Chapter 817 Neon Delegation

 Li Yi slept from the morning of the 14th until the early morning of the 15th before being woken up by Xiao Zhao.

 Today is the opening of the World Heritage Conference, and representatives from all countries will participate.

 Director Zhu said yesterday that he had arranged a special adviser position for Li Yi, so he also needs to attend the opening of this conference.

Li Yi has been busy with Yunjin for more than half a month, and has stayed in the dream space for more than a year, working hard.

 So, he originally planned to sleep for one more day and then meet Liu Yifei to continue filming the documentary.

  But with such an extra errand, it was obvious that he couldn't sleep well.

Although he could choose not to go, but seeing how well Director Zhu could mistake a dragon robe for a bird's golden fur, he was really worried. When facing the well-prepared Japanese heritage application group, Director Zhu said this Bian Hui can't stand it.

So, after thinking about it, he decided to go and have a look, and personally fight the battle. At least he could get Yun Jin’s application for World Heritage status first.

Xiao Zhao brought a suit for Li Yi, but the size of the shoulders didn't fit.

So Li Yi didn't wear a suit, but wore his own clothes.

However, after arriving at the venue, Li Yi still seemed a bit awkward standing among the guests in formal attire.

Li Yi was thoughtful when he saw the leaders chatting with representatives from various countries and Director Zhu in the rear wearing crisp suits.

"Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan Zhengyi" says: Because of the great etiquette, it is called Xia; because of the beauty of attire, it is called Hua. This is the origin of Hua Xia.

 But now, all formal occasions in China are in suits and leather shoes. Thinking about it carefully, it is always a bit difficult to calm down.

If a set of clothing with Chinese cultural characteristics is designed and used as a dress for Chinese people to attend formal occasions, can this situation be changed?

Thinking about it carefully, Li Yi shook his head gently.

 There are 56 ethnic groups in China, and each ethnic group has its own culture.

 If you want to use one set of clothing to represent the whole of China, you must show the characteristics of all ethnic groups. This is undoubtedly unrealistic and may cause conflicts.

However, integrating national characteristics into daily life and then entering formal occasions is also the beginning of promoting the integration of national cultures.

Start with small changes and guide them step by step. Changes little by little will be more stable and can dig deeper into the market.

 In terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation, clothing comes first. This market is huge and has lasting vitality, so it can be cultivated well.

But Li Yi can't do anything on his own, and he can't weave much brocade even if he works hard by himself.

However, when I go back to visit Jinling University, I can discuss with the school leaders to open a silk weaving-related major and train some professional talents in a targeted way.

 At that time, Li Yi will come regularly to teach silk weaving skills to those students, bring out a few students, and then sign them all, and then he can enter the high-end clothing industry.

 Among the four major categories of Yun brocade, in addition to Zhuanghua, weaving of Zhijin, Ku brocade and Ku satin is relatively easy, and industrial machinery can completely replace manpower.

 These three major categories can completely incubate three high-luxury brands, specializing in high-end luxury clothing.

 As a brocade that can only be made by hand, it can incubate the only top luxury brand in the world, and it is not a problem to buy millions of single products.

These brands alone can create tens of billions or hundreds of billions of companies.

While Li Yi was thinking, reporters outside the court also spotted Li Yi wearing casual clothes and took pictures of him.

Reporters are still wondering how Li Yi appeared here, but they don’t know that Li Yi is building a grand luxury business map in his mind.

 Director Zhu also spotted Li Yi and quickly came over to take him to the rear of the leadership group and introduce him to him. “That is Mayor Tong of Jinling City, that is…”

After he introduced the participating leaders to Li Yi one by one, he said happily: "You didn't come yesterday and missed a good show. I submitted the application materials to the committee early yesterday morning, but in the afternoon The representatives from Hong Kingdom will know.

He went directly to the leader of the organizing committee to protest, but the leader of the organizing committee did not listen to him and said that as long as he submitted the materials, he would be eligible for review and he had no right to obstruct it, which made him angry to death.

I was picking someone up at the hotel, and I happened to see him coming downstairs. His face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, which made me feel very comfortable! Ha ha! "

Seeing him smiling happily, Li Yi joked: "Now you are showing your face!"

 “Is that possible?”

Director Zhu smiled proudly, but he touched the bubble that had not yet grown on his mouth. He gasped in pain, and then said: "The provincial leaders were here yesterday. After hearing about this, they praised me to the sky. , but the main credit for this matter belongs to you, so I asked Xiao Zhao to call you here. I must give you a good performance in front of the leader today. "

 “Thank you so much.”

Li Yi smiled and said thanks.

 “I should thank you.”

Director Zhu smiled and patted his arm: "If it weren't for you, I would have been very unlucky."

As he was talking, a group of people walked in from the gate.

After seeing this group of people, Director Zhu's eyes lit up, he punched Li Yi's arm, and said to him in a low voice: "Come on, come on! These people are the representatives of the Neon Kingdom. The one at the front is called Konoyama Jun is the leader of the Neon Country delegation.

 He is a distinguished professor at Neon Kyushu University, majoring in law.

But his father is amazing. He is the vice president of Kyushu University and the former chairman of the International Council on Monuments and Sites. He also participated in the drafting of the "Convention for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage" and is very influential in UNESCO.

His father has tricked us many times, and now it’s his turn to come and fight against the autumn wind again.

His calculations were wrong this time and he wanted to take Yun Jinshen away. "

Listening to his rambling complaints, Li Yi looked at a man behind Konoyama Jun.

In the delegation headed by Konoyama Jun, everyone was also wearing formal suits, except for the middle-aged man.

  He was the only one wearing a kimono, and the fabric of the kimono was quite delicate. The weft arrangement and patterns looked very familiar to Li Yi.

Director Zhu also noticed the man Li Yi was observing, and immediately said seriously: "This time the Neon delegation has prepared sufficient information for the World Heritage application project, including not only cultural relics, but also skill inheritors.

That man should be the inheritor of the skills they brought this time, and what he is wearing should be Nishijin weaving, which is known as their national treasure weaving craftsmanship. "

"Of course."

Li Yi smiled and said: "Why should we not treat them as treasures when we get them to them?"

 “Haha! You’re so embarrassed!”

Director Zhu laughed, and then reminded seriously: "But having said that, relying solely on the information you prepared, the deliberation may still be unstable.

 So be prepared, you may have to come forward to introduce it to the committee judges. "

Hearing this, Li Yi glanced at him helplessly: "I knew it wouldn't be so easy."




 (End of this chapter)

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