Chapter 578 This knife is really handsome!

  When Su Bainiu was struggling and mooing, Huang Xiaoming and the others who were watching not far away couldn't help showing expressions of impatience.

   Zeng Yi turned around directly, feeling a bit unbearable to look directly at.

   Linghua and Tengger watched Li Yi's operation with great interest and chatted in Mongolian.

   "He actually knows how we Mongolians slaughter cattle."

  Teng Geer looked at Li Yi's operation with a smile, and praised: "The knife is fast and the technique is good. If this is a Mongolian boy, there must be many girls who want to marry him."

   "It is rare for children nowadays to butcher cattle, unless they specialize in slaughtering cattle."

Linghua also looked at Li Yi appreciatively, as if she was looking at her up-and-coming younger brother, and said with a smile: "Few Mongolian children of his age would dare to butcher a sheep, let alone a cow. not easy."

  Beside her, the camera crew took pictures of them.

  Another group of cameras was filming Li Yi's operation of slaughtering a cow.

  Seeing that Li Yi only cut a hole in his chest, and put his hand in, the cow stopped moving, and the audience in the live broadcast room looked dumbfounded.

   "What kind of slaughter is this?"

   "Isn't it all about wiping your neck? I still want to watch something exciting!"

   "Didn't you wipe the neck last time when you slaughtered a sheep? How did you do it?"

   "Why do you put your hand in? What are you doing?"

  Li Yi covered Su Bainiu's eyes with a clean hand, quietly waiting for it to stop twitching.

  There is a staff behind the camera holding a bullet screen.

  After seeing the barrage above, Li Yi explained: "This is the way the Mongolians slaughter meat, which is different from other places.

  Mong people are very taboo to directly slaughter the necks of meat animals with knives to let blood, or directly beheaded.

  On the one hand, it is because of belief. The ancient Mongolian people believed in the Tengger Longevity Heaven, and held regular rituals to worship the heaven.

   There are white sacrifices and red sacrifices. The white priests use milk products to sacrifice to the heavens. The red sacrifices are to sacrifice the five Mongolian animals, namely camels, horses, cows, goats, and sheep.

  During the Red Sacrifice, the hearts of the five animals were directly taken out to sacrifice to heaven, so the knife was directly cut on the chest, and gradually formed a habit.

   On the other hand, it is also due to practical factors, cutting the knife from the chest can preserve a more complete skin.

  The cattle and sheep slaughtered in this way will not be damaged except for the chest and abdomen that are supposed to be cut open, and the leather is easier to sell at a good price. "

  After hearing Li Yi's explanation, the audience in the live broadcast room understood the reason and were amazed again and again.

   "It turns out that the Mongolian people also have a culture of worshiping heaven!"

   "This is the first time I've heard of the five Mongolian animals."

   "I think realistic factors have a greater impact. The most important economic income of ordinary Mongolians in ancient times was leather. The economic base determines the superstructure!"

   "It feels like this method of killing is more humane, and livestock die faster."

   "Human nature is not enough, the efficiency is indeed higher."

   "But the blood must not be drained cleanly, the meat must have a fishy smell, right?"

   "No blood can be seen on the outside, but it has flowed into the cavity."

   While speaking, Su Bainiu had stopped convulsing and died completely.

  Seeing this, Li Yi motioned to the butcher to help him turn the rack around again so that the bull's head was facing down and he was hung upside down.

  Then he took out the knife, found the right position at the heel of the leg, and with one stroke, he cut open the entire cowhide of the cow's abdomen, exposing the yellowed fat and muscle tissue underneath.

  Following, Li Yi made a cut along the edge of the knife on the inner side of the cow's leg, cutting out a "I" shaped knife edge with both ends depressed.

  If it is sheepskin or pigskin, you can also blow air to separate the skin from the subcutaneous fat and reduce the difficulty of peeling.

   But the cowhide is too thick to be blown up by manpower, so it can only be peeled slowly with a knife.

  Li Yi held a small knife, and used the blade to cut a slit under the dermis of the cowhide, close to the subcutaneous fat.

  Following, he grabbed the cowhide with one hand, and quickly shaved it with a knife with the other.

   After a while, a complete cowhide was shaved off by him.

   After wiping the blade on the cowhide, Li Yi handed over the cowhide to the butcher and asked them to spread it under the cow's head.

   Picking up the knife again, Li Yi found the right position at the base of the lower abdomen, and then stabbed into the abdomen with one knife, and slashed down.


  Seeing Li Yi's knife, several slaughter masters couldn't help being shocked.

   This has to be watched, right?

  The location of the internal organs, if the knife is cut too deep and the intestines are cut, the meat will be polluted.

   However, what they feared did not happen.

   Li Yi made a cut, although the muscle tissue was cut, but a layer of peritoneal lining was left, which still wrapped the internal organs.

   Putting the knife away, Li Yi stretched out an index finger, dug into the abdominal cavity below the diaphragm, punctured the inner lining of the abdominal cavity, and then gently picked along the edge of the knife.

  His index finger cut through the inner lining of the abdominal cavity like a blade, and the internal organs also flowed out.

  The master of the slaughterhouse had never seen this move, but the audience in the live broadcast room watched Li Yi perform it when he slaughtered a pig last time, and the barrage was flying all over the place.

   "Finger of God!"

   "I would like to call you Kato Taka, the kitchen world!"

   "This knife is really handsome!"

   "How do you feel that Brother Yi is killing cows just for fun?"

   "Such a big cow can be killed with one knife. I can't imagine how fiercely Brother Yi slaughtered people."

   "Is this the legendary Paodingjieniu?"

  Li Yi took the knife, put his hand into the incision of the chest cavity, and cut a knife.

   Then he made a circle around the dung door and cut off the whole dung door. Li Yi pulled the intestines, and with a slight movement, he pulled out a whole set of cow offal and landed on the cowhide in front of him.

   Taking two steps back, Li Yi signaled to the butcher: "Turn the cow over, and bring a big basin."

   Soon, the butcher helped him turn the cow over and let the cow lie down.

  Seeing that the big basin was also brought over, Li Yi stepped forward again, took the small knife, pierced into the diaphragm below the chest cavity, and drew a circle.

   Puff puff!

  The cow's blood that had begun to coagulate into lumps immediately gushed out along the knife edge, and the **** smell also followed.

  After he tore off the main artery, the beating heart of the cow squeezed all the blood into the chest cavity.

  The thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity are not connected, and there is a layer of diaphragm blocking it, so the blood is stagnant in the chest cavity.

  Because there is no wound in the lungs, and the esophagus runs through the stomach in the abdominal cavity, so there will be no blood overflow from the snout of the cow.

  But when Li Yi opened his chest cavity, the stagnant cow blood gushed out quickly.

   Asked a few butchers to help out, and put the serum of the cow into a large basin. Li Yi also took out the heart and lungs of the cow.

  After washing the blood in the chest cavity and abdominal cavity with clean water, the butcher turned the rack again and hung the cow upside down again.

  At this time, the cow has become a common light plate, with a layer of golden fat covering the clearly visible gaps in the muscle tissue.

Putting the blade on the cow's leg and wiping off the remaining blood, Li Yi glanced at the barrage on the screen, smiled, and said to the camera: "That wasn't called Paodingjieniu just now, watch it , starting now, is the real Paodingjieniu."




  (end of this chapter)

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