Chapter 579 Paodingjieniu

  Hearing Li Yi's words, several people watching from behind were aroused and looked over curiously.

  The audience in the live broadcast room also raised their spirits, and they started discussing with bullet screens one after another.

   "What? I didn't hear clearly, is Brother Yi going to learn from others?"

   "Isn't that story fictional? Can it really be done in reality?"

   "The story of Paoding Jieniu means finding a way to survive in society, avoiding conflicts, and avoiding harm. It is not really dissecting cattle."

   "Brother Yi, are you serious?"

   "I think Brother Yi should be able to do it. In terms of knife skills, I haven't seen anyone better than Brother Yi!"

   "Brother Yi can even shred tofu, what's the deal with beef?"

   "Didn't Brother Yi demonstrate it when he cut up the pork last time? The knife technique is so smooth, the beef is nothing more than bigger, and the bone seam is still big! It's hard for Brother Yi!"

  The allusion of Paodingjieniu, everyone heard it when they were in school.

  But in reality, no one has ever seen a person who can be as smooth as Pao Ding.

  Therefore, when they heard that Li Yi was going to demonstrate Paoding's method of removing a cow, everyone was aroused by him, wanting to see how he would remove a cow.

  The butcher has already taken the cowhide and offal aside, leaving space around the cow.

  Li Yi took the Yingjisha knife and came to the back of the cow.

  Looking at the hoisted body of the cow, Li Yi held the knife and held it in front of him, then let go of his little finger and ring finger.

  Holding the handle of the knife with only the thumb, index finger and middle finger, and pressing the tip of the blade against the base of the oxtail, Li Yi changed his gesture again.

  Using the loosened ring finger and little finger against the bottom of the handle, he applied lightly, and the blade cut into the meat seam at the root of the oxtail from an oblique angle.

   Then, he began to cut all the way down the base of the oxtail and along the spine.

  He held the handle of the knife with only three fingers, adjusted the direction with his ring finger and little finger, turned his wrist, and twisted the blade, looking as flexible as a fish swimming.

  The camera closely followed Li Yi's hand, taking a close-up of his cutting.

  The knife is extremely sharp, where the blade passes, the beef is instantly separated, revealing the beef bone with red meat stubble and fascia underneath.

   Along the spine all the way down, Li Yi held a small knife and drew on the cow's body, as if he was painting with the blade.

  He painted very meticulously, as if every bone had to be taken care of, and he would change the angle of the knife according to the shape of the bone.

   In this way, sometimes swiftly and sometimes tediously, the blade in Li Yi's hand stroked the cow for more than ten minutes.

  However, the people on the scene who watched him operate the whole time, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, were almost impatient.

  The cow has been cut with many cuts, and the bones of the cow have been exposed, but there is still a gap with the description in the book that "it has been solved, like a land committee".

   But Li Yi, who was still cutting the knife, didn't care at all. He was still focusing on cutting the knife, with steady hands and concentration.

  Finally, at the 16th minute, Li Yi stopped.

   And his blade just cut a few times around the position under the bull's head, and finally stopped at the center of the back of the neck.

   Putting away the knife, Li Yi signaled to the butchers who were smoking and waiting: "Do me a favor, help me hold the shelf and grab some beef legs."

  Hearing this, the butcher put down his cigarette butts and stamped them out. He stepped forward, and according to Li Yi's instructions, he helped him hold down the shelf and grabbed four cow legs.

  Seeing that they were all grasping firmly, Li Yi came to the front of the cow, stretched out his hands, inserted them into the gap where the cow's back leg was cut, and tightened the muscles of the cow's leg.

  Slightly determined, Li Yi pulled hard.

  Just hearing a "chuck", the beef hanging on the cow was suddenly torn off by Li Yi like a piece of clothing.

   Hundreds of catties of beef landed on the floor covered with plastic sheeting like a down jacket soaked in water.

  The body of the ox trapped on the shelf has only a complete ox skeleton left.

  Seeing this scene, everyone present was stunned.

  Even the butchers who were supporting the shelves stared blankly at the ox skeletons left on the shelves with expressions of disbelief.

   Picking beef like picking clothes?

   What is this operation?

   "This is... the meat was picked off directly?"

  Linghua couldn't help but came to the front, leaned over and looked at the picked meat with a look of amazement.

  Several other people also gathered around, curiously looking at the whole beef that was picked.

   Seeing their surprised faces, Li Yi smiled and said: "This is simple, just follow the texture of the muscle tissue and cut off the connection between the muscle and the bone."

  Hearing his explanation, the butcher looked at each other, speechless.

  They also know how to slaughter and divide cattle, and they all have about ten years of service.

  But it was the first time they had seen such an operation like Li Yi, who directly removed the beef from the cow like undressing.

  Although the way Li Yi said, it can be done theoretically.

  But there is a distance between theory and reality, at least they can't do it yet, and they may not even be able to do it for a long time in the future.

  Even professional butchers like them were amazed by this scene.

   It is conceivable how surprised the audience in the live broadcast room was when they saw this scene for the first time.

  After the deboned beef landed in a pile, the barrage in the live broadcast room was empty for a moment, and then turned into a dense flood of barrage.

   "Fuck! Is this all right?"

   "Huh? I didn't look carefully, why was it torn off?"

   "This scene looks a bit scary? But it's too awesome, right? It looks like a movie!"

   "My God! Can you really pick out the meat? I always thought this method was fictional, but it can really be done!"

   "Bull beep! This is the first time I have seen the contents of the textbook appear in reality!"

   "Easy! This is easy!"

   "I recorded the screen, and when I have a child in the future and learn this lesson, I will show him this video."

   "Hey! How many cows do you have to kill before you can practice such a superb knife technique?"

   "Amazing skills!"

   Picking up the beef and putting it on the desk beside him, Li Yi glanced at the barrage.

Seeing the admiration drifting across the screen, Li Yi smiled slightly, and then reminded seriously: "The solution I used is just a superficial application on the technical level, but the story of Paodingjieniu is essentially about preaching Taoism and doing nothing. An allegory of a philosophical idea.

  So, the operation I just made, you just have to watch it for fun, don’t take it as an example of teaching children what to learn and practice, practice makes perfect, it’s not good. "

  Hearing what he said, Zeng Yi on the side asked suspiciously: "Isn't that what the story tells? That's what the teacher taught me when I was in school?"


  Huang Xiaoming, who was about the same age as him, echoed and asked, "My teacher also taught me the same way, and I think it makes sense too? Practice makes perfect, how can you do it with ease?"

   "No, the teaching is reversed."

  Li Yi smiled and shook his head: "According to this understanding, the meaning of Pao Ding Jie Niu is completely opposite."




  (end of this chapter)

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