A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 510 Surrender or die

Yun Ye ignored everyone's gazes, gathered his seat and sat down, his eyes scanning the nine profound realms present.

Are there enough five people to rule the way?

This is not the East King City, but the inside of the Tomorrow Society. If Su Xinshan and others are incited to rebel even though they are knowingly guilty, there is only one way to die.

"I am the king of the New Heaven Kingdom, Shui Changdong. You can call me the Water King, or the New Lord. As for why you invaded Shucheng..."

"Everyone, as a king who comes to an uncivilized land, he naturally wants to regain his territory. I don't know if you have heard of this."

"There is nothing in the world but the land of the king."

"On the shore of the land, could it be the king's ministers?"

Flames bloomed on Yun Ye's fingertips, "I give you two choices, surrender, or die."

Surrender or die!

The nine senior executives looked ugly.

They knew very well that the young man in front of them was not joking.

There is no doubt about the strength of this young man, as evidenced by the fact that none of them have been able to break free until now. This is an overwhelming strength gap.

In these short seconds, they had tried many methods, but with little success.

The Xuan Realm is controlled, which means that in addition to the body in the material world, even the self Xuantian has been breached, which is impossible without crushing power.

After many fruitless attempts, they understood that this was not an opponent they could defeat. Even if the young man in front of them barely showed any aura, the fact would not change.

However, are they going to surrender their hundreds of years of foundation and surrender to this person?

Not willing to give in!

No one is willing to accept it!

"The Kingdom of the New Heaven, when did this appear!"

"How confident is the ruler of the country that he takes the initiative to penetrate deeply into the enemy's lines?"

The nine people had countless thoughts.

After the Kingdom of Tomorrow was destroyed, they encountered such an irresistible disaster again. Why would the leader of a country take action personally?

They couldn't understand.

To a certain extent, intelligence among monks is also crucial. Even if they are extremely strong, they may still overturn when encountering restraint.

The leader of a country obviously has a large number of subordinates at his disposal. After finding out all this information, why did he take action forcefully as soon as he came up?

A person who does this kind of thing cannot even be a general!

Why did they meet this kind of king, and why the other party was so powerful that he crushed all the achievements of the Tomorrow Society today!


"Stop, stop, I am willing to surrender!!!"

At the moment of hesitation, the five figures suddenly screamed, their bodies spontaneously combusted, huge energy surged out, and in the blink of an eye they were reduced to ashes.

His Xuantian was also quietly swallowed up by the Tianqian Universe.

There are spiritual methods such as cultivation devouring, but it is difficult to say that it is as omnipotent as Tiangan Universe.

After swallowing the Five Great Self Xuantian, Yun Ye only had a small meal, and his cultivation level increased a little. In fact, the change was not obvious.

When we looked at the remaining four senior officials, these four people were heartbroken. They watched their colleagues die tragically, and they were filled with anger and fear. The old man in white at the head said angrily: "We haven't given an answer yet, why did we take action? There is no promise at all." If you want to scare us with this, then you are wrong. I am not afraid of death, so come and kill me if you can!"

"Old Shang, calm down."

"Yes, Old Shang, you don't think about yourself, you also have to consider other people. The current situation in Shucheng is difficult enough. Do you really want to accept complete failure?!"

"There is no need to worry about having no firewood to keep the green hills alive. Let's listen to what he said first. As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, we should fight for it. We cannot let Tomorrow Road be buried like this."

The three people around him spoke to stop him, and now the situation is stronger than the others.

"I've endured it for so many years. I've done everything I need to do. You still want me to give in. There's no need! Just continue. Just let my head be placed on the city wall. Let's end it as soon as possible!"

Ao Laoshang's whole body was burning with strength, he raised his head forcibly, and said coldly to Yun Ye, "If you want me to surrender, then come. Only death can make me stop resisting!"

The three people around him were shocked and couldn't help but smile bitterly. As expected of Mr. Ao, he seemed to have reached the limit of his endurance.

Things were getting irreversible. The hesitation in the eyes of the three people had to dissipate, and with their strength burning, they said: "It seems that we are not blessed to witness the new world. Sure enough, there should be no cowards in the way of tomorrow."

All four of them expressed their will and died without regrets.

Yun Ye stared at the four people.

He knew that the reason why these four people made this decision was because they had little hope, and there was no need to live in an ignoble way. Except for Ao Laoshang, the other three people wanted to try their best to save Shucheng.

They refused directly. The tree city that lost its top combat power would collapse immediately, and the story of Tomorrow's Society would end here. This ending was far beyond their tolerance. Even if they had to survive, they still wanted to preserve the last inheritance. .

But Ao Laoshang was so incompetent that they had no way out unless they drew a clear line on the spot and dedicated Ao Laoshang's head to the new master.


According to the consistent practice of ruling the Tao, all four of them must be killed or turned into slaves and never be able to stand up again.

Naturally, they are unwilling to do this. Even if they bear the humiliation, it is too difficult.

In the silent silence, a flash of relief flashed in Ao Laoshang's heart, but what followed immediately was the abyss-like fear of death.

At some point, the black-haired young man had put his hand on his shoulder. The moment the black-haired young man touched him, he suddenly felt the terrifying energy, as if the sun was born and the heaven and earth were opened. The despair-level gap completely awakened the fear at the bottom of his soul, and he almost collapsed on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the black-haired young man spoke, and he said calmly: "Yes, I recognize you in terms of will. Maybe I didn't explain it. I'm talking to you because Tomorrow Dao has the same philosophy as me and is kind to you." Me, so even if my power is completely superior to yours, I will still give you a choice..."

Did you hear that right?

This man recognizes Ming Ming Dao, and Ming Ming Dao is kind to him?

Ao Laoshang's soul, which was about to collapse, was awakened. He showed a clear look and began to pant crazily, not for his body, but for his soul.

It's terrible. This is an unprecedented fear. It is not transferred by personal will. It is pure personal suppression!

The man in front of him is equal to the world. What a majestic existence he is. Just a brief contact almost annihilated him!

The other three people did not realize this kind of despair, but they were also frightened by Yun Ye who suddenly appeared in front of them. This was so sudden that they did not notice it at all.

What's more, this man actually said that he recognized Tomorrow Way?

When will the Tao of Tomorrow be able to influence monks at this level?

All four of them were shocked.

"I've already smelled an unbearable stench from the moment I came in. How can I do anything good with these five insects?"

"I allow these insects to die and let them fly into ashes. It is a mercy on my part."

"At the same time, I also allow you to surrender and become the founder of the new heaven. This is no joke. The world is waiting for my arrival."

Yun Ye stretched out his right hand and made a fist.

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