Chapter 816 Dragon Robe

 After seeing the Yun Brocade held out by Li Yi, Director Zhu had nothing else in his eyes.

He stared straight at Yun Jin, and came closer with frivolous steps. He raised his hand to touch it, but when he was about to touch it, his hand retracted.

 “Then, I have to take a break.”

Li Yi directly put Yun Jin into his hand, yawned, and went to the staff dormitory to wash his hands.

Director Zhu was caught off guard and was a little confused by Yun Jin who was suddenly delivered to his hand.

Yunjin's weight was unexpectedly heavy. He almost let go of it at the first blow and broke out in a cold sweat.

After hurriedly picking it up, he carefully looked at the Yun Brocade in his hand.

This curling cloud brocade is only as thick as a mineral water bottle. It is bright red in color and has raised patterns on the top.

The fabric does not look heavy, with a light gauze texture, but the weight is very heavy, like holding a roll of iron.

Director Zhu grabbed the end of the cloth, unfolded it carefully, and observed the cloth carefully.

“The weaving is fine, the brocade pattern is gorgeous, the color is bright and lustrous, and it is as beautiful as clouds in the sky…”

He murmured in admiration with excitement on his face: "That's right, this is Yun Jin!"

 Gently touching the raised lines on the fabric, he turned around and held the fabric toward the sunset. He squinted his eyes from the side and saw a layer of golden metallic luster.

That is the light reflected from the gold threads woven into the fabric, and it is also the reason why Yun brocade is so heavy.

This curling cloud brocade alone used at least a pound of gold thread, otherwise it would never have such a light-weight feeling.

 Unfold the fabric half a meter, and a bright and vivid pattern appears.

It was a green dragon that was winding in the sky and spitting fire.

As soon as the blue dragon appeared, Director Zhu immediately held his breath.

This green dragon seems to be floating on the cloud brocade, and as he unfolds the cloud brocade, it becomes somewhat lifelike, as if it will soar from the cloud brocade at the next moment.

When Director Zhu took a closer look, he discovered that the green dragon did not look like it was floating on cloud brocade. It was convex in itself, and the green dragon also reflected a layer of colorful fluorescence, like color-changing ink, making it look gorgeous. Incomparable.

 “The golden green is brilliant, the blue color is this?”

He muttered something, and then he saw Li Yi who had come back from washing his hands and sat at the table. He hurriedly chased after him and asked Li Yi, "Is this a golden fur coat?"

The Golden Bird is a treasure in "A Dream of Red Mansions", which comes from Chapter 52, "Qiao Ping'er's love covers the shrimp beard bracelet, Yong Qingwen's illness mends the Bird's Golden Fur".

It is said in the article: "This thing is golden and green, with shining green colors. It was made from peacock feathers twisted into threads in the country of Goros."

This green dragon that reflects colorful fluorescence looks a bit like it was woven with peacock tail feathers.

 “Birdskin fur?”

Li Yi picked up the chopsticks, looked back at him, and said with a smile: "If there is a dragon on the golden fur, Jia Baoyu would not dare to wear it. Count how many claws the dragon has."

Upon hearing this, Director Zhu lowered his head and counted the claws of the green dragon, and immediately exclaimed: "Dragon robe?"

 The most common patterns on ancient royal clothing are dragons and phoenixes.

 The dragon symbolizes the emperor, and the phoenix symbolizes the concubine, representing royal majesty.

However, although the dragon and phoenix represent the royal family, folk can also use dragon and phoenix patterns for decoration.

Taking dragons as an example, there are many kinds of dragon patterns, such as cloud dragon, tuanlong, wandering dragon, dragon playing with beads, etc.

But the dragons that appear among the people can only be side dragons, and they can only have four claws.

Only the emperor has the right to use the frontal dragon and the five-clawed dragon. If people use them, it is considered transgression and should be punished as disrespectful.

The dragon pattern on this Juan Yun brocade is a five-clawed dragon, and the dragon is facing forward, so this Juan Yun brocade should be a roll of dragon robe material.

After realizing this, Director Zhu suddenly thought of something and hurriedly asked: "Is your idea for weaving this brocade the same as the dragon robe unearthed in Dingling?"

During the war that year, Dingling, one of the Thirteen Tombs of the Ming Dynasty, which was the tomb of Emperor Wanli Zhu Yijun, was burned and shelled by the enemy, and a large number of stunning and exquisite cultural relics were snatched from it.

 There were reporters who accompanied the shooting and recorded all the crimes committed by the Japanese.

In the photo, the Japanese soldiers opened the tomb where silk fabrics were stored. There were a large number of extremely gorgeous silk fabrics inside. The most gorgeous one is a bright red dragon robe.

  But because those silk fabrics use silk as the main raw material, and the main component of silk is protein.

After hundreds of years, they were quickly oxidized and faded after seeing the light of day, and were eventually burned by the Japanese. Only a few photos were left to record the exquisiteness of those silk fabrics.

The blueprint Li Yi weaved was indeed the dragon robe. He nodded and took a big mouthful of rice into his mouth.

 “That’s right.”

Director Zhu excitedly looked at the Yun brocade in his hand and praised repeatedly: "Yes, it should be so gorgeous. This is called Yun brocade!"

At this moment, his excitement was indescribable, and even made him a little dizzy.

These days, he has been under tremendous pressure. He can only sleep for one or two hours a day, and he is so anxious that his hair is falling out.

Facing Neon Country’s application, his only hope lies in Li Yi.

Although he had seen the kit made by Li Yi, he was not sure whether Li Yi could reproduce the jacquard loom.

 He was betting on Li Yi's success, and he was betting on his own future.

Once he loses the bet, what he will face is an abrupt end to his career and regrets for the rest of his life.

But luckily, he won the bet.

 “I’ve given you the thing, and my task has been completed.”

Li Yi ate the food with big mouthfuls, while tapping him with chopsticks: "You owe me a favor!"

 “Don’t mention one favor, all ten favors are deserved!”

Director Zhu said something, then changed the topic and said with a smile: "But this matter is not over yet! We still have to organize this brocade weaving technology into a heritage application project and submit it to the conference.

 Only you know the technology, so only you can do this job.

You help people to the end, do some hard work and sort out the information? "

 “Okay, I’ll do it tomorrow.”

Li Yi agreed casually.

"do not!"

Director Zhu hurriedly persuaded: "Today is already the 13th, and the opening will be the day after tomorrow. If we don't submit the information early, it will be too late.

You help me, I will help you sort out the information as soon as possible after dinner, and then submit the World Heritage items first.

 Let me thank you later, okay? "

 “Urge me to die?”

Li Yi complained: "I haven't slept for three days and three nights. Do you want me to die suddenly?"

 “No, no, it’s really too late.”

Director Zhu begged again and again with a grimace on his face.

Seeing this, Li Yi shook his head helplessly, and then agreed: "Okay, okay, I got it, I'll help you with it later, okay?"

 “Thank you!”

Director Zhu thanked him profusely: "For this conference, I helped you apply for a special consultant position, and I helped you get the consulting fee."

He said, making an eight sign, and then smiled: "After the meeting, if you have time, I will accompany you to visit Jinling University and introduce you to some professors."

Li Yi didn’t comment and just ate his food.

 After eating, he returned to the workshop, sorted out the documents overnight, and handed them to Director Zhu before lying down and falling asleep.




 (End of this chapter)

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