Chapter 801 Equity Transfer

 Hang up the phone, Li Yi couldn't help but shake his head.

 Liu Xiaoli may have planned to attack Linlong Company from the beginning.

 She is very smart, but a little greedy.

In Li Yi's opinion, this kind of plundering was somewhat disgraceful.

 But if you want to get the maximum benefit, there is nothing wrong with killing one person to serve as a warning to others and being ruthless.

If you want to blame him, you can only blame Lin Long for not having good eyesight and insisting on provoking him.

 Putting away his phone, Li Yi returned to Liu Yifei's side.

"what's wrong?"

 Liu Yifei turned to ask him.


Li Yi hesitated for a moment, wondering whether he should tell Liu Yifei about this.

 But there was no need to hide it from her, she would know it sooner or later, so after thinking for a moment, Li Yi briefly told her the specific situation.

 “Huh? Is it that serious?”

 Liu Yifei couldn't help being surprised after hearing this.

 “Do you think it’s too much?”

Li Yi looked at her and asked.

 “I feel like it’s a bit…”

 Liu Yifei was a little confused.

 She was actually not too angry when Lin Long exposed her relationship. Instead, she was a little happy.

 Because she didn't want to fall in love secretly in the first place, but after being exposed, she could be with Li Yi openly.

 What made her angry was the subsequent troll attacks, which were indeed a bit excessive and caused some fans to be led away from her.

But even so, she didn't expect that Lin Long would pay such a high price.

You must know that this company was established by Lin Long. It took him nearly twenty years to grow from a small company to the top ten in the industry, with a valuation of more than 3 billion.

 Although he has gone through several rounds of financing, Lin Long is still the company’s largest shareholder and has absolute controlling rights.

 He is ambitious and already plans to go public next year.

 But just because of some friction, he is about to hand over the company he has worked so hard to build?

Although Liu Yifei hated what Lin Long did, she also felt that such a result was indeed cruel.

"no way."

Li Yi shook his head and sighed softly, explaining: "The shopping mall is like a battlefield, and the reality is so cruel. If I don't be cruel to him, others will think that I am easy to bully, and I can only protect myself this way."

Liu Yifei also understood this and nodded when he heard this, but couldn't help but ask: "Then will he agree to hand over the company? Is he willing?"

"What he has to consider now is whether he wants money or freedom. Whether he wants to give it up or not depends on him."

Li Yi explained: “Based on the amount of tax he evaded, he can be sentenced to the maximum seven years.

In addition, he has some other things that are easy to find out. If he is punished for several crimes, it will take more than ten years.

 He is almost fifty, how many more decades can he have in his life?

So, if he doesn’t want to go to jail, he has to get out of this quagmire. This is his only way out. "

Lin Long himself is also aware of this truth.

After Liu Xiaoli left, he sat alone in the private room for several hours until the store closed, and then he got up and left in a daze.

 Actually, from the moment Liu Xiaoli mentioned the condition, he knew that his company could not be saved.

 For the rest of the time, he was just trying to digest the news.

 Seeing him coming out, the driver got out of the car and opened the door for him.

When he saw his appearance clearly, the driver exclaimed: "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

Just a few hours later, Lin Long looked much more haggard, as if he had suffered a serious illness.

Lin Long didn't answer, just leaned over and sat in the car.

The driver also returned to the car, looked at the rearview mirror and asked: "Boss, where are we going?"

"back office."

Lin Long said weakly.

"Okay." The driver stepped on the accelerator lightly, drove the car onto the main road, and quickly sent Lin Long back to the company.

The lights in the company were still bright, and the heads of several departments were gathered around, smoking cigarettes and frowning.

Seeing Lin Long return, their eyes lit up, as if they had found a backbone, and they all came forward to greet him, talking all over the place.

Lin Long remained silent and entered the office directly.

The office was also filled with smoke, and several major shareholders were present. The financial director was drinking strong tea, but there was still bubbles at the corners of his mouth.

Seeing Lin Long, several shareholders asked: "Mr. Lin, what's going on?"

"Who have you offended? If you continue to investigate, there will be problems!"

"Is it possible? If it's not possible, just buy back my shares! Just give me the capital."

Facing their questions, Lin Long silently returned to his desk, opened the safe, and took out the official seal, corporate seal and other items.

 Placing a few seals in front of him, he looked at the shareholders who were following him.

“The matter has been resolved and it won’t affect you. Don’t worry.”

 He spoke.

 Hearing his words, several shareholders were overjoyed.

"That's great!"

"I knew Mr. Lin had a way! Who can touch Mr. Lin!"

“What about the tax department? Will you come back tomorrow?”

 “Who is messing with us?”

Lin Long was not in the mood to answer their questions and shook his head: "Don't worry about it, go back! I will take care of this matter."

 Knowing that the trouble had been solved, several shareholders felt much more relieved. They all left after seeing the situation and did not stay to continue disturbing the situation.

The financial director did not leave. After the shareholders left, he came to Lin Long's desk and asked: "Mr. Lin, what should I do about the tax?"

Lin Long glanced at him and asked, "How much money does the company have on its books?"

Hearing his question, the financial director knew: "The tax payment should be enough, and there is still 18 million left, but I am afraid that others will not give me this opportunity!"

  "I would definitely not give this chance if I were here. If it were someone else, there would be a chance."

Lin Long sighed and told him: "Get ready to pay taxes!"


 The financial director nodded excitedly.

 After the tax comes to your door, he is the one who worries the most.

If pressed, he would go in with Lin Long.

 Fortunately, things have turned around now.

 As long as the tax can be paid, it won't be a big problem.

But while he was overjoyed, he also noticed what Lin Long said: "Someone else? Which someone else?"

Lin Long did not explain, but picked up the official seal and said: "You happen to be here, help me draft an agreement!"

 “What agreement?”

 The financial director asked questions.

“Equity transfer agreement.”


 Early the next morning, Li Yi received a call from Liu Xiaoli.

Lin Long has already drafted an agreement and will transfer all the shares in his name to Li Yi at a very low price.

Listening to Liu Xiaoli's delighted voice, Li Yi was silent for a moment and then told her that she could just watch and finish all the procedures.

Liu Xiaoli has a backup of the electronic version of Li Yi's ID card. After the agreement is processed, he only needs to send the scanned copy, and Li Yi can sign it and then scan it and send it back.

 After explaining this, Li Yi kissed Liu Yifei who was woken up, and said softly: "I have to go back to the capital."




 (End of this chapter)

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