A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 575: The price of conscience is 20 million

  Chapter 575 The price of conscience is 20 million

  Program-related topics, every time they appear on the hot search, they will cause extensive discussions.

   But this time the discussion was extremely high.

  No matter what it is, once it has something to do with "the most", it will always attract attention.

   And this statue of the Jade Emperor is a bamboo weaving work that created the world's best.

   Luo Fengan, who watched the statue of the Jade Emperor in the warehouse for a whole night, became an incarnation commentator. He excitedly told the program group that he checked the information and found that the Jade Emperor Statue is the largest bamboo statue in the world and the tallest bamboo weaving product.

  And it uses the long-lost golden silk dragon beard weaving method, which is also the strongest in the field in terms of craftsmanship.

  More importantly, the overall configuration, shape, and even the expression of the statue of the Jade Emperor are all natural and full of beauty.

   This is the most horizontal place, the creator has compiled the charm of the beauty of the gods.

   This is very rare, because it shows that the creator has an awareness of aesthetics and can consciously create works that conform to the aesthetic feeling.

  So this work has broken away from the category of "craftsman", and has reached the peak of "art".

  The audience in the live broadcast did not quite understand his comments, but they could somewhat conclude that this statue of the Jade Emperor is indeed exquisite.

  On the hot search, many netizens who don't know why, were also amazed by the statue of the Jade Emperor at first sight, and then liked, commented, and reposted the relevant topic, thus pushing this topic to the top of the hot search.

   And in those comments, countless netizens were amazed by this statue of the Jade Emperor.

   "It turns out that bamboo weaving can be so delicate?"

   "I always thought that bamboo weaving was the kind of bamboo basket, bamboo back basket or something, but it's amazing that bamboo weaving can be used to make such a big statue!"

   "This is real luxury!"

   "Did I have an illusion? Why do I feel like this statue is alive!"

   "It takes so much effort to weave such a statue!"

   "If this statue sells for hundreds of millions, I'm really convinced. There are not many people in the world who can do it?"

  Ordinary netizens are just amazed at the exquisiteness of the statue, but some netizens with deep pockets have already moved their minds to collect it.

  Since the topic appeared on the hot search list, Wang Tian's mobile phone has not stopped.

  In just one hour, more than a dozen people contacted her through various channels, wanting to find out Li Yi's contact information and buy this [Golden Silk Jade Emperor Statue].

  But Wang Tian heard Li Yi say in the live broadcast that this statue of the Jade Emperor has not been completed yet, and it is only a part of a complete work, so he does not plan to sell it.

  So, she could only explain it over and over again.

  However, when a phone call came to her, she became serious and responded repeatedly, very politely.

When the program team returned to the restaurant, she called Li Yi to the front row, turned off the microphone, and said to him: "Which Cultural Tourism Bureau office in Lu Province contacted our station, saying that they have something to ask for you, and I said I will wait for you to shoot." Go back when you're done."

  Li Yi was a little puzzled when he heard the words: "Why does the Lu Provincial Bureau of Culture and Tourism want me?"

   "I guess it is also related to the statue of the Jade Emperor."

  Wang Tian took out his mobile phone and asked him, "Is it you or me?"

  Li Yi thought for a while, then motioned to her: "Give me the number!"

  Wang Tian responded and handed over the phone.

  Referring to the number above, Li Yi dialed it.

   After a few rings, the phone was connected, and a middle-aged man's voice came: "Hello? How are you?"

   "Is it Director Liu?"

  Li Yi explained: "I'm Li Yi, I heard that the Lu Provincial Bureau of Culture and Tourism is looking for me?"

   "Oh! Mr. Li, right! Nice to meet you!"

  Director Liu raised his voice a little, and said with a smile: "I am the director of the Office of Culture and Tourism Bureau of TA City, Shandong Province, and my name is Liu Haoming.

  I am also your audience, your tofu feast has helped us to promote Tai'an tourism very well!

  Thanks to your publicity, many tourists come to Tai'an now, and they all want to eat tofu feast by name.

  Our local people are very grateful to you, and thank you for the publicity you have done for us in Tai'an. "

   Seeing that he was flattering at first, Li Yi smiled, and then said politely: "Director Liu is flattering, and I also borrowed the light from our Tai'an. If it weren't for the outstanding people in Tai'an, I wouldn't be able to make the tofu feast."

  Hearing Li Yi's words, Director Liu was very happy, laughed a few times, and then got to the point: "Mr. Li, someone in our unit saw the trending search for the Jade Emperor statue you made up.

  Your craftsmanship is really amazing! The statue of the Jade Emperor is really majestic, vivid and beautiful. "

"you flatter me."

  Li Yi said politely, waiting for his next words.

   "That's right."

  Director Liu explained: "You know, the core of our Tai'an tourism is Mount Tai, and the top of Mount Tai is Yuhuangding.

  Yuhuangding is famous for the Jade Emperor Hall on the top of the peak, and the main enshrinement of the Jade Emperor Hall is the Jade Emperor.

  The statue of the Jade Emperor in the Jade Emperor Hall was cast in bronze in the Ming Dynasty and belongs to ancient cultural relics.

  In order to protect the Jade Emperor Statue, we sealed it with glass.

  But many tourists have opinions on this practice, thinking that the Jade Emperor will not be able to enjoy incense.

  However, if the bronze statue is released and comes into contact with the incense, incense ashes will accumulate.

  The kind of incense ash will react with the bronze statue. After being smoked for a long time, it will form a layer of ash layer, which looks dirty, but there is no way to wipe it off.

  We have to explain this problem to tourists every year and every day, but there are still tourists who give their opinions.

  I saw your bamboo weaving jade emperor statue today, and suddenly I had an idea.

   That is, can you use this bamboo weaving method to weave a layer of bamboo silk on the bronze statue of the Jade Emperor in the Jade Emperor Palace in Mount Tai? Like you made it up.

   In this way, the incense ash will not react with the bronze statue, and tourists will not make comments. What do you think? "

  After listening to his explanation, Li Yi also understood what he meant: "You want me to use bamboo silk to wear a dress for the Jade Emperor Statue on Mount Tai?"

   "Yes! That's what it means!"

  Director Liu chuckled and asked, "Can you see if you can do this?"

   "Competent is capable, but the cost is not low!"

   Li Yi said with a smile.

"what is the estimated cost?"

  Director Liu asked casually.

   "Only wages are counted, at least 10 million yuan, and 20 million yuan for labor and materials."

  Li Yi quoted a price.


   This price obviously far exceeded Director Liu's expectation, he seemed to be taken aback: "Is it so expensive?"

   "I'm talking about the price of conscience."

  Li Yi smiled and said: "You can contact other bamboo weavers. If there is someone else who can do it, you can find someone else. It doesn't matter."

  According to the normal construction period, such a project will definitely not be able to handle within a year or a half.

  His quotation of 20 million yuan for labor and materials is definitely a conscience price.

   "Haha! No, no, an expert will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move. Not everyone has this kind of craftsmanship."

  Director Liu laughed, and then said: "Let's do this! I'll report to the leader, discuss it in a meeting, and then reply to you, okay?"

"no problem."

  Li Yi readily agreed.

  He knew that Director Liu must be looking for other bamboo weavers to inquire about the situation, but he didn't care at all.

  If Director Liu can find someone else to do it, he will be happy to be free.

   But it is a pity that Director Liu may have to come back to find him after asking around.

   "Okay, okay, is this your phone number? I'll save it, then I'll contact you later!"

  Director Liu didn't know, so he went in, saved the number, and hung up the phone.

  Li Yi also put away his mobile phone, turned to Wang Tian and asked, "Have you contacted the slaughterhouse yet? Did the guests arrive this afternoon?"

  After taking up three days of preparation time, he only has time to prepare ingredients for this afternoon and tomorrow.

  The ingredients he prepared this time were the most difficult to handle.

   Because there are cows in it.




  (end of this chapter)

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