A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 314 The enemy suddenly arrives

After arriving at the battlefield, Yun Ye and others began to set up formations.

Large-scale battles still need to rely on formations, otherwise even great monks in the Dharma Realm will be unable to do so.

"After the peak master has finished the layout, I will add some space settings to make large-scale space transfer possible. This requires everyone's cooperation."

Hollow said.

Wanting the space formation to be embedded into Yun Ye's formation obviously involves trust issues and is not something that can be easily agreed to.

"Yes, just let Yunxu establish the divine law contract. And to transfer the space, we also need everyone's cooperation. Everyone comes."

Yun Ye said.

“This is indeed done once and for all.”

Everyone nodded.

"In this case, let's use Taoist tools as the basis of the contract and establish order."

Obsessed, Wu Xu summoned Taoist tools to sign the contract, and in order to enhance the effectiveness, everyone used divine contract talismans.

With the addition of the divine law contract talisman and the Taoist weapon that confirmed that Wu Xu could not falsify, a highly binding divine law contract was born.

If you want people to trust you unconditionally, a divine law contract is absolutely indispensable.

The same is true for Taoist weapons. Taoist weapons will only be judged after the fact, and the judgment effect is very poor. They can even be offset by merit. For people like them, they are probably useless. They can only be trusted by setting up a divine law contract that can be activated in time.

The divine law directly binds the soul. As long as the adherents agree, the effect of the divine law will be greatly increased. The effect of seven people agreeing to increase is not simple. Even the power of the mysterious realm cannot be easily removed. It is enough.

It is worth mentioning that if you want to become the leader of a lineage, you must awaken the same source of Taoism.

According to Yun Ye's experience, the seven leaders, except for the newly promoted one, should have become puppets and can no longer awaken the Taoist tools.

I don’t know what method Lan Wuyuan used to hide it...

Are you asking yourself to replace these disciples and awaken the Taoist tools?

The Taoist weapon is a weapon of the heart and is not limited to the body. As long as he wants to, Lan Wuyuan can use his consciousness to summon the Taoist tool in other people's bodies.

The subtle differences in style can be covered up with magical methods. Anyway, as long as the Taoist artifacts have the same origin.

(Anyway, let’s wait and see if we can survive this disaster...Lan Wuyuan!)

As far as Yun Ye's eyes could see.

A large number of spiritual energy pillars fell, and the layout of the large array was completed. Since he had to cooperate with everyone, he arranged the illusion array and the non-attribute spiritual array.

With this formation as the foundation, it is enough to guard the node of wind.


The pillar of wind fell from the sky and poured into the ground, connecting the entire underground spiritual veins. The Taoist master also began to set up formations, and they wanted to defend this place.

"This is a good choice. Since it is difficult to stop the opponent, let the opponent have to take the initiative to attack... In this case, the pressure will be shared on us."

Yun Ye said.

"Come and kill one by one. What's there to be afraid of?"

Sui Jianyong said calmly.

Mastering the contract of yin and yang, he is confident that he is not weaker than anyone else - except for the monster Yun Ye.

"The other side thinks so too, you see."

Yun Ye pointed.

At some point, a woman wearing a red wedding dress with two drops of blood and tears dotting the corners of her eyes appeared.

Everyone looked over and met the woman's eyes. She showed a sweet smile - everyone felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and their whole bodies were stiff.

The messenger of demons in troubled times, red!

"Is this the person who's supposed to be there?"

"She's waiting for us?"

Chill to the bone.

This obviously didn't come suddenly, but was already there, but no one noticed it.

This is unreasonable. Why would Mengze Lingzong know about their plan?

The layout of all nodes should only be known to the Taoist masters. The rest, even the first one, only gets the coordinates of one node.

This woman is waiting here for them, there is no coincidence at all!


Yun Ye was also confused.

Even if he wants to expose information, he will also expose other teams. How can he put himself at risk? He did not attract this woman.

Does the other party have extra divine monks?

It's impossible no matter how you think about it.

The plan led by Lan Wuyuan cannot be countered in terms of divine magic. Even if there is only one-tenth of the nine-life divine spell, it is comparable to the top divine spell of the Luo Dynasty. There is no divine spell of the same level. In any case, it will not be possible. It cannot be deduced.

What happened...

"Wedding dress~Wedding dress~"

Weird songs have been heard throughout the area.

When everyone heard the song, blood filled their eyes, which greatly interfered with their observation abilities. Even their spiritual consciousness was not immune.

At the same time, their essence began to be extracted from the air, and all their strength began to weaken completely. If this situation continued, the opponent would be able to destroy them all without even moving.

"Ming Wedding Clothes is a demon in troubled times. If you want to defeat Ming Wedding Clothes, you can only use its servant. She has only entered the Dharma Realm for the first time and her power has not yet reached its peak. We still have a chance to survive! Master Xiang Peak, formation!"

Hollow yelled.

"The great formation is up! Unite your mind and your heart, and the world will be reversed!!!"

"Destroy liberation!"

Taking advantage of the fact that the erosion was not serious enough to completely cut off information transmission, Yun Ye activated the formation in all aspects and directly entered the strongest state.

The seven people present disappeared directly on the spot, traveled hundreds of miles, and arrived in front of Hong Yi.

Of course they weren't going to die.

After all, Hongyi is only the first-level combat power, and he is not so strong as to compete with the Dachengxuan Realm.

The fighting strength of the other people present is unclear, but Xiangying is a super celebrity. He was able to defeat Dao Ji ten years ago, and he is a true genius in the legal realm.

What about now, ten years later?

So what if he didn't break through the realm of law, his power level would definitely soar further. With the help of the large formation, and the fighting power of six of them, not to mention killing the red ones, he could still simply survive!

"How dare you fight back..."

Hong Yi also realized this problem and smiled a lot.

"Spiritual root sublimation!"

"Spiritual roots are burning!"

All the spiritual monks present directly entered the strongest amplification state, and dense spiritual patterns spread all over their bodies, covering the air like burning.

The innate spiritual field unfolds!

"Yin and Yang become one!"

"Two swords combined!"

Two top-level magic weapons were unsheathed. Sui Jianyong and Wen Shu were a bit inferior to the Dharma Realm geniuses. One of them was related to the fact that they only relied on top-level magic weapons when they advanced.

It's not that there are no treasure weapons, it's just that there are no pairs of treasure weapons - 90% of their combat power comes from the combination of two swords, and even treasure weapons cannot replace them.

The two swords were crossed, and the two people's spirits and spirits became one, and the strong red and blue aura poured into the two swords like boiling water.


The long red and blue dragon roared out, exploded with air waves, and bit Hong Yi fiercely.

"What a spirit, little bug."

Then, Hongyi held down the red and blue dragon with one hand. As she exerted a little force, half of the red and blue dragon exploded, and the gap was exaggerated visible to the naked eye.


No one wavered, or in other words, it was useless to waver...

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