Chapter 820 Fans’ photo

When Li Yi recognized the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man also saw Li Yi.

Seeing Li Yi present, he was slightly startled, then showed a smile and nodded to Li Yi, but did not come over to say hello.

Li Yi nodded slightly when he saw this, and watched him accompany the white-haired old man to the leadership group.

 Not long after, there was a burst of hearty laughter.

Not interested in their conversation, Li Yi found the staff member who had just brought him water and asked, "Handsome, do you have anything to eat? I'm hungry."

 The staff felt a little embarrassed when they heard this: "This is the venue, we haven't prepared anything to eat..."

Just when Li Yi wanted to forget it, he thought of something, picked up the phone and said, "Wait a minute, I'll call my colleague. He is in charge of the banquet hall and can bring some food over."

As he spoke, he made a call and said into the mobile phone: "Brother, do me a favor and bring some food over. It's not me who wants to eat, but Li Yi who wants to eat, the Li Yi from "Chinese Restaurant"..."

Hearing what he said, Li Yi felt a little embarrassed and explained: "Actually, it's not that troublesome. I'm not that hungry."

“It’s okay, he’ll send it over right away.”

The staff put away their mobile phones and said with a smile: "I am your fan, no one can make you hungry when you are hungry!"

 “Good brother, this is so interesting!”

Li Yi gave him a thumbs up.

The staff member smiled, but hesitated a little embarrassedly: "Then can you... ask my sister-in-law for an autograph for me?"


Li Yi had a question mark on his face.

 “Ah, if it’s inconvenient, forget it.”

 The staff waved their hands repeatedly.

Li Yi didn't say anything, just took out his mobile phone and made a video call to Liu Yifei.

 Liu Yifei is on the plane today, flying to Shanxi Province, preparing to shoot pasta-related content.

Just before arriving, Liu Yifei sent a message saying that she had just gotten off the plane.

 After the video beeped a few times, Liu Yifei got through.

Li Yi directly pulled the staff member over, put his arm around his shoulders, and motioned to him: "Call sister-in-law."

 Seeing Liu Yifei on the mobile phone screen, the staff member's face instantly turned red, and he felt a little embarrassed when he spoke: "Sister-in-law...Hello, sister-in-law."

Liu Yifei was a little confused when she saw a stranger, but she still nodded and said hello with a smile: "Hello, hello, I'm Liu Yifei."

 After a pause, she asked Li Yi: "Who is this?"

 “My brother.”

Li Yi said with a smile: "He wants your autograph."


Liu Yifei readily agreed, but spread her hands: "But I can't sign it now?"

"no, I'm fine."

 The staff waved their hands repeatedly and said with a blushing face: "I'm very happy to see you."


Liu Yifei thanked her with a smile and raised her hand to smooth the hair hanging down by her ears.

The staff looked at the screen of their mobile phones, wondering, but they didn’t know what to say.

When Li Yi saw this, he suggested, "How about you guys take a photo together?"

"Ok, Ok."

 The staff nodded repeatedly and were overjoyed.


Liu Yifei also happily agreed, then brought the phone closer, chose a side-light angle, and looked at the phone with a smile.

 The staff member took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera, and held it in front of him.

Perhaps he was too excited, his hands were shaking and he could hardly hold the phone steady.

  "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, relax, don't take away my beauty."

Li Yi joked and stood in the picture.

The staff member laughed, his hand became more steady, and he took several photos in succession before thanking him and taking back his phone.

 “Isn’t this much better than a signature?”

Li Yi asked him with a smile.

 “So much better!”

 Staff grinned happily. Seeing him smiling so hard that he could hardly see, Li Yi joked: "Are you a fan of mine or a fan of Yifei?"


The staff member smiled awkwardly and raised his hand to scratch his head.

 Suddenly, his cell phone rang, immediately liberating him from his embarrassment.

 Looking down at his phone, he said, "My colleague brought the food. I'll get it for you."

As he said that, he quickly ran to the door.

Li Yi did not hang up the video and continued chatting with Liu Yifei.

 “I’m in the car now, walking to Linfen.”

Liu Yifei looked at Li Yi out of the window and asked, "How are you doing there?"

“Fortunately, I just met the Neon Country delegation.”

 Li Yi explained: "I have to watch Yunjin's World Heritage project be reviewed and approved before I can pass. These neon devils are here well prepared. I'm afraid they won't be able to do it just with information."

“Oh, you’d better come over after you’re done, business is more important.”

Liu Yifei consoled her: "You don't have to worry about me. Director Zeng and the others have made arrangements. I can just go over and shoot."

"That's good."

Li Yi said while looking at the door.

The young staff member has already gone outside the door. You can see through the glass that he is holding his mobile phone and showing it to another guy carrying a tray. While showing off, he has a proud smile on his face, and his mouth is grinning almost to his ears. .

 The guy holding the tray looked envious and wanted to get into the screen and take his place.

 “Li Yi! Li Yi!”

Director Zhu’s shout came.

Li Yi looked back, only to find Director Zhu running over quickly, waving to him and complaining: "Why didn't you hear me calling you?"

"What's wrong?"

Li Yi asked doubtfully.

 “The leader wants to see you, go quickly.”

 Director Zhu pulled him up.

Seeing this, Li Yi said to Liu Yifei on the phone: "I'll hang up now. I'll call you tonight! Bye."

 After saying that, he hung up the video.

 Director Zhu pulled him and quickly came to the vicinity of the leadership group.

The leaders present gathered around the white-haired old man with smiles on their faces.

 After arriving at the place, Director Zhu pushed Li Yi in and introduced: "This is the great contributor to our Yunjin World Heritage Project, Li Yi."

Seeing Li Yi, the leaders present smiled and nodded, but did not interrupt. They were all looking at the white-haired old man in the center.


The white-haired old man held Li Yi's hand and shook it, but did not let go. Instead, he looked at Li Yi and asked with a smile: "Did you weave that Juan Yun Brocade?"

“Yes.” Li Yi nodded.

Seeing his admission, the white-haired old man became even happier. He smiled and praised: "You have helped the country preserve a piece of national quintessence. You are a meritorious official of the country!"

This compliment was very weighty. When all the leaders present heard this, they all raised their hands to applaud and looked at Li Yi with envy.

 “Don’t dare to take it seriously.”

Li Yi said politely and added: "The project has not yet been reviewed and approved, so it cannot be said that it is completely saved for the time being."

The white-haired old man looked at him and asked with a smile: "With you here, can't I still be safe?"

Li Yi was stunned when he heard this, and immediately smiled: "It can definitely be saved. If the Japanese can take it away, I will write my name upside down."


The white-haired old man laughed heartily, and the leaders around him also laughed. Director Zhu secretly gave Li Yi a thumbs up, his eyebrows were beaming, and he was almost flying with joy.


The middle-aged man behind the white-haired old man came forward and said to him: "The batch of cloisonné we purchased last month was also made by Li Yi."


The white-haired old man was stunned and looked at Li Yi again in surprise: "Is it you?"




 (End of this chapter)

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