Chapter 800 A strong man cuts off his wrist

A single-family house with an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters in Chaoyang District, Beijing, would cost hundreds of millions even without decoration.

 But after hearing what Lin Long said, Liu Xiaoli didn't even raise her eyelids.

 After waiting for a few seconds and seeing that Lin Long didn't continue, Liu Xiaoli raised her eyelids and asked, "That's it?"


Lin Long was stunned.

 A single-family villa worth more than RMB 100 million in exchange for "this is it"?

But now he couldn't help but question it. After being stunned for a moment, he quickly added: "Of course not, how could the wedding car be left behind when the wedding house is already there?

I will also match Yifei’s wedding car, so you can choose whatever you want! "

After hearing what he said, Liu Xiaoli shook her head: "It seems that you are not sincere, so forget it and stop talking, so as not to waste everyone's time."

 After saying that, Liu Xiaoli picked up her bag and stood up, ready to leave.

Seeing this, Lin Long became anxious and quickly stood up and stopped Liu Xiaoli: "Sister Liu, don't leave? I am sincere? How about you tell me how I can be sincere?"

He prayed in the middle of his mouth, but Lin Long's heart was bleeding.

 A villa worth more than RMB 100 million, plus a car with no upper limit. Doesn’t RMB 200 million count as sincerity?

How big is your appetite?

 “Are you negotiating with Li Yi?”

Liu Xiaoli looked at him as if she were a fool: "Do you think Li Yi cares about your villa and car? In the past few days, the comments posted by the trolls you asked for are all still on Weibo. You Have you watched it yourself?

Those slanderous, ridiculing, and abusive words have been seen by everyone on the Internet.

Do you think this kind of insult can be settled with a little money?

 Have you gotten used to the smooth sailing of life and forgotten that tax evasion is a crime?

The taxes you have evaded over the years are enough to send you to jail for several years. Have you done the math?

 Do you know what you are doing? "

 Listening to Liu Xiaoli's questioning, Lin Long broke out in a cold sweat on the spot.

 After being reminded by Liu Xiaoli, he finally realized what the problem was.

 So far, he is indeed thinking about the problem with negotiation thinking.

 What he wanted to do was cut the flesh to bleed and solve this problem.

 He also thought that the other party was here to bite off a piece of meat from him.

 But the actual situation is that the other party doesn’t need to do anything at all. It’s enough to let him go to college for a few years just by digging out his dirty laundry.

 So, for him to have this opportunity to talk, it is considered as face given by the other party.

At this moment, he finally realized that he was already meat on the chopping board and had no right to bargain with the other party.

 After realizing this, his face couldn't help but become a little bleak.

Looking at Liu Xiaoli, he hunched over and begged with a grimace: "Sister Liu, just take pity on me and tell me what to do? As long as I don't go to jail, I will agree to any conditions, okay. ?"

Liu Xiaoli was waiting for his words. When she saw him walking on the road, Liu Xiaoli snorted and sat back down again.

Putting the bag beside her, Liu Xiaoli looked at him and said seriously: "The tax department has started to audit the accounts, and they will definitely not stop until there is a result.

You know how much you escaped, and there must be an explanation for this matter.

In the company, whoever gets involved is screwed. If you want to get out, there is no shortcut but to cut off your wrist. "

 “A strong man cuts off his wrist?”

Lin Long didn’t understand and asked doubtfully: “You mean to pay the tax subsidy immediately?”

“To pay taxes is to make up for the loss.”

Liu Xiaoli glared at him and explained: "When a strong man cuts off his wrist, he gives up one hand to save his life. Do you think this matter can be settled if you pay the tax?"

Furthermore, even if you want to make up for it, will others give you this opportunity? If you can make up for it, will they come directly to check the account without even saying hello? "

Lin Long became even more flustered when he heard this: "Then what makes a strong man cut off his wrist?"

Liu Xiaoli said this, but she remained silent and just looked at Lin Long. Being stared at by her, Lin Long felt as if he had turned into a little sheep, and the other person was a tiger who could eat him in one bite.

 Wait, eat it in one bite?

Lin Long was startled, and a thought flashed through his mind: "You mean, let me leave?"

Seeing that he finally guessed what she was thinking, Liu Xiaoli nodded with satisfaction: "It's not stupid."


Lin Long was instantly filled with anger and wanted to curse, but looking at Liu Xiaoli's eyes, the anger disappeared instantly.

His feet went weak and he slumped back onto the sofa.

Looking at Liu Xiaoli, his lips trembled: "You... are so cruel!"

 Liu Xiaoli's intention was to let him leave directly and hand over the entire company. This would be considered a strong man's death.

 This is half his life's work!

 “No one forces you, you decide for yourself.”

Liu Xiaoli picked up her bag again and stood up. She gave him a condescending look and said, "There are only two choices. If you agree, call me. If you don't agree, don't contact me. Just do business."

After saying that, she turned around and left without any hesitation, leaving only Lin Long slumped on the sofa, as if in mourning.

After going out, Liu Xiaoli got in the car and dialed Li Yi's phone using the car's Bluetooth: "Hello? Xiaoyi, I'm done talking to him."

On the other side, Li Yi had just finished eating and was accompanying Liu Yifei to listen to the Shengwu brothers chatting and bragging with other lotus root diggers.

After receiving the call, he stood up and came to the side and asked, "How do you say it?"

 Listening to Liu Xiaoli's retelling of the conversation on the phone, Li Yi's expression became a little strange.

 After Liu Xiaoli finished speaking, Li Yicai complained helplessly: "Why do I want his company?"

"Why not?"

On the phone, Liu Xiaoli was confident: "We have used such valuable human resources. If we charge more interest, wouldn't it be a big loss?"

 “Then there’s no need to rob the company, right?”

Li Yi clicked his tongue twice: "Isn't this a bit too much?"

 “Excessive? How is it possible?”

Liu Xiaoli said seriously: "This is not a business struggle, this is a resource confrontation. The winner takes all. If you lose, you admit defeat. This is the rule.

 In a real battle, the loser sometimes loses his life, not to mention his wealth. "

Li Yi naturally understood this truth, but he really couldn't bear to let him take away a person's half-life hard work with just one sentence.

As if sensing his hesitation, Liu Xiaoli reminded: "Don't forget, the tax department has already entered the scene. If we don't cut the knot quickly, how will this matter end?"

Li Yi pondered for a moment: "I would rather let him go in for a few years."

  “It’s not necessary.”

Liu Xiaoli persuaded patiently: "It is too easy to put him in jail, but it is not cost-effective. If he goes there and spends a few years, we can only vent our anger and get nothing."

If we remove him directly, it will only be more painful for him than going to jail, and it will also have a better deterrent effect in the industry.

And if you take over, Yifei's contract will not be a problem, and there are dozens of artists who can make money for you, which can be hundreds of millions a year.

 This is a ready-made asset, a stable cash flow, and a group of ready-made people who can be used immediately. "

After listening to her persuasion, Li Yi thought for a long time and finally nodded: "Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you."

Seeing that he finally relented, Liu Xiaoli was very happy and immediately said: "Don't worry, I will definitely help you handle this matter beautifully!"




 (End of this chapter)

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