A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 784: Have the good times gone too long?

Chapter 784 Have the good times gone too long?

 It took more than an hour for Weibo to return to normal.

 After returning to normal, the topic "Weibo crashed" became a hot search topic, ranking second.

 For this reason, Weibo official also issued an announcement explaining that the server crashed because the number of visits in a short period of time was too large and the server could not bear the pressure.

 The official has carried out emergency treatment and has solved it, so that users can use it with confidence and similar problems will not occur again.

 After seeing the announcement, the people who were still a little skeptical were finally relieved.

The official explanation has come out, so there is no need to doubt that it is because of the relationship between Li Yi and Liu Yifei.

 It took just ten minutes to reach the top of the hot search list. With such a traffic impact, it would be strange if Weibo did not collapse!

However, this is not to blame on Weibo. After all, one of the two is a national goddess with countless fans, and the other is a popular celebrity chef who has been in the limelight recently and is not a genetic person.

This pair was put together and their romance was exposed. Even netizens who don't follow the entertainment industry can't help but click in to take a look.

These are all part of the traffic, and the accumulated traffic is absolutely terrifying.

 The collapse of Weibo immediately made this topic even more popular.

  After all, it is rare for a national-level APP to be detonated with a love announcement. This incident alone is enough to show how popular Li Yi and Liu Yifei are.

 But when facing this situation, everyone's mood is different.

Li Yi and Liu Yifei are still in the process of responding to inquiries and blessings from friends from all over the world, and their mobile phones have not rested for a moment.

 Including Huang Xiaoming and others, the staff at the scene were also responding to inquiries from friends and relatives around them.

 Li Yi’s fans were relatively calm and just sent blessings at the bottom of Weibo.

Liu Yifei’s fans were more excited. Some were crying and laughing in the comment area. Some people didn’t believe anything they said. Some people poured Sprite on their heads and acted like fun people, showing off all aspects of life.

 Compared to them, Lin Long's mood was much more complicated.

“They made it official? How dare they make it official?”

 Looking at Li Yi and Liu Yifei's Weibo posts, Lin Long couldn't believe his eyes.

 After instructing the public relations department to put the topic of love on the hot search, he was already thinking about how to deal with the subsequent negotiations.

 His usual style of doing things is to give him a stick first and then a carrot.

He has dealt with similar matters many times. Although those female celebrities may look glamorous in front of others, but because they are not educated, they all obeyed honestly after being frightened like this.

  After all, it is such an easy way to make money in this industry, so many people are trying to get in. If one person is disobedient, there will be another one.

He thought very well. He first heated up the love search and frightened Liu Yifei and Li Yi.

  When they came to negotiate with him after they were in a mess, he would negotiate a tough price, sign Li Yi over, and let the two of them work for him together.

He is not afraid that Liu Yifei and Li Yi will not submit. After all, the liquidated damages of one billion are no joke.

 In the entire company, hundreds of artists are busy and only earn a billion or so in a year.

Even if the whole company’s resources are concentrated to promote it, Liu Yifei will only earn 100 or 200 million in a year.

To earn enough one billion, she would have to work without food or water for another five years.

Although Li Yi is in the limelight and has unparalleled traffic for a while, he does not have enough background after all.

Even if he lets go of making money and works hard to monetize his traffic, he will still be able to earn 100 or 200 million in the end.

As for his so-called set of bowls worth hundreds of millions, the bamboo weavings that are worth millions if you just make them, in Lin Long's opinion, it is the most superficial hype. The value of the so-called handicrafts is fictitious. There is a price but no market. Someone has to really pay for it.

Has that set of hundreds of millions of bowls been sold?

 If it is not sold, it is worthless.

Money counts only when it is in hand. Otherwise, if those national treasure gangs talk about the Ru kilns worth hundreds of millions in their hands all day long, wouldn’t everyone be a billionaire?

There is also the million-dollar piece of bamboo weaving. Even if someone really spends millions to buy it, it’s just the one who took advantage of it, right?

 Besides that resentful person, does anyone else spend money to buy bamboo weaving?

There seems to be none, right?

Therefore, in Lin Long's view, although Li Yi's current net worth is not low, it is only paper wealth and has no realizable value.

 In short, it is puffiness.

 But he was still optimistic about Li Yi's potential, otherwise he wouldn't have thought of this method to force Li Yi to submit.

Having been in this circle for so long, Lin Long knows very well that if he wants to stay in this circle for a long time, he must have strength.

 Simply relying on face and good looks can only make you popular for a while, which is a bonus period for new artists.

 But once the novelty of the audience wears off, and there is no ability that is difficult for others to match, this kind of artist will easily become obsolete.

Li Yi does not rely on his good looks, he relies on his superb cooking skills.

A young chef with excellent cooking skills and good looks is a quite recognizable celebrity character.

 Celebrities with natural personalities can be very profitable, especially stars like Li Yi who have bonuses in specific fields.

Although many kings and queens are extremely popular, because they do not have a specific persona, they can only get advertising endorsements for luxury clothing, watches, jewelry, and cosmetics.

 But because the number of these high-end luxury endorsements is limited, the competitive pressure is naturally huge, and it has always been a winner-takes-all situation.

 But it’s different for stars with natural personalities like Li Yi.

Taking Li Yi as an example, his most outstanding personality is that of a genius chef.

 Hence, kitchen-related products can naturally be bundled with him, and his endorsement effect will be stronger than that of other celebrity artists.

 The current general environment is not good. There is a surplus of various production commodities. All manufacturers are short of traffic. Those with traffic are kings.

In the niche field of kitchen supplies, Li Yi’s appeal is definitely much stronger than that of top anchors such as Mouqi.

If operated properly, the company can completely use Li Yi's personality to create an IP that monopolizes the entire kitchen supplies industry.

For example, Li Yi Yanxuan, God of Cooking live broadcast room, etc.

By then, the company will be able to make a lot of money just by earning pit fees and profit sharing.

 It was precisely because he saw this value in Li Yi that Lin Long would not hesitate to use any means, and would rather drag Liu Yifei into trouble than get Li Yi back to the company.

 He has already thought about it. If Li Yi comes to negotiate, he is even willing to give up the profit sharing ratio to 37.

But he never expected that Liu Yifei would be so adamant. She would not even talk about it, but would directly announce it to Li Yi!

This is about to break up directly!

If there was no official announcement, based on that video alone, there would still be room for maneuver in the whole thing.

 But if Li Yi and Liu Yifei make such an official announcement, it is tantamount to completely falling out with the company.

 Looking at the Weibo on the screen, Lin Long looked gloomy.

 Has this been a good life for too long? Have you forgotten how ruthless his methods are?

Since you can’t live a good life, let’s taste the feeling of falling from the clouds!

Picked up his phone, he opened WeChat, found an account, pressed the voice button, and put it to his mouth: "Let's get to work!"




 (End of this chapter)

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