A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 315 The power of red clothes, the power of cloud night

With the defeat of Sui Jianyong and Wen Shu, the methods of others also followed.

"Autumn water is in the heart, and the appearance is astonishing."

The transparent water curtain covered all sides, and some kind of change happened quietly.

This is Fang Heying's method.

"Illusion? Strange... I will be confused by illusion?"

Hongyi's movements froze for a moment, but he soon broke free.

But this fleeting moment is easy for Dharma Realm monks to capture.

"Well done, as expected of the Fang family!"

"Take advantage of the void for seven turns!"

Longxu took over Fang Heying's control, and the invisible magic spread in the space, as if countless ink were splashed down, clinging to Hongyi.

The outer layer of the red wedding dress is very bright, bright red, but Yunxu's magical power can corrode it and dye it with bits of black.

This is obviously not just a matter of color, but also represents control.

Everyone noticed it, and the bloody world in front of them began to recede, becoming a little clearer again.

Hazyxu’s divine method works!

"Get away!"

Hong Yi felt that she had been tainted, and her smile turned miserable. At the same time, Ming Wedding Yi's power doubled immediately.


Something similar to a mysterious method was activated, and the monks present were randomly selected as targets.

Feng Gongxiao's expression was dejected, and he took a step back. His body began to turn white from the soles of his feet, and quickly rushed to his face. This process was so fast that there was no room for reversal.

He was dead, and even if he turned on his innate spiritual field and tried his best, he could not stop the curse of Ming Wedding Clothes that would kill him.

When a person's divine magic connection is disconnected, everyone naturally knows what is going on, but no one has time to care about it. They must kill Hong Yi with a killing move, otherwise they will all die.

"My divine magic cannot bypass Ming Wedding Clothes and can only weaken its power. However, if she is not defeated as soon as possible, the effect of the divine magic will be expelled soon!"

Hazy and secluded way.

Although divine magic monks are not like spiritual magic monks, using spiritual magic will consume their vitality, but the price is that divine magic monks have very poor battery life, and it is almost impossible to restore their spiritual thoughts in battle.

With the demon in troubled times as his target, he can only intervene for a short time. If the intervention is over and the opponent cannot be killed, everyone will have no choice but to die together.

"Master Xiangfeng, are you sure? With me here, your attack will never fail!"

The hollow spiritual thoughts came in an instant.

Now they are still in the big formation, and the space magic can be used at will.

"You can give it a try. I really want to fight Jueshi, and I just want to find it now..."

"Magic magic is indeed very important, don't you think so, Hongyi?"

Yun Ye didn't know when he had grabbed Hong Yi's arm.

"A spiritual realm actually transferred in space in front of me?"

Hongyi's pupils shrank. As a former peerless person in the spiritual realm, her strength naturally made a leap after she advanced to the legal realm.

The most significant one is the qualitative change of her physical body. Whether it is reaction ability or various functions, she has completely exploded in the spiritual realm. She has reached the point where she can kill her "spiritual self" at will. After advancing to the legal realm, she has been practicing for many years, and her strength is Jump again.

At this time, a spiritual realm captured her through space transfer?

Is this reasonable?

She knew exactly how far behind her spiritual realm was on the life level. Why did such a strange thing happen?

Even if it was a space transfer, it was impossible for the mere spiritual realm to keep up with her movements. The moment he appeared, she should have beheaded him!

Why did she find the other party only after she was caught?

With confusion, Hong Yi shook her hands violently - in the state of being possessed by Ming Wedding Clothes, her own life force will be continuously drained, but at the same time, she will also gain the ability to drain life force, as well as outrageous power.

How outrageous is that, even if you are a practitioner of the Mysterious Realm, you can't beat her in terms of pure strength. You will be suppressed by her with your bare hands. Only by using the physical method can you reverse it - based on this, Ming Wedding Clothes is not a Dharma Realm. If she can resist, she can blow it up with a single blow.

Then, something even weirder happened. Her arm didn't move at all.

Instead, an irresistible force suddenly erupted.


The bones creaked, and severe pain began to spread.

This spiritual realm was protected by the wedding dress, and it hurt her?

The thought just crossed my mind.

The sense of fatal danger suddenly broke out, and Hongyi could no longer remain calm. She knew very well that if she didn't do something, she might die!

She activated her secret technique in an instant, and rich blood seeped out from the wedding dress, as if it had just experienced a bloody massacre, so it was drenched with blood.

And this moment.

Yun Ye waved his fist, gathered the spiritual energy that he had drawn frantically, and carried it out with his own subtle power.

He always kills with his first move——

Second choice!

Damn it!

Cover it with strength! ! !


Blood spilled to the sky.

Hongyi felt as if she had been hit by a meteorite, and an irresistible force suddenly burst out from her chest, knocking her directly into the sky.

The blood from the red wedding dress became a buffer, and it was all scattered in this punch, turning into a rain of blood all over the sky.

Every drop of blood fell into a bottomless pit, and the ground was corroded into a honeycomb.

"... The troubled times are so outrageous. When it comes to destroying the country, do you plan to collapse a hundred miles with one drop of blood pressure?"

Yun Ye also saw white bones in his fist, corroded by blood, so he was very unhappy.

The second day's will is a true immortal method that can transform spiritual energy into life force without any hindrance. The blow just now should have exploded with power far beyond his peak.

As a result, he only broke a few bones of the opponent?

This thought was captured by the divine link.


Longxu and the others were all silent.

Actually, he only broke a few bones of the opponent?

Are they too conservative?

The demons in the chaotic world represent the power beyond the general mysterious realm. They can break through the defense and break a few bones of the opponent under the protection of the chaotic world...

How outrageous this is, there is no need to elaborate, right?

"It's incomprehensible... What on earth are you?"

Hongyi stopped flying backwards, but in front of her was Yun Ye who had already chased after her and punched her. She communicated with her divine thoughts.

"If you must say it - I might be your coffin?"


Yun Ye's second punch fell without any hindrance, and Hongyi's eyes flashed with blood, waiting for Yun Ye to seek his own death.

Then, the next second her face was deformed, and she was hit by Yun Ye's punch.

"No... Impossible!"

Her face almost exploded, and her teeth flew out. At this moment, she still felt incredible.

Ming Jiayi is a demon that can send people to hell. The trick she developed with this should be able to reverse the boundary between life and death when the opponent attacks, causing him to die directly. Why did it fail?

The Secret of Fire·Disorder!


To be precise, it should not be called the Secret of Fire, but the Secret of Water and Fire·Nirvana.

If disorder only exacerbates chaos, there is no absolute prohibition on the use of a certain power.

Then, Nirvana is the end of disorder, forcing certain powers to be unable to be used, and completely silent.

This is the secret of the dual law that Yun Ye finally realized after the Silent Spiritual Law forged an energy cycle.

Although it can only be activated for a moment after draining all his power, but...

What's the harm?

The First Will!

Qi Xi!

The sky comes from my position!

The spiritual energy comes from the horizon, vast and boundless!

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