A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 270: I am invincible (Additional update for the first alliance leader

"Your Majesty!"

The three of them were powerless against the power of the law, but they still had spiritual power and wanted to help Yun Ye.

But Yun Ye, who had a pure white ring above his head, waved his hand and didn't care, telling them to just keep flying.

"court death!"

Haiyang Fajing had a rugged appearance and his eyes were as wide as bells. After seeing through Yun Ye's response, he suddenly felt that this person was too arrogant.

As a spiritual realm, how dare you ignore the legal realm?

Even if you are a Qilin Tianjiao, you should be cautious when facing the Dharma Realm!

This emotion affected the output of the Dharma Realm, and an extremely blue color spread from the giant hand of the surging water.

This is pure mana blessing, which can greatly increase the power of this move.

He wants to crush this outsider with overwhelming force!

It's a pity that even in the end, Fa Jing didn't see the slightest movement on the face of the foreign enemy in front of him, but instead felt great fear in his heart.

No, there's a problem!

I saw the water and fire textures awakening on the young man's forehead, and at this moment, they suddenly merged and turned into pure ashes.

Double zodiac sign! ! !

This term burst out in Fa Jing's mind, and the uneasiness in his heart was completely magnified to the extreme.

"Everything is silent!"

Yun Ye points to the sky.

The black and white colors suddenly spread in a circle, and time and space seemed to be frozen, directly turning the entire world into silence.


Ocean Dharma Realm struggled with all its strength, but still watched helplessly as gray covered its body, its movements became slower and slower, and then completely solidified.

When the black and white world broke out, the remaining Dharma Realm monks rang the death bell in their hearts and retreated suddenly.

But there are still people who are a step late and are swallowed up by the gray world.

The majestic Dharma realm was directly frozen in gray, becoming a permanent picture.

"This power?!"

"Is this the reason why he became a disciple of Takeshuang? The nature is so terrifying, it's like time has stopped..."

"Is this the legendary spiritual zodiac sign?"

This scene was also observed by the outside world, and even the well-informed peak master and leader was shocked.

Extreme Spirit Attribute, this is a power that even in the Tao Master's bloodline, the probability of appearing is infinitely close to zero.

The entire Yuntian Ling Sect only recorded three extremely spiritual attributes.

The first two times, they both died young. They were too unnatural, so they were plotted to death by many factors.

Only the last time, he was born in a very special period. For this vital combat power, he was even protected by the Mysterious Realm at all times, which allowed him to grow, and finally entered the Mysterious Realm and became a legend of the Yuntian Spirit Sect.

This myth comes from the Lan family.

Its name is Boundless Blue!

The Lan family originally only had the water zodiac sign, which was nothing special. However, after Lan Wuyuan achieved great power, the whole family's bloodline took a new direction, so the prefix was added.

Get the frost!

This is a very special power, an zodiac sign formed by the fusion of water attributes and divine law.

Although it is called taking frost, it has nothing to do with ice crystals. This zodiac sign can permanently seize the enemy's power. The taken power will form small solid crystals, much like frost, which is called taking frost.

It was for this reason that Yun Ye recognized the other party as Lan Wuyuan at first sight.

After he was entangled by the silk thread, he could clearly feel that the control of his own power had been taken away. As long as the other party wanted to, this seizure could be permanent.

However, although the seizure is permanent, the use of power is limited and it is a consumable.

Outsiders believe that Lan Wuyuan cultivates so many disciples just to have more convenient sources of power.

But Yun Ye knows that the most terrifying thing about taking the power of frost is the control effect...

After the power is taken away, if it is used by others, it is indeed a consumable, but what if it is returned to the original owner?

This is the power combined with divine law, and it is the most hidden and terrifying means of control.

Lan Wuyuan can use this to create a puppet that retains power instead of being a consumable.

From Lan Wuyuan's power, we can understand what level of power Ji Ling Zodiac possesses.

This is a miracle that has reached the extreme in a certain field, surpassing the ordinary two-level attributes by dozens of times, and can be compared with the three-level attributes. Everyone in the Yuntian Lingzong covets this power.

"If you don't want to die, don't stop me again."

Yun Ye said, looking like a true genius.

The black bird under his feet was also frozen.

The three people among them were stunned and could not understand the scene in front of them for a long time.

Xiang Qingrou spread out her magic to sweep away, but she only felt the extreme coldness, and everything was frozen.

Even after a long time, even her consciousness could feel the coldness, which was transmitted to her body, making her shiver.

"What...what a terrifying power!"

Yun Ye waved his hand, and wherever he passed, the gray world shattered like a mirror and cracked open.

He is ready to leave.

"It's impossible to use this power multiple times in a mere spiritual realm, using incarnation!"

"You killed our people and still want to leave? You must die here today!"

At this time, the Ocean Dharma Realm finally reacted and roared with fear and anger.

Their mana emerged and combined with the sea water to form an external incarnation.

This trick is indeed very useful.

In this sea, it is too easy for them to create incarnations, which can consume even the smallest spiritual realm.

The incarnations are not as good as their original bodies, but they are also Dharma realms and require the same level of strength to resist.

The geniuses of the spiritual realm can defeat the legal realm, but their power is too weak in nature and cannot last longer than the legal realm.


"Such geniuses should be killed, otherwise they will plunder a lot of resources and leave!"

The five incarnations joined forces to kill Yun Ye. They all had water spirit roots and completed the formation as soon as they took action.

The five powers combined into one are extremely extraordinary, far stronger than their own bodies several times.

To kill Yun Ye with this kind of power, the latter would also have to respond with stronger power, which would consume a lot of Yun Ye's power.

"In that case, fight with all your strength!"

Yun Ye let out a long roar, and the sun rose. His eyes turned cold and he entered a fighting state.

The next second.

Everyone was pulled into a unique realm through the air, where the sun was shining across the sky and there was grassland for thousands of miles.

Home field advantage?

In front of Tianjiao, there is no home field advantage, only...

"I am invincible!"

Yun Ye punched out, spanning 10,000 meters in an instant, shattering the land of 1,000 meters, directly shattering a Dharma Realm alive.

Five incarnations?

The five incarnations were passed by Yun Ye's afterimage, but they didn't see clearly what Yun Ye did.

After one Dharma Realm's true body was shattered, the five incarnations reluctantly turned around and then were shattered inch by inch starting from the waist.

"What kind of combat power is this! How can this kind of speed be achieved by the spiritual realm?"

"Impossible, even a vision cannot increase such terrifying combat power!"

"Attack with all your strength! The spiritual roots are burning!"

The four Dharma Realms all roared and started to fight with all their strength. With such speed, they would definitely die if they didn't fight with all their strength.

Spiritual root burning is a complete secret technique of qualitative change. The densely packed spiritual root marks on their bodies boil and turn into innate spiritual fields covering the world. They must confront the sun and the sky and weaken the invincible blessing that Yunye has received on his home court.

"I am invincible."

However, Yun Ye still only had these words, and he passed by quickly, and the gray world suddenly spread.

Yun Ye appeared in front of a Dharma realm, punched out, and the gray world exploded.

Haha, there are two alliance leaders today, and I happen to have two chapters saved, so I have posted them all.

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