Chapter 599 Wagyu


  Li Yi nodded, trimmed off a whole piece of neck meat, put it on the tray beside him, and explained: "These meats are used to make Chaoshan beef hot pot."

   "No wonder."

  Lin Yilun suddenly realized: "It must be the most perfect to eat Chaoshan beef hot pot.

  I have always thought that Chaoshan is the place to eat the most delicate beef.

  In Chaoshan, a cow can be divided into dozens of different parts, and the taste of each part is different, which is amazing. "

   As he spoke, he looked down at Li Yixiu's neck, and praised: "This snow pattern is so beautiful, what did you call this place just now? Shangnaoren? Neckren?"

   "You can also call it Snow Flower."

  Li Yi glanced at the neck meat, and said casually: "15%, the fat deposition ratio of this piece of meat is not bad, it should taste good."

   "It's about the same as A3 Wagyu."

   Lin Yilun nodded and said: "I think the beef in A3 is the best. The meat in A4 and A5 is too fat, and you will get tired of it after two bites. Moreover, it's extremely expensive, so it's not worth it at all."

  Hearing this, Li Yi laughed and joked: "With your wealth, eating A5 wagyu beef shouldn't be stressful, right?"

   "If you have money, you can't be taken advantage of!"

  Lin Yilun said with a smile: "Actually, there are many luxury ingredients, but they are rare and expensive.

   You said that A5 beef worth thousands of dollars per catty is really much tastier than A3? I don't think so.

  It is indeed fragrant enough, and it is indeed satisfying to drink it down, but it is really unnecessary to spend more than ten times more for this one bite.

   And eating fat meat counts as eating? It's just that the fat content is higher, and the processing is to roast it with charcoal fire, which is too technical. "

   As he spoke, he waved his hands disapprovingly.

  Hearing his complaints, the live broadcast room was full of barrage.

   "Too Versailles! Haha!"

   "What people eat is the original taste of the ingredients."

   "Laughing to death! What we eat is not the same as the original taste of the ingredients."

   "The original taste of the ingredients? Cantonese cuisine is the ancestor! Chicken has the taste of chicken, meat has the taste of meat, and vegetables have the taste of vegetables. A three-year-old child knows it."

   "Haha! This is the experience of those who have eaten it. I have also eaten A5-level wagyu beef. I went to Kobe to eat it. After eating it, I felt that I was really taken advantage of."

   "It's not that exaggerated. In fact, it's delicious, but it's really not worth it! It's too expensive!"

   "I believe in Brother Lun's experience, after all, Brother Lun is also a professional."

   "We Chaoshan people eat beef, and a cow is divided into pieces. It should be tender, crispy, slippery, and springy, and this is called eating!"

   "Just talking about cooking skills, all Western cuisines are not worthy of lifting our shoes!"

  There is a display screen in front of the desk. Lin Yilun looked at the flying barrage and felt very novel: "Your program is really interesting, and you can also see the barrage in real time."

Looking at the audience's barrage on the screen, he took it seriously: "Actually, it's not very good for me to say this in front of the live broadcast, and it's a bit provocative, but I have also been to many countries and regions, such as catering culture and cooking skills. , we are indeed alone in the world.

  Of course, it doesn’t mean that other places are bad, but they are not as rich as ours.

  But we also have to be a little tolerant. There is a reason why Wagyu can become famous all over the world. It tastes really good.

  Just talking about the quality of beef, it is indeed better than the beef we usually eat.

   But our strength lies in the fact that we can make ingredients that are not so outstanding in quality and make them delicious through cooking skills. This is amazing! "

  Linghua on the side heard what he said, and couldn't help but said: "The quality of wagyu beef may not be better than our beef, right?

  I have eaten A5 wagyu beef, which is actually the same, that is, it has more fat, but it is still white fat beef.

  In the minds of us Mongolians, white-fat cattle cannot be compared with yellow-fat cattle.

  Yesterday we killed a top yellow fat cattle, HLBE’s Su Bai cattle, and there was also Snowflake.

  After a while, you will taste the snowflake meat of Su Bainiu, and you will know what real good beef is. "

"Oh, is it so?"

  Lin Yilun became interested: "Yellow fat snowflake cow? Then I have to try it."

   "Do the work first."

  Li Yi put the chopped spoon kernels in front of him: "All slices, 1mm thick."

   "Okay, let me show you my knife skills."

  Lin Yilun moved the chopping board, and cut the meat beside Li Yi.

  His efficiency is much faster than Zeng Yi's, and the cut meat slices are also very uniform and complete, with a high yield rate.

  Seeing this, Li Yi accelerated the speed of cutting up the meat.

   It didn't matter that he accelerated, Lin Yilun felt his hands flying up and down, turned his head to look, and saw the blade in Li Yi's hand walking silently on the cow.

  A moment later, Li Yi pulled the cow, and the beef on the cow was pulled off by Li Yi like a piece of clothing.

  Seeing this scene, Lin Yilun couldn't help but widen his eyes in shock: "I'm going! What's going on? Your unloading speed is too fast!"

   "Did you not watch the live broadcast the day before yesterday?"

  Huang Xiaoming came up close, patted him on the back, and said with a smile: "Brother Yi's move is the real Paodingjieniu.

  This is only half a cow. Brother Yi solved a whole cow the day before yesterday. That scene is exciting! "

   "I have to go back and see."

  Lin Yilun was amazed: "This knife technique is too scary!"

  In the live broadcast room, the audience has all witnessed Li Yijie's whole cow.

   But seeing Li Yijie Beef again, I still feel amazing, not to mention Lin Yilun who met for the first time.

  After removing the beef three times, five times and two times, Li Yi put away the meat in chest area, three-flowered toe, five-flowered toe, tender meat and other areas according to the parts, and handed them over to Lin Yilun.

  With Yilun Lin around, his pressure is much less, otherwise he would have to cut all the beef himself.

  Take out the tender meat and the leg meat between the five-flowered toes separately, and put them on a clean chopping board, Li Yi called Wu Lei over.

   "It's time for you to contribute."

  Li Yi took two heavy square iron rods and handed them to Wu Lei: "Your task is to beat these legs into meat."

   This is the most labor-intensive step in Chaoshan beef hot pot, that is, hand-made beef balls.

  It needs to use an iron rod to beat the beef into a puree, and then knead it into meatballs.

  Wu Lei knew that he was going to do this job, but after taking the iron rod, he was still surprised by the weight of the iron rod.

   "So heavy?"

  He picked up the iron rod and shook it in his hand.

   "Focus can increase efficiency." Li Yi explained casually.

   "Is it just smashing like this?"

  Wu Leichi asked: "Isn't it better to cut it first?"

   "Can't cut."

  Li Yi explained: "There is fascia in the leg flesh, and those fascia will act as a fixation, so that the muscles will not be easily thrown away.

  If you cut it open, the meat will fly everywhere without smashing it twice. The efficiency is even worse.

   Just smash it like this, it will be easy after smashing, remember to pick out the fascia. "

   As he spoke, he patted Wu Lei on the shoulder and said with a smile, "This is physical work, so you can treat it as strength training."

  Wu Lei heard the words, lowered his head and looked at the slightly swollen abdomen, and immediately stopped complaining.

   Picking up the iron rod, he came to the beef, aimed at the beef, and smashed it hard, as if he had some deep hatred with the beef.

  Seeing this, Li Yi nodded in satisfaction, then came to the stove and put the cauldron on the stove.

  This time, the ten flavors of shabu-shabu soup bases are basically prepared in advance, and there is only one flavor that is not ready, which is the Guizhou-style black bean hot pot.

  The bottom material of this kind of hot pot needs to be fried, and it tastes best when it is freshly fried.

  After the bottom ingredients are fried, the restaurant will be open for business.




  (end of this chapter)

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