"Mobility" is your fatal flaw.

Even if it is delayed for a while, what is the use?

He folded his arms across his chest, raising a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Five seconds flew by.


Another 'time stop'.

"Platinum Star·THEWORLD!"

‘Buzz. ’

Time stands still again.


The high-voltage ray is less than half a meter away from Xu Lun!

Five seconds passed again.

The third ‘time stop’.

"Platinum Star·THEWORLD!"

Three ‘time stops’.

Fifteen seconds in total.

It was enough for the Jotaros to rush to Father Pucci.

However, the 'empty cracking eyes and stinging shock' will penetrate Xu Lun's chest.

Father Pucci smiled as he regained his sight.

Laughing wantonly and wildly.

"Uh-huh, Jotaro, you didn't get to see it last time. This time, just appreciate your daughter's death."

Jotaro and the others were silent and lowered the brim of their hats in unison.

Surprisingly, they did not take action against Father Pucci, but spoke one after another.

"I trust Xu Lun as much as I trust myself."

"You underestimate the descendants of the Joestar family."

"Three stops, each with an interval of 0.1 seconds, just for now."

The words fall.

The three of them said in unison: "Time resumes its flow!"

‘Time Stop’ ends.

High-voltage rays shot into Xu Lun's chest.

However, Father Pucci's eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost.

In his sight, Xu Lun decomposed his body into threads.

The high-voltage ray passed through her body and flew straight back.

"Father Pucci!" Xu Lun clenched his right fist, "Don't underestimate me!"

0.3 seconds.

It was enough for her to realize what was happening.

She is the daughter of the God of War.


She is also a descendant of the Joestar family, with the purest Joestar blood flowing in her body!

"Freedom of Stone!"

Xu Lun roared and summoned a substitute, and the threads were compressed and wound in a specific way.

She stared at Father Pucci with an incredulous expression, and the gentle smile of a red-haired young man flashed before her eyes.

"Remember, Xu Lun, stand-ins like us who use "thread" must be flexible when fighting. Your 'Freedom of Stone' has limited extendibility, so why not think differently, um, have you carefully observed the spring? "

"Teacher Kakyoin, please watch carefully." Xu Lun took a deep breath, "Come on, Father Pucci!"

Euler, Euler, Euler, Euler!

‘Freedom of Stone’ hits like crazy.

Father Pucci was momentarily unaware.

Swept by a boxing storm.

It flew out like a rag bag.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

The Jotaros showed a rare smile.

Five seconds for a father.

It's indeed too short.

But, fifteen seconds made a difference.

Xu Lun.

Well done!

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