Chapter 600 ZY Shrimp Chili

   Shabu-shabu and hot pot from all over the world have their own characteristics and flavors.

  Mongolian-style mutton shabu-shabu and Chaoshan beef hot pot are delicious, and the soup base is not overwhelming, and it is only boiled with water.

  Sichuan-style spicy hot pot is mainly based on the flavor of spices and the sauce flavor of bean paste.

  The fermented bean hot pot in Guizhou is a special one.

  Its taste is mainly based on the aroma of fermented soybeans.

  Zhao Jinmai has been washing pork belly by the sink, while Liu Yifei is cutting in front of the chopping board, and has already cut a pot of pork belly slices.

  The method of fermented bean hot pot in Guizhou is very simple. The base ingredients are lard, pork, fermented soya bean and chili pepper.

   But if you want to make it delicious, you still have to pay attention.

  Before frying the base, Li Yi had to fry the crispy whistle first.

  Crispy Whistle is the name of southern regions such as Guizhou Province, but it is actually the oil residue in the north.

  When eating fermented bean hot pot in Guizhou Province, crispy whistle is the soul. It can not only be eaten dry, but also can be eaten in hot pot. The oily fragrance is delicious.

   After setting the pot on the stove, Li Yi brought over slices of pork belly that Liu Yifei had cut.

   Taking a pot of unused lard from the counter, Li Yi dug it into the pot with a shovel.

  When making pasta to make lard, Li Yi used the water refining method, and the lard produced was white in color, but the aroma was slightly lacking.

  This time, the bottom of the hot pot needs to be fried, and it needs to be fragrant enough, so Li Yi plans to use the oil refining method to make lard and deep-fry the oil residue.

  After the lard was put into the pan, it melted quickly.

  Li Yi scooped up the pork belly slices with a colander, poured them into the pot, and started to stir fry them.

   The pork belly slices still have the water left during washing, and they crackle after being put into the pan, and there is a lot of movement.

  Li Yi stir-fried evenly, and waited until the sound became quieter before continuing to add the meat slices.

  The oil refining method needs to ensure that the water content in the pork and lard is as low as possible, so Li Yi only put in two spoonfuls and continued to stir fry.

   After the meat slices were gradually dried out and turned into oil residue, Li Yi fished them out and put them in a basin beside him before adding the meat slices into the pot again.

   Soon, the aroma of lard spread, and along the front hall, floated among the diners queuing outside the door, causing a burst of mourning.

  Huang Xiaoming had to run outside the door to appease him, saying that the business would open soon, so that diners could feel at ease and so on.

  After half an hour of frying, all the crispy whistles were fried, and most of the lard in the pot was smelted out.

  Filled up all the crispy whistles and put them aside, Li Yi went to the storage room and brought out a pot of dried fermented soybeans and a pot of prepared peppers.

   This pot of chili was soaked by Liu Yifei following Li Yi's instructions, after coming to the restaurant early in the morning, and the chili cap was cut off.

  In addition, she and Zhao Jinmai prepared a pot of peeled **** and a pot of peeled garlic cloves.

  After bringing out the peppers, Li Yi turned around and went to the storage room, took out a large stone mortar, and put it in the empty space by the wall.

  Afterwards, Li Yi used a colander to pick up a spoonful of peppers in the pot, and put them into the stone mortar together with **** and garlic.

   Went into the storage room again, this time Li Yi came out with a thick stone pestle in his hand.

  Below the stone pestle is a stone pier the size of an electric cooker, with a thick wooden stick inlaid in the center.

  But in Li Yi's hands, it looked light and light, like a toy.

  After taking out the stone pestle, Li Yi rinsed the stone pier, took the stone pestle, and smashed the chili, **** and garlic in the stone mortar.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  The dull sound attracted the attention of everyone in the back kitchen.

   Linghua was puzzled and asked: "What is this for? Making chili sauce?"

  Lin Yilun looked back, thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Is this making Ciba chili?"

  In the live broadcast room, some viewers from your province have already excitedly called out the name of Ciba Chili.

   "Cinba chili! This is super delicious!"

   "The soul of black bean hot pot! This chili is very fragrant after being fried!"

   "Oh my god! Who can understand the mood of a Liupanshui man who works outside when he sees Ciba chili peppers!"

   "Is this the kind of glutinous rice cake pepper that was put in the hot pot yesterday? Why didn't you use a machine to grind it?"

   The process of smashing Ciba chili was very boring, Li Yi was smashing while watching the audience's barrage.

   Seeing an audience asking, he explained casually: "There are Ciba peppers in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan, but they have different uses and methods.

   It stands to reason that Ciba chili must be pounded to taste the best.

  But in order to save time, mass production, chopping with a knife, and grinding with a meat grinder are all possible.

   It's just that it can't reach the extreme of pounding glutinous rice cake chili.

   This is Guizhou’s characteristic glutinous rice cake pepper, which is used for fermented bean hot pot.

  It's not like the Sichuan Province spicy hot pot we made yesterday. It takes more than half an hour to fry.

   The fermented bean hot pot will be fragrant in a few minutes, so the glutinous rice cake peppers used must be pounded, otherwise the taste will not be enough. "

   While speaking, he had already pounded the glutinous rice cake chili in the first mortar.

  Using a frying spoon to dig out the peppers, he turned around and put some peppers, **** and garlic in, and Li Yi continued to pound.

  The huge stone pestle pounded very well, coupled with Li Yi's extraordinary strength, the frequency of the stone pestle pounding seemed to be connected to an engine, and the efficiency was astonishing.

   In just over ten minutes, Li Yi pounded a pot full of peppers and dug them into the pot.

  Bringing a pot full of peppers, Li Yi returned to the stove.

   Turned on the pot, scooped a few spoonfuls of lard from the lard pot next to it, poured it into the pot and heated it up, Li Yi poured the pounded peppers into the pot in batches, and started to stir-fry.

  As the lard is fried, the aroma of chili peppers gradually permeates.

  Smelling the aroma of this chili pepper, everyone in the back kitchen was suddenly attracted and kept sniffing.

   "Eh? The taste of this chili? It's different from the ones yesterday!"

  Linghua seemed to remember something, frowned and thought: "It's so familiar! I seem to have eaten it somewhere!"

   "I seem to have eaten somewhere."

  Zeng Yi also sniffed the aroma of chili peppers, thinking in doubt.

  Dao Lang, who was peeling potatoes on the side, suddenly said, "It's a bit like an old godmother."

  After being reminded by him, Linghua immediately remembered.

   "Yes! It's Laoganma!"

  Linghua clapped her hands and said excitedly: "I'm so impressed! The first time I ate Laoganma, I smelled it!"

   "It seems to be!"

   Zeng Yi also had some impressions, he asked Li Yi: "What kind of pepper do you use?"

  Li Yi stir-fried the peppers in the pot, added some salt, and said with a smile: "To make your province's black bean hot pot, you must use your province's peppers.

   This is the shrimp chili from ZY, Guizhou Province. The glutinous rice cake chili made with this shrimp chili has the best taste. "

  Linghua asked curiously: "Did the old godmothers use this kind of pepper?"


  Li Yi nodded: "This kind of pepper is the best pepper in Guizhou Province. It was recorded in the "ZY Fuzhi" in the middle of Qing Dynasty that the quality and yield of ZY peppers are better than those of other places.

  However, the output of this kind of pepper is relatively small, which cannot keep up with the production capacity, and the price is getting higher and higher, so Laoganma has given up using this kind of pepper and switched to peppers from Henan Province and Western Regions Province. "

   "No wonder!"

  Linghua shook her head: "I said why the old godmother is not as delicious as before. It turns out that the ingredients have been changed!"




  (end of this chapter)

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