A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 271: Peerless Prodigy (Additional chapter thanks to the second leader

Just like pouring ink into water, Yun Ye's punch caused the entire innate spiritual field to be visibly stained with gray.

What this means can be understood immediately once you see it.

Killing and robbery are coming!

"Stop it!!!"

Dharma Realm roared and fought with all its strength.

But this could only delay, not prevent, his doom.

Because Yun Ye punched again, punching into the innate spiritual field, trying to break his power alive.

In a short period of time, black and white completely spread throughout the innate spiritual field, freezing and sealing him completely.

He is not dead. The innate spiritual field can delay the process, but as long as Yun Ye can still punch, this is just a death struggle.

Immediately, his consciousness was connected to the rest of the realm, and the four people's thoughts were synchronized at this moment.

"Innate spiritual unity!"

"Sea World Spiritual Field!"

The three Dharma Realms are all working hard, regardless of their own losses.

The blue ocean spiritual field covers an area and gradually forms an independent ecology.

They must join forces, otherwise the price of suppressing a monster like Yun Ye will be extremely high!

Forcibly integrating the innate spiritual field regardless of losses may seem like a loss, but it can quickly resolve the battle!

With the birth of the Sea World Spiritual Field, the originally spreading black and white world came to a standstill and was effectively blocked.

This allowed the four Dharma Realms to take action and fight Yun Ye, fighting at close quarters with Yun Ye in this innate spiritual field.

They sacrificed magic weapons to increase their strength, but they were easily repelled at the beginning and even crushed.

The sun was rising across the sky, increasing Yun Ye's body too much, not to mention that if he took action, the silence of all things would inevitably erode everything.

Covered by the silence of all things, it will become extremely fragile and can be easily broken.

Even the four magic realms, even the fused innate field formed by the spiritual root burning secret technique, are still at a disadvantage.

The more they fought, the more surprised they became. What kind of power and genius is this?

The reason why they decisively carried out the siege was because they knew that this was the fastest outsider and probably one of the best in strength. If they could kill him in advance, the resources they would plunder would be greatly reduced.

Even in the subsequent war, they will have more advantages.

However, this person's power was a little too terrifying. Just after the opening ceremony, they encountered such a terrifying enemy. Could it be that the geniuses of this generation of Yuntian Lingzong are far greater than before?

(No, he may take away a large amount of inheritance from the secret realm. He must be killed. The threat is too great!)

(Indeed, although we are backed by the secret realm and are not afraid of the Yuntian Spirit Sect's strangulation, in the long run, the Yuntian Spirit Sect will become stronger and stronger, and it is very likely that a real person will appear who can forcibly open the door to the secret realm and completely take away our world!)

(Not allowed, absolutely not allowed, kill, kill, kill, no matter the cost!)

The four people communicated quickly, and someone made a decision.


A strong man roared in the law, and countless marine soldiers formed an array under his command.

A large amount of blue light surged up, followed by endless spiritual water pouring from the sky, and turned into the power of the four realms.

Sacrificing themselves to transform spiritual water is the only thing they can do in the mortal and spiritual realms.

A large amount of spiritual water poured into the vision field, temporarily turning the grassland into an ocean. A large number of soldiers screamed in pain, but they still maintained the formation with their lives and forcibly maintained the ocean.

"Well done!"

Someone from the four ocean law realms shouted, full of joy.

He has a move that cannot be used without a marine environment.

Now, here's your chance to win!

"Help me. This kid has a problem that cannot be solved by ordinary means. Help me activate Dafa!"

This is a seaweed head Dharma Realm. He has absolute confidence in destroying this enemy, but he needs time to prepare.

"Okay! Wander in the water world!"

Zhuang Han Dharma Realm took action directly to buy time for Haizaotou Dharma Realm.

After the innate spiritual field is unfolded, the biggest bonus is not the amount of spiritual energy, but the ability to control spiritual power, that is, the spiritual level.

When the spiritual root is burning, the spiritual root will vaporize into the air and become extremely active. It is equivalent to the original barrier being taken away, and the control of spiritual power will achieve a qualitative leap.

In this state, the methods that were originally unusable will become usable with divine help.

Wandering in the Water World is exactly this kind of secret technique. It is not a Dafa, but it is extremely complex. It is composed of massive spiritual patterns. It is not something that can be learned just by wanting to learn it.

Before the innate spiritual field unfolds, even with his Dharma realm thinking ability and spiritual level, he cannot master it.

As the secret technique is activated.

The entire sea seemed to be illuminated so brightly that there was no escape from the darkness.


Yun Ye stood on the sea, and the Silent Spirit activated. The place where he stood spread gray, preventing all attacks from the bottom of the sea. But something terrible happened, and suddenly part of Yun Ye's body was cut open.

Without warning, and starting from the first place, one cut mark after another appeared.

Water World Wandering is a very subtle attack method, but it also contains unstoppable fatal murderous intent.

Yun Ye simply froze the sea surface, but did not completely seal its power. It was still functioning through other principles.

"Samadhi True Fire Mode."

Yun Ye's whole body was covered with glazed flames. He couldn't see through the details of this move for the time being, but there was no need to see through it.

No matter how many mysteries there are, I will suppress them all!

As the true fire of samadhi covers the body.

The damaged part heals quickly.

The invisible attack has also been greatly weakened. Although it will still cut through Yun Ye's body, it will not cut too deep and is blocked by Yun Ye's strengthened body.

This move is indeed very terrifying. If it were a monk who did not have the vision of the sun rising in the sky and the ultimate life body method, he would probably be killed at first sight and would not be given a chance to react.

"Great Spiritual Technique!"

"Everything is silent!"

Yun Ye constructed spiritual patterns to assist all things in quietly extracting the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but this time it was exaggerated. The great spiritual method that was supposed to increase the power of the spiritual method dozens of times could only increase the power by twice in this chaotic spiritual environment.

This is a secret realm with extremely abundant spiritual energy, not Baishi Town!

Yun Ye shook his head. This power alone was not enough to resist the innate spiritual field created by the four law realms.

The miniature formation spirit ring on his head was activated immediately.

The spiritual energy extracted suddenly increased sharply, turning into wisps of white mist and pouring into the spiritual ring, hanging down like mist, covering Yun Ye's whole body, nourishing his body and providing the source of his spiritual power.

"that's enough."

Unexpectedly, a spherical gray mist appeared in Yun Ye's hand. It flashed with great mystery and condensed into invincible power.


The strong man Fa Jing roared.

It's too late!


Seaweed Head Dharma Realm didn't care about reaching its full power. He used his blood to activate the secret technique and forcibly launched the move.

"Hai! Shi! Big! Burial!"

The whole world turned into an ocean, infinitely vast, as if the sky and the earth were covered.

I saw that the sky was pressed down by the sea, and the earth was raised by the sea. This kind of funeral started only for one person!

"Spiritual root sublimation..."

"Freeze it."

In this regard, Yun Ye could only attack with one blow. As the texture of the spiritual root mark spread all over his body, the ultimate gray swept across everything.

Soldiers of the Marine Empire.

There are a large number of monks from the Yuntian Ling Sect in the outside world.

Everyone looked up at this moment.

——The beautiful close-up is presented to everyone’s eyes.

The ocean and sky are divided into two parts, as well as those Dharma Realms who use countless means to fight hard.

They all became part of this close-up, frozen forever.

The outcome is decided!

Yun Ye stood on the black bird again, shook his head under everyone's shocked or horrified eyes, and landed back in the cabin.

"If you want to go to hell, come find me."

He left a message.

Then the big black bird drew a white rainbow and flew away.

The sun sets.

The abnormal space blockade ended.

"The peerless genius..."

The Dharma Realm that had just arrived showed an extremely bitter expression. They did not dare to stop them at all. They could only scan the wonder of frozen sky and earth over and over again.

Unparalleled talent.

The monks who are called like this may not be among the Four Unparalleled Worlds, but they must be at the top of the Qilin Ranking.

Using the spiritual realm to crush four legal realms and thousands of mortal realm spiritual realms to join forces, there is no way that this kind of monster could not be a peerless genius.

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