A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 292 The Lost Cultivation Method

When entering the blue boundless realm, he stopped at the fifth floor of the tower trial.

And when he stepped into the mysterious realm and his knowledge further increased, he was already confident of breaking through the sixth level and obtaining the real person's method.

However, the Nine-Life Divine Law Grand Ceremony refused and did not give him a second chance to try.

As the Destiny Code, although it is not as powerful as the Dao Code, it can still be done just by observing a person's possibilities.

After testing it once, there is a possibility that Lan Wuyuan has finished reading the Nine Lives Divine Law Canon. For the Nine Lives Divine Law Canon, Lan Wuyuan is useless and there is no need to give it a second chance.

The master it is looking for is destiny, the greatest possibility.

An old man who has accumulated knowledge through age and time may be able to answer questions, but his creativity has been lost and he is not the holder needed for the Destiny Ceremony.

Only an individual like Yun Ye who could influence the entire Red Sky Realm and form the largest destiny deviation in history is what it needs and is the closest to infinite possibilities.

If Yun Ye relies on it to complete the subversion of the order of the Red Sky Realm, even if Yun Ye does not become an immortal, it can rely on its huge destiny to complete itself and be upgraded to a Taoist canon again.

This is not to say that the Nine Lives Divine Code has self-awareness, but after it is upgraded to a Dao Code and then downgraded, there must be an instinct to return. It is just returning to the normal order.


The vortex unfolded, and the first loser appeared in confusion.

After staying for an hour without a breakthrough, the Tower of Creation will judge it as a failure and clear it out directly.

Before the loser could clear his confusion, an irresistible force enveloped his body.

Lan Wuyin took action directly and read his memory from the air.

"Isn't he the inheritor?"

A flash of disappointment flashed in Lan Wuyuan's eyes.

The first loser was Feng Gongyuan, a member of the Qianshuang Taoist system, but he only passed the second level, which was too far from the ninth level and was of no value to Lan Wuyuan.


The two Xuanjing looked at each other with a dignified expression.

Directly reading the memory, Lan Wuyuan actually attaches so much importance to it?

And with the first one being popped out.

Soon, an hour or half an hour later, the second and third losers also followed.

For the Taoist Master, such a small unit of time passed by in an instant, and Lan Wuyuan did not deliberately calculate it. He just stared at the tower, not missing any fluctuation.

And the memories of the second and third people were instantly read by him.

Not what he wanted!

After Lan Wuyuan checked his memory, his attention to these two people instantly dropped to zero.

Behind him, a powerful man took action and pulled one of the Qilin Ranking Talents over to search for his soul as well.

These geniuses may be prosperous in the Yuntian Ling Sect, but in front of the powerful, they are still nothing worth mentioning. They can search for souls if they want, without asking for opinions.

Another powerful man saw this scene and also captured the other man and also conducted a soul search.

In fact, this powerful god's attainments in magic were not high. He screamed miserably while being searched for his soul, and his soul was pulled out and violently torn open.

Hearing this scene, the scalps of all the monks present were numb, their heads lowered again and again, and their spiritual consciousness shrank tightly in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, fearing that they would be affected.

After the soul search was over, they revealed a hint of clarity: "Is it a true scripture? It turns out that it is possible to obtain the relics and inheritance of real people's cultivation methods?"

"This is a great treasure!"

Lan Wuyuan glanced at them indifferently.

For him, it only takes a moment to modify his memory, and it is not difficult even to deceive the mysterious realm...

If it were the True Blood Taoist who came, there might be a chance to see through that everyone else was just delusional.

The gap between the mysterious realm and the mysterious realm is also endless.

If you can’t see through it, you just can’t see through it.

"Elder Jishuang, the possible cultivation methods of real people should be shared. You should understand the choice."

Hongyun Mighty spoke, and what he said caused the brains of all the Dharma and Spirit realms present to roar and be unable to hear clearly.

"We and other three departments should work together to block the news of the true scripture, and everyone else will rely on their own abilities."

Wan Qing was able to nod.

"Your expectations are too high. The true scripture may not be effective. It may be dead and lifeless like the previous methods."

Lan Wuyuan shook his head.

This is not nonsense, in fact, he also has this concern.

Yuntian Lingzong has mastered a large number of secret realms, and has unearthed many methods, not to mention the methods of cultivation for real people. Some scriptures even record the methods of cultivation for respected people.

But it is a pity that those methods of cultivating the position have long been ineffective due to unknown reasons, and there are problems visible to the naked eye.

In comparison, there are very few cultivation methods for real people, and the problem cannot be seen directly. The answer can only be known after practicing. However, Yuntian Lingzong only has a history of 1,200 years, and there are not so many people in the peak profound realm who are nearing the end of their lifespan. Take the risk!

Most of the real people's cultivation methods were dusted after being deduced, but there are still four cultivation methods that may be harmless.

No one has tried these four methods, let alone a new method of cultivation for real people?

“One more scripture means one more possibility.”

"When we get older, we always have to give it a try."

Hongyun and Wanqing said.

In fact, it is difficult for them to say that they are excited, they just feel that they have gained something, not a loss.

The testers came out one after another, Su Xinshan, Xie Feier, and the two lovers from the Hejian Dao Department. Without exception, their memories were rewritten after they appeared.

Among them, Xie Fei'er, Sui Jianyong, and Wen Shu had the back-up left behind by the powerful, and they resisted for a moment, but it was meaningless. Lan Wuyuan was not only in the mysterious realm, but also had the extremely spiritual to yin zodiac sign, and was terrifyingly powerful in divine magic.

Yun Ye was the last to come out, and he was also caught and searched for his soul.

"The sixth level... the highest level is actually only the sixth level! Although there are real-person realm magic, and although the nine-life magic has been completed to one-tenth,... is this the only level I need?! "

Lan Wuyuan's expression was very silent. He didn't understand what went wrong.

He is searching for souls, and it is impossible to hide soul information!

Unless the inheritor cuts off his own memory and abandons the Nine-Life Divine Law Ceremony, because he knows that it will definitely be taken away, it is better to put it in the Tower of Creation and wait for the next opportunity to take it away again...

Who is it? !

Lan Wuyuan's eyes kept scanning the geniuses present, and Yun Ye was not the target of his suspicion.

It's just that seven-year-old Yun Ye is too young and has no experience. No matter how talented he is, he can't pass the test.

As for the improvement of Yun Ye Shen's magic and physical skills... why did the Tower of Creation give the incomplete Nine Life Divine Skills?

The reason is very simple, because cultivation requires the assistance of the Nine Lives Divine Law.

The Tower of Creation cannot improve the original method, so it must be deduced using the Nine Life Divine Method before practicing.

When possessing the Nine-Life Divine Law, the Tower of Creation can truly enhance all cultivation levels, which can be called a heaven-and-earth creation!

The perfection of Yun Ye's body, mind, and spirit is indeed something that can be achieved by passing the sixth level.

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