Chapter 576 Can you speak Mongolian?

   "Two groups of guests will arrive in the afternoon, and the rest will have to come tomorrow."

  Wang Tian knows the itinerary of the guests very well, and she has to check the ticket information of each guest in person.

   "Which two groups?"

Li Yi has seen the list of guests. This episode is linked to another upcoming music variety show on Mango Channel. All the guests from that music variety show are here. The purpose is to give new music variety shows advertise.

   This music variety show is called "The Voice of Chinese Folk Songs". It is a program that invites folk singers from various provinces and cities to compete on the same stage.

  Each program will have folk singers from several provinces and cities performing on the same stage, and the guests who came this time are the guests from the first program.

   "In Mongolia."

  Wang Tian answered casually.

   "Oh, is there a flight between Tengger and Legend of Feng Huang?"

  Li Yi asked casually, and said, "Then take it directly to the slaughterhouse!"

   "You're too impolite, you just take it to the slaughterhouse as soon as you get off the plane?"

  Wang Tian laughed and complained.

   "What's the matter, didn't those people from Ivory Mountain also go to the slaughterhouse?"

  Li Yi smiled and said: "They are nomads, they have pastures, cattle and sheep everywhere, why haven't you seen it? Our little scene is nothing."

   "Those are not all nomads. Zeng Yi is from our Hunan Province, and he is from an artistic family."

  Wang Tian laughed and joked.

   "I didn't eat less beef and mutton."

  Li Yi said with a smile, then took out his mobile phone and glanced at the message from Xiao Lu: "Xiao Lu and the others have arrived, and the cows are ready."

  Wang Tian heard this, and asked worriedly: "It's still a bit dangerous to kill a cow, can you do it?"

   "How can a man say no?"

  Li Yi made a joke, and then said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's just killing the cow, it's a trivial matter."

  In the dream space, he has killed not 10,000 cows, but several thousand. From slaughtering to dividing, he can do it with his eyes closed.

  After hearing Li Yi's words, Wang Tian felt relieved.


  Her cell phone rang too.

   Picking it up and looking at it, she said, "The guests have also received it, so I asked them to send the person directly to the slaughterhouse!"


   Li Yi responded, got up and walked to the back of the car.

  He has been away from the camera for too long, and the audience is already sending barrage to find him.

  The speed of the bus could not be increased, and they were on the road ahead of schedule, but they and the guests arrived one after the other.

  After arriving at the slaughterhouse, everyone got off the bus one by one, and the nanny car that followed behind also stopped behind the bus.

  The car door opened, and a polite middle-aged man got out of the car first.

  After getting out of the car, he turned around and stretched out his hand. A handsome middle-aged woman held his hand and jumped out of the car.

   "Oops, it's my first time recording a show in a slaughterhouse, and it's too powerful."

  The middle-aged woman's voice is hearty and full of breath.

After joking, she turned around and raised her hand to block the door frame, and greeted the inside of the car: "Mr. Tengger, slow down! You have no hair. If you hit a bag on your head, it will be too obvious. You can't even cover it with makeup." Can't live."

   While talking, a bald old man got out of the car.

  Hearing the middle-aged woman's joke, he was a little helpless, and said something in Mongolian, which immediately made the middle-aged woman laugh out loud.

  When the bus drove over, everyone in the bus saw the guest's nanny car.

   After Huang Xiaoming got off the car first, he walked towards the back of the car to greet him.


  He greeted with a smile: "Teacher Tenger, Teacher Linghua, and Teacher Zeng Yi, welcome!"


  Zeng Yi smiled and reached out to shake his hand.

  Linghua turned around after hearing the sound, and said with a hearty smile, "Oh! Xiao Ming, long time no see!"

   "Long time no see, you've lost weight."

  Huang Xiaoming hugged her gently, and then said something with a smile.

   "Really? I lost weight recently!"

  Women like to hear this kind of talk, and Linghua is no exception.

  Behind Huang Xiaoming, Li Yi and the others also followed.

"Hello teacher."

   "Hello, three teachers."

   Wu Lei, Zhao Jinmai and Liu Yifei all greeted each other politely.

   It was the first time they had seen these people.

  Li Yi smiled and stepped forward to say hello in Mongolian: "Sarno, Tasaibainu..."

  Hearing the pure Mongolian language in his mouth, Linghua, who was still greeting Wu Lei and the others, suddenly widened her eyes and looked at him in surprise: "You can speak Mongolian?"

  Behind her, Tengger, who was smiling and nodding in greeting, also looked at Li Yi in surprise.

  All parts of the country have their own dialects, but most of the dialects are variants of Chinese, but the tone is slightly different.

  But the dialects in some places already belong to other language families.

  For example, the dialects of various ethnic groups in the Western Regions, the dialects of Tibet, and the dialects of Mongolia.

  Affected by various factors, the frequency of dialect usage in various places is decreasing.

  Even some young children can no longer speak in tongues.

  In Mongolia today, there are already many young people who cannot speak Mongolian.

  So, when Linghua and Tengger heard such a pure Mongolian language from Li Yi, a Han population who could not be seen as a Mongolian, they were as shocked as seeing a stone speak.

   "How can you speak Mongolian?"

  Linghua was pleasantly surprised, she stepped forward to look at Li Yi, the smile on her face could not be restrained.

  She asked in Mongolian, and Li Yi also answered in Mongolian: "I'm self-taught, I don't know much."

  In the dream space, Shule himself can speak some Mongolian.

   Later, because he was in charge of the Jiubai Banquet, he specially hired someone to teach him Mongolian, so Li Yi also learned fluent Mongolian by the way.

   "Wow! You are amazing!"

  Linghua was even more pleasantly surprised when she heard what he said, and couldn't help turning her head to Teng Geer to exclaim: "Uncle, you listen to his Mongolian language, it doesn't have any accent, it's as pure as kumiss."

  Teng Geer also stepped forward with a smile, and gave Li Yi a thumbs up to praise: "You are not Mongolian, and it is amazing that you can speak such good Mongolian."


  Li Yi smiled and thanked.

   Hearing the conversation between him and Linghua and Tengger in Mongolian, everyone present was dumbfounded.

  Even Zeng Yi looked at Li Yi in surprise, and couldn't help but ask, "Do you speak Mongolian?"

   "I can say a few words."

  Li Yi explained with a smile: "When I was in school, I had friends from Mongolia, and I learned some words for daily communication."

  Zeng Yi was even more surprised when he heard the words: "I have been partnering with her for so many years, and I haven't learned it yet. You are too good!"

   "Look, this is still called a partner!"

Linghua laughed and joked, then pulled Li Yi's arm enthusiastically, and praised from the bottom of her heart: "You are amazing, I watched your show, you cook so well, and you can also weave bamboo, but I didn't expect you to say Mongolian English, my God! Is there anything else you don't know?"

  The four great joys in life include meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land.

  Hearing the local accent in a foreign country directly doubles the intimacy.

  Just a few words of exchange, Linghua has already regarded Li Yi as half a fellow.




  (end of this chapter)

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