Chapter 785 Navy Army

 The relationship between Li Yi and Liu Yifei was still hotly searched on Weibo, but in less than half an hour, the trend on the Internet suddenly changed.

 At the bottom of the relevant Weibo, there were suddenly a lot of fierce comments.

 A considerable number of them are directed at Liu Yifei.

“Can you stir up rumors about this? Or do you want to stir up scandals with a chef? Do you have any bottom line?”

“The queen of hype is like this. Every time she shoots a movie, she will be hyped up.”

“After recording a variety show for a few months, you can fall in love and make official announcements. How casual is this?”

“My sister is from the industry. She told me that a certain fairy sister has a lot of fun in private.”

“My cousin’s classmate is from her school. She said that she was a little girl when she was a child, swearing and stealing money. When she grew up, she actually created a pure persona. It was really funny.”

“I suddenly remembered that I had read an article before, saying that she was transgender, but she was actually a man. I don’t know if it was true or not. Is this official announcement just to confuse the public?”

“I never thought she was pretty, I just thought she was vulgar. I don’t know why so many people like her.”

“The fan filter on the Internet is too strong. If you post raw pictures, you will scare away a lot of people.”

"My brother has a friend who works as a paparazzi. It is said that she exposed this information herself in order to suppress a bigger information that would allow her to take the risk of affecting her own future. The information should be suppressed. No matter how old you are, haha, I understand everything.”

"Do you really believe it? Do you think she will really fall in love with a cook?"

“Haha, don’t believe any news in the entertainment industry, it’s all hype.”

“An entertainment reporter has revealed before that because a certain little girl was pregnant with her financial sponsor’s child, she had to find someone in the industry to have a fake marriage, and then divorced after giving birth to the child. This kind of thing shouldn’t be too common in the industry.”

These comments quickly swept through the comment area below the hot-searched related blog posts in a short period of time, and were even posted to the Weibo posts of Li Yi and Liu Yifei.

 After seeing these comments, Liu Yifei was immediately angry and had red circles in her eyes.

Liu Xiaoli also saw these comments and was very angry: "The person surnamed Lin also arranged for the navy? This is really going to break up!"

She took out her cell phone and angrily went out to make a call.

Seeing Liu Yifei crying in grievance, Li Yi sighed, got up and left with her.

This meal is not stable, so let’s take care of this matter first!

Not only was Liu Yifei criticized by trolls, Li Yi’s Weibo was also inundated with comments from trolls.

The navy's attacks on him mainly focused on his identity. They mocked him for being a cook and wanting to fall in love with a female star. This was just a toad wanting to eat swan meat.

These are not bad, but what is even more outrageous is that some people are still following Liu Yifei's rhythm, teasing him for being able to play a female star, which is to bring glory to his peers.

He also said that he was protecting the financial system for the financial owner and acting as a receiver, with green grass on his head.

Such malicious slander and curse made Li Yi a little angry even though he had a calm personality.

However, Li Yi did not waste time with these trolls, because he knew very well that the key to the problem lay with the people behind it.

 What he wants to do is to make the mastermind behind the scenes punished.

On the way to send Liu Yifei back to the room, Li Yi's cell phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, Li Yi found that the call was actually from Tang Entai.

 “Mr. Li, congratulations! You have embraced this beauty. I saw your official Weibo announcement of your love. I’m so happy and congratulated!”

Tang Entai congratulated him with a smile and a brisk tone.


Li Yi was not in a good mood, so he kept his words concise and to the point and didn't say much.

Tang Entai heard Li Yi's coldness and was a little confused, but he still said: "I see that your program has been recorded. What I told you last time, you see..." Before he could finish speaking, Li Yi Then he said, "Mr. Tang, I have a lot of things going on here these days. Let me finish it first and then contact you, okay?"

Hearing what he said, Tang Entai couldn't urge him, so he could only respond: "Okay, okay, it's okay. You go about your business first. Don't delay your business. Contact me after you finish your work. I'll just wait for your call."

 After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone on his own initiative.

As soon as Li Yi hung up the phone, his cell phone rang again.

 This time, it was Guan Xue who called.

Guan Xue's tone was more serious. She asked straight to the point: "There are trolls on the Internet who are systematically attacking you and Liu Yifei. Do you need help?"

Li Yi did not refuse directly, but asked: "Have you received any reminders from above about the orders for the national gift?"

“I urged you once and asked for delivery before the end of the month. I told you last time.”

 Guan Xue also answered very eloquently.

After hearing this, Li Yi said in a deep voice: "Please give feedback to the other side. Just say that I have been busy dealing with the attack by cyber trolls recently, and I may not be able to deliver it on time."

Guan Xue was very smart and guessed what he meant immediately, and asked in surprise: "You want to use this relationship? Isn't it a waste? Anti-aircraft guns to kill mosquitoes!

If you really want to get angry, I'll ask the old man to say something and I'll help you get it done right away. There's no need to waste such good resources. "

"Need not."

Li Yi said in a serious tone: "Since you want to take action, then do it with death, otherwise all the cats and dogs will come to waste my time in the future. I don't have that much time to accompany them to fool around."

This naval attack did make Li Yi a little bit angry.

 The main reason is that this method is too underhanded and a bit disgusting.

If he doesn't establish a prestige, I don't know how many more disgusting things will happen to him in the future!

After hearing Li Yi's words, Guan Xue also understood that Li Yi wanted to use this incident to establish his authority and kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

 But for such a trivial matter, it is indeed a waste to use such high-level connections. Even Guan Xue felt a little sorry for Li Yi.

But Li Yi himself didn’t feel much at all.

This relationship was originally earned by his craftsmanship.

 If he can earn it once, he can earn it a second time.

 The endless forest of steles in the dream space is his confidence.

As long as he can continue to bring back those lost top skills to the world, no one in the world can touch him.

After hearing Li Yi's firm tone, Guan Xue stopped trying to persuade him and immediately responded: "Okay, I'll contact them right now."

 After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone.

Looking at the hung up phone interface, Guan Xue couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for the mastermind behind the scenes.

Who are you messing with? Just mess with him?

When this kid was very poor, he was able to persuade the old man to pay for him to build a factory, and he was extremely grateful to him.

 Can people with such means be bullied casually?

Shaking her head, Guan Xue rummaged for the phone number, already anticipating the outcome of the man behind the scenes.

As expected, this unlucky guy should die miserably.




 (End of this chapter)

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