A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 291 The grand ceremony that runs through the Holy Way and the Imperial Way

After accepting the reward, Yun Ye also cut off the memory neatly and pretended to have passed the sixth level and obtained one-tenth of the nine-life divine magic.

The Book of Reincarnation records the memories of past lives and is separated from Yun Ye's body. Now this feature has been brought to the present world and can be updated at any time.

In other words, Yun Ye's memory only needs to be chopped off once. Even if it is recovered after that, the memory will still be in the Book of Reincarnation, and neither soul searching nor mind reading can see this part.

Yun Ye had an idea and used divine methods to deduce the situation of each genius. In this high tower, the Nine-Life Divine Law Grand Ceremony has existed for at least ten thousand years. The long-term preservation has completely turned this place into the domain of the Grand Ceremony.

Using the Nine Life Divine Method in this area is extremely effective and highly accurate.

In the blink of an eye, Yun Ye understood the situation of each genius.

Sitting cross-legged, Yun Ye waited for several hours.

After getting the time right.

The vortex door opened, and Yun Ye's figure gradually disappeared on the platform.

Many people are waiting for the trial of the tower to be over.

But many people choose to leave.

They know their strength and background very well. Even if some places are opened in the future, it will not be their turn.

If you're wasting time here, it's better to look for some magic medicine, which will at least make real profits.

The remaining people just stared at the tower silently...

Most of these are people with certain influence in their respective main lines. They do not need to pick the magic medicine themselves. For them, the opportunity to test the tower is more meaningful.

After everyone entered, until now, almost an hour later, the solid progress has moved forward again.

"Someone has passed the fourth level, could it be Su Xinshan? It took her two or three hours to pass the first few levels. The subsequent steps should be increasingly difficult. Will she break through the fourth level in one hour?"

There is humanity.

But except for Su Xinshan, it is even more impossible for others. They are three levels behind Su Xinshan.

Protector Liu looked at the tower with an expressionless face, unable to tell what he was thinking.

(The Taoist master only passed the fifth level. Sure enough, after practicing in advance, will the chance of passing be higher? No... It's still too early. Passing the fourth level may not mean anything.)

Protector Liu closed his eyes and forced himself to calm down.

This tower of creation has lasted for thousands of years and is on the verge of destruction.

Six hundred years ago, when Lan Wuyuan opened this ruins for the first time, the Tower of Creation was already in ruins.

Later, Lan Wuyuan made repairs and filled in a lot of resources, and then restarted the ruins.

It can be said that this is actually the last time the ruins are opened. Regardless of whether anyone inherits the Grand Ceremony, the Tower of Creation will collapse, and the Grand Ceremony will disappear without a trace, completely hidden.

The Disaster Source Tianzong's ability to capture Dadian does not mean that the Yuntianling Sect can also do so. There is a qualitative difference between the two sects.

Lan Wuyuan let the Tower of Creation project onto the entire secret realm, attracting people to come and participate in the trial, not for the Nine Life Divine Law Ceremony, but to let the Tower of Creation exert its last remaining heat and improve the cultivation level of everyone in the Yuntian Spirit Sect.

——Of course, once you accept the power infusion from the Tower of Creation, you will be controlled by Lan Wuyuan.

After Yun Ye came to his senses, he could only sigh: The zodiac sign of turning to Yin is so terrifying.

According to various information from Yuntian Lingzong.

The multiple zodiac signs formed by the fusion of the five elements are much weaker than the yin or yang zodiac signs.

At the same time, if it is the ultimate Yin-turning spiritual method that is the fusion of ultimate divinity and ultimate spirituality, it will naturally be stronger than the ultimate spiritual method that is the fusion of two extreme spiritualities.

The more you understand, the more you understand that the blue sky is unfathomable.

He is by no means a being that can be described in just four words: powerful in the profound realm.

"The fifth floor is on. How could it be? It's not even a stick of incense before the end of the fourth floor!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

Protector Liu opened her eyes suddenly, but she also saw it. The fifth floor lit up, and there were mysterious textures climbing upwards.


The sixth floor!

The seventh floor!

The eighth floor!

"The ninth floor?"

Taking Shuangtian, Lan Wuyuan's figure suddenly disappeared. He tore apart the space and arrived at the Emerald Lake.

"Elder Takeshuang!"

The guardians who were guarding the scene were all frightened and saluted, not daring to raise their heads.

But Lan Wuyin obviously didn't have the time to leave them, so he stepped directly into the light pillar and entered the secret realm.

"what happened?"

"I don't understand, but inform the masters immediately!"

Multiple guardians completed the exchange in an instant.

The next moment, two more breaths came across, but they were just clones.

They didn't have the ability to sense whether Lan Wuyuan was the real person. They just saw Lan Wuyuan breaking into the secret realm, so they followed him and wanted to get a piece of the pie.

Even if there is only a small chance that Lan Wuyuan can enter the secret realm in a hurry, they have to participate in it. It is too difficult to go further after becoming a mysterious realm.


Three breaths tore through the space and descended directly onto the tower.

Although two Xuanjing followed Lan Wuyuan, they did not speak, and the same was true for Lan Wuyuan.

The two Xuanjing people felt that it was unnecessary, and Lan Wuyuan would naturally share a piece of their pie when the time came.

But Lan Wuyuan felt that the two mysterious realms could be destroyed easily and there was no need to care about them at all.

The two parties were not thinking in the same channel, but they reached a strange consensus.

"See, Elder Qishuang! See, Powerful Hongyun! See, Powerful Wanqing!"

The faces of all the monks within the high tower changed greatly, and they quickly retreated to both sides of the three powerful men and bowed their heads in salute.

Needless to say, Lan Wuyuan's identity has reached the pinnacle of Yuntian Lingzong.

The other two are not simple either. They belong to True Blood and Yanhong respectively, which are the first and second ranked Taoist systems of Yuntian Ling Sect.

None of them are Tao masters or elders, but since they represent the first and second Tao systems, their weight is greater than that of the Tao masters at the end.

Are the three big figures here all for the inheritance of the ninth floor of the tower?

Everyone was sweating.

For such people, even if they don't say a word, the pressure will crush them. Now they just hope that the matter will be resolved quickly and leave this place of right and wrong.


Lan Wuyuan's spiritual thoughts spread out, trying to penetrate the Tower of Creation. As a user of the Nine Life Remnant Technique, he had a back-up plan in the Tower of Creation, and should have been able to sense the internal situation.

But unfortunately, the Tower of Creation was shrouded by the Nine Life Divine Law, which combined with the entire field, forcibly suppressing his peek.

(Sure enough, someone has obtained the Nine-Life Divine Law Grand Canon. It is not that the original canon affects the field accumulated for thousands of years. It is simply impossible for some monks in the realm of law to resist my divine thoughts...)

Lan Wuyuan was filled with ecstasy in his heart.

He only obtained one-twentieth of the incomplete divine magic, and he has already reached where he is now.

On the ninth floor, isn't there someone who has obtained the complete Nine Life Divine Law?

What a terrifying opportunity this is!

In the red sky world.

What is a ceremony?

There are seven realms in total: the mortal realm, the spiritual realm, the Dharma realm, the mysterious realm, the true realm, the honorable position, the holy way, and the imperial way. The cultivation method that penetrates all of them can be called a grand ceremony.

Once someone becomes an immortal by relying on this method, their original code will immediately gain power beyond the Holy Way and the Imperial Way. This can be called the Dao Code.

Although the Nine-Life Divine Technique has fallen from the Dao Code, its power to penetrate the Imperial Dao has not been lost.

Compared to the Yun Tian Ling Sect Lu Duan Xuan Realm, where no real person has been born in a thousand years, what a terrifying opportunity is the Nine Life Divine Law Ceremony?

Such an opportunity must be taken away even if his full strength is immediately exposed!


The divine magic projection of Yuntian Lingzong had cracks everywhere, and was directly interfered by Lan Wuyuan to the point where it could no longer function.

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