Chapter 819 Hybridization

Li Yi’s words were so offensive that the translator was dumbfounded.

And Jun Konoyama, who could understand Chinese, also had a stiff smile, and there was also a trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes when he looked at Li Yi.

However, he did not forget his responsibilities. He still smiled on the surface, but said in his mouth: "We in Neon Country regarded your country as our suzerain country many years ago and also learned a lot of culture from your country.

Your country is indeed our teacher, but if we only know how to learn rigidly and do not integrate and develop with our own culture, then our Neon country should be speaking Chinese now, right?

 I think we should not pay too much attention to history, but should focus on the future.

 Whether it is your country’s culture or the neon country’s culture, it should be promoted to the world so that more people understand and like our culture.

 At this point, we in Neon Country still have some small achievements.

I hope that our two countries can work together in the future to jointly promote the development of our cultural industries. "

Listening to what Konoyama Jun said, Li Yi smiled and looked at him with interest.

 After all, she is from a famous family, and she does have a way of speaking, and she spoke beautifully in this scene.

 But no matter how beautifully he spoke, it could not conceal the arrogance revealed in what he expressed.

 Over the years, Neon Country has taken the lead and done much better than China in cultural promotion.

ˆTheir movies, music, animations, and even AVs have a strong influence internationally.

 Under their propaganda, many foreigners who don’t know much about East Asian culture only know Neon Country as an East Asian country.

Even when seeing some East Asian elements, many foreigners will subconsciously think it is the culture of the neon country.

This is exactly the effect achieved by the cultural export of Neon Country, and it is also what Konoyama Jun said is a small achievement.

Kono Yamatoshi expressed the hope that the two countries can work together. In fact, he is saying: You Chinese people should learn from us Neon people, and stop lying in the pile of old papers to enjoy yourself. In terms of cultural influence in the modern world, we Neon people should compare Your country, China, is much stronger.

However, looking at the smile on Konoyama Jun's lips, Li Yi smiled and said: "Of course we need to promote propaganda, but what we want to promote is our own orthodox culture, not the hybrid culture."

Hearing Li Yi's words, Konoyama Jun's smile disappeared instantly.

This sentence was even harsher than the previous one, and it directly hit his lungs.

 Neon culture has indeed a great influence in the world, but these so-called neon cultures have little to do with traditional neon culture.

The neon culture that is now welcomed all over the world is actually the neon culture that was transformed by Western culture after the defeat of the war.

 It is precisely because it has been transformed that it has a higher degree of acceptance and can be accepted by Western culture.

In Li Yi’s view, the so-called neon culture refers to people who were influenced by Chinese culture in ancient times and learned it from head to toe, but they didn’t look the same.

 In modern times, it was rubbed against the ground by Western culture. After being torn into pieces, countless seeds of Western culture were stuffed into it, which took root and sprouted and turned into a beautiful hybrid.

 That’s why Li Yicai used the word hybrid.

Konoyama Jun naturally understood what Li Yi meant, and the insulting meaning of this word was even more obvious. Even though Konoyama Jun was well-educated, he was so angry that his complexion suddenly changed.

Director Zhu also did not want the conflict to intensify. Upon seeing this, he laughed quickly and tried to smooth things over: "We have been neighbors separated by a strip of water since ancient times! Neighbors will definitely communicate with each other.

Mr. Kono, the opening ceremony is about to begin. How about we go in first? "

Being interrupted by him, Konoyama Jun's rising anger was temporarily suppressed.

The momentary quarrel of words is meaningless. He came here to apply for the Yunjin Brocade. There is no need to have a war of words with a young boy here.

As long as the Yun Brocade can be successfully applied for World Heritage status, it will be useless for the Chinese to take advantage of it.

Taking a deep breath, he took advantage of the situation and forced out a smile: "Okay, let's go in first! Don't delay the business."

 After saying that, he turned around, winked, and then walked towards the door of the venue.

Seeing this, the delegations behind him nodded to Li Yi and Director Zhu, and followed him towards the venue. Junta Arai turned around as he walked. He suddenly took two steps quickly and asked the translator something.

 The translator hesitated for a moment and whispered a few words.

Hearing this, Junta Arai suddenly turned pale. He turned back and stared at Li Yi, glaring angrily, as if fire was about to burst out of his eyes.

Li Yi smiled lightly and didn't care at all.

Hunta Arai glared at Li Yi, but finally turned around and did not come back to settle the score with Li Yi.

This also made Li Yi feel a little regretful and felt very unsatisfied.

 “Haha! You guys are too brave to say that!”

After Director Zhu watched them enter the door, he patted Li Yi and laughed and said, "You are pointing at someone's nose and swearing! Haha! It's so rude!"

As he said that, he paused for a moment and then smiled: "But it's so enjoyable! Haha!"

 “Why did I curse? Am I telling the truth?”

Li Yi spread his hands: "If you don't say anything else, let's just say neon words. Apart from Chinese characters, they are imported words. How many neon words can you count?

If you remove the influence of Chinese culture from neon culture, and then remove the influence of Western culture, what will be left? Aren't there just a few ghosts left?

Only primitive societies would pay attention to ghosts and gods. If Chinese culture had not helped them establish a cultural foundation, they would not be civilized yet! What to pretend to be? "

 “You guy…”

Director Zhu was very happy to hear this, but he still shook his head and advised: "We can talk about these things in private, and don't intensify the conflict. No matter what, we are neighboring countries separated by a strip of water, so we can give them some face."

 “Save your ass!”

Li Yi snorted: "People are clearly here to steal your things, and you still save face for them? Are you stupid?"

 Fortunately I didn't leave, otherwise you wouldn't be able to keep the Yun Brocade if I gave it to you. "

Director Zhu was not angry after hearing this, and nodded cheerfully: "Yes, yes, that's why I kept you! You have to help keep an eye on it, otherwise if Yun Jin is snatched away, you will lose face." Where to put it?”

 “Holy shit! You treacherous villain!”

Li Yi smiled and cursed.

“Eh? Being a corrupt official means being treacherous, and being an upright official is even more treacherous than being a corrupt official. If you say I am treacherous, are you just praising me?”

 Director Zhu was joking with Li Yi with a smile.

 For him, Li Yi was already half his savior, so it wouldn't hurt to make a few jokes.

While the two were talking, Mayor Jinling Tong walked out quickly from the leadership group that was receiving guests, searched around the venue, found Director Zhu, and walked over quickly.

 “Lao Zhu, follow me.”

He greeted: "The big boss is here, come with me to pick him up."

Director Zhu seemed to know who the big leader he was talking about. His expression became solemn when he heard this, and he quickly straightened his clothes. After speaking to Li Yi, he hurried out with Mayor Tong.

Li Yi went to the staff and asked for a bottle of mineral water.

 After taking a few sips, he saw Director Zhu and Mayor Tong leading a white-haired old man in.

 The two of them were leading us from the left and right in front, very politely.

Li Yi glanced back and let out a sigh.

Li Yi didn't recognize the white-haired old man, but he did know the middle-aged man following the old man.




 (End of this chapter)

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