A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 511 Sweep away the insects

"These days when the sky and the earth are in eternal darkness are the time when heroes emerge in large numbers, and I, Shui Changdong, should be the king and unify the red sky."

Yun Ye smiled faintly, his aura fully open, full of convincing confidence, "The faster the red sky is unified, the faster the world will restore peace. For this reason, I can allow local autonomy and reduce meaningless battles. Whether it is tomorrow's road Ruler Dao or anything else, as long as it doesn’t violate the regulations of Xintian, I can allow it.”

"You should understand how superior these options are. This is exactly what the strong give to the weak. It should only be enjoyed by equal beings."

The four of them were silent and speechless.

Under normal circumstances, the strong person chooses to give up his interests, naturally because the other party has the power to defend his interests and avoid his own losses.

But what about the young man in front of me?

One person conquered the tree city. In this area full of dangers and countless barriers, it was like entering an uninhabited land. A total of nine extremely spiritual and profound practitioners were defeated without even seeing anyone. They were completely unable to move and were not even qualified to speak. They all want charity from the other party.

In this case, they were allowed to govern themselves because they were being given alms!

Because the other party recognized Tomorrow's way.

He was the Holy King who acted to restore peace to the Red Sky Realm, so he was only lenient!

"Forgive me for asking one more question... Your Majesty unified the red sky in order to eliminate the evil disaster and bring the world back to light? Even the emperor fell under the power of the world god?"

Asked the man who was originally surrounded by a golden light that could not be concealed, but because of the arrival of Yunye, all the visions disappeared.

His name is Bai Jiyuan, he wears a shawl, has a masculine face, and has a very grand attitude and behavior. When trying to persuade Ao Lao Shang, he only had the words "Old Shang, calm down" and was not very willing to speak.

Bai Jiyuan used the custom here in Yunye to address him as "Your Majesty" and asked a question in his mind without being rude at all.


"The God of the World was brought by the Tao of Tomorrow, and since I inherited the power of Tao of Tomorrow, I naturally have to pay for this disaster. - You should know her."

Yun Ye said lightly, and with a wave of his hand, a Dao sword surrounded by the universe appeared, with ribbons of water and fire flying, it was too shining.

Immediately afterwards, the red-clothed figure walked out of the flames. That familiar figure was not a beauty that humans could tolerate, and it was impossible to forget it even after growing up.

"Tomorrow's Taoist spirit!"

"It turns out to be the Tomorrow Cutting Quan Dao Sword!"

The expressions of the four profound realms changed on the spot, and they cried out in horror. How could they not recognize him?

This is the original Taoist weapon that has been lost on the Tentacle of the World God for more than a hundred years and cannot be retrieved at all, the Tomorrow Cutting Power Taoist Sword...

"Your Majesty the Water King, could it be that you are the one who has fought against the World God in the past ten years?"

Bai Jiyuan and the three people's eyes were filled with shock.

They completely understood Yun Ye's self-confidence. They knew it all too well after ten years of fighting. It was a power that shook the world!

The man in front of him could destroy even the gods of the world. Even if it was just a tentacle, he still had invincible power. He indeed had the possibility of unifying the red sky.

As long as we gather the echoes of one realm after reunification, forge the most powerful Taoist weapon, and cooperate with its invincible power, we might not be able to fight against the true form of the World God!

The four of them were shocked and unable to calm down. The reason why they followed Tian Jialun was because they did not approve of the practice of massacring countless mortals to attract the world gods.

Now, perhaps there is a way to make amends for this heinous crime...

"I agree, Changdong also recognizes the Tao of Tomorrow, but it's just an extraordinary world and cannot practice the ordinary Tao. If you become a Tao tomorrow, everyone in the Red Sky World will be enemies. Choices are necessary, and it's not a bad idea to settle the account after success."

Tomorrow opened his mouth and passed the new heaven regulations to the four people.

Its content made them silent for a long time.

The Xintian Dynasty did make a choice and allowed the existence of the ruling path, but it did not give up some of the most basic things, and they could still accept it.

Moreover, even the spirit of the original Taoist weapon spoke, and the credibility was extremely high. The four people's eyes stayed on the universe where the Taoist weapon was entangled...

This universe is vast, like a chain, suppressing the Dao artifacts layer by layer, and even the Dao domain cannot expand.

Everyone was thinking.

Is this approved by the Tomorrow Dao Spirit, or is he using his own power to forcefully use the Tomorrow Zhanquan Dao Sword?

Although this is impossible according to common sense, the World God itself is transformed by the rules, and even its tentacles are immortal. Back then, Jie Guang used the Tomorrow Zhanquan Dao Sword to seal the World God's tentacles and reduce the scope of its rule interference, and was directly killed by the backlash. , but the man in front of me can erase it...

This cannot be done without equal power. In other words, this person has the power of rules that surpasses tomorrow's Taoist tools.

at last.

Everyone still couldn't reject the origin of their own path. With their strength, it was pointless to care about all kinds of doubts, so they could only agree.

Bai Jiyuan handed over his hand: "Greetings to His Majesty the Water King, we are willing to accept the canonization and contribute to the unification of the Red Sky! But before that, please His Majesty to rescue our chief, Tian Jialun! He was imprisoned underground by the thieves and became a hostage. , has been threatening us until now..."

"Most of the power of the Taoist tools in our tomorrow's meeting belongs to the chief. One person is enough to determine the survival of Shucheng. The thieves don't know what method they used to neutralize the power of the chief's Taoist tools, and finally hijacked the chief. This This has led to the current situation. If Chief Tian Jialun returns, the other half of the underworld will be able to accept His Majesty's proposal more quickly. "


Yun Ye nodded, and the five people present were hazy, crossing dimensions, passing through numerous barriers, and arrived underground in an instant.

Su Xinshan opened her eyes suddenly.

Showing surprise.

Five people appeared out of thin air in the originally closed space. Her eyes immediately shone with divine light, and she wanted to suppress the five people who appeared, but the action was too difficult.

Even opening her eyes was extremely difficult, as if she had encountered a nightmare in her sleep. Everything was hazy and she couldn't see the world clearly no matter how hard she struggled.

"Are you the root of the problem in Shucheng? Su Xinshan, the remnant of Yuntian, so that's how it is. It was such a coincidence that you met Feng Xian, and it was such a coincidence that you were coveted by Feng Xian. Feng Xian, huh..."

While Su Xinshan was shocked, she suddenly saw a hand passing through her chest and suddenly pulling out something.

That was the soul!

The soul of a rotten old man struggling frantically, very ugly, exuding a foul smell!

"Insect, I can smell your stench from eight hundred miles away. It's really a thief who is old and immortal. You actually forcibly extended your life for four thousand years! You can even steal your life span!"

Yun Ye's eyes glowed, reading this rotten soul, a destructive reading without any courtesy.

"Ahhhhhhh...let me go, I can give you all my knowledge, power and wealth. I can teach a cultivator from a small sect to become a real person. I am valuable, let me go...don't kill me, stop, stop!" The soul of the rotten old man screamed and begged for mercy, without any persistence and self. This is also natural. He has lived for four thousand years and has long been demonized. Although he is still called "Feng Ci", he is completely different from the founder of the Feng Dynasty!

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