A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 572: If there are immortals who can live forever?

  Chapter 572 If there are immortals...you can live forever?

  Looking at the pattern formed by the metal strips, Tang Yu's cloudy eyes seemed to burst out with brilliance, and became much brighter.

  He raised his hand and gently stroked the pattern above, his lips trembling slightly, his mouth was vague, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

  Suddenly, he picked up the fish basket on his lap, looked down, and pressed his fingers to the position of the fisherman's feet on the pattern, rubbing it lightly.

   Tang Entai looked along his fingers, but was suddenly taken aback.

  I saw a fish basket at the foot of the fishing man.

   And the shape of that fish basket is exactly the same as the one in Tang Yu's arms!

  The same ears, wide feet, round belly, and the same open mouth.

  The most important thing is that a Guanyin image can be vaguely seen on the fish basket in the pattern, and the gesture is exactly the same as the Guanyin image on this fish basket.

how so?

   Tang Entai was dumbfounded.

   This fish basket was obviously brought by him, and he had never seen this picture before.

   But in this picture, how could there be a fish basket exactly like the one he brought?

   Could it be that what Grandpa has been looking for is actually the fish basket in this picture?

  Although he knew that his great-grandfather had been looking for this kind of fish basket with the image of Guanyin, he was looking for this kind of fish basket on purpose to please his great-grandfather.

   But he didn't expect that he found a fish basket exactly like the one in this picture.

   Is it a coincidence?

  He felt a little numb for a while, and didn't quite understand what was going on.

  Tang Yu caressed the fish basket on the pattern, while looking at the fish basket in his hand, his eyes were very complicated.


  He suddenly asked in a low voice, "Do you know what this is?"

   Tang Entai heard him calling himself, and quickly replied: "I don't know, it looks like some kind of handicraft, grandpa, what is it?"

"This is…"

  Tang Yu wanted to explain, but he opened his mouth, but didn't continue.


   Tang Entai thought he didn't hear clearly, so he asked again.


   Tang Yu sighed before explaining: "This is a family heirloom handed down from our ancestors, and it is also the evidence that our ancestors met immortals."


   Tang Entai was stunned: "Meeting a fairy? Isn't that a story?"

   "I thought it was a story before, but it's not."

   Tang Yu shook his head, and explained with a complicated expression: "You should know that I rebuilt the family tree before, traced back to the source, and found out that the ancestor of our family was Taishan, a bamboo weaving master in the Warring States Period.

   This is not just nonsense, but has solid evidence, and this copper slip is the most direct evidence. "

   As he spoke, he picked up a piece of flannelette, wiped the copper slip lightly, and said, "I got this from the previous head of our family when I found the blood relatives of the head of our family.

   This is the symbol of our family's successive patriarchs, which has been passed down from more than two thousand years ago to the present. "

   "Two thousand years?"

   Tang Entai looked at Tong Jian in shock.

  He never expected that these seemingly ordinary metal bars were actually old antiques handed down from more than 2,000 years ago.

   "More than two thousand years, that must be the Warring States Period?"

   Tang Entai asked suspiciously: "Is this handed down by Master Taishan?"


  Tang Yu nodded: "This is a copper slip that Master Taishan personally asked Ou Yezi, a famous swordsmith, to forge before his death.

  The painting above is the scene when Master Taishan met a fairy. "


  Hearing that he mentioned meeting the immortal again, Tang Entai didn't know how to answer it for a moment.

  But anyone who has gone to school knows that gods and ghosts are just fictional images created by the ancients to explain natural phenomena.

   But from what Tang Yu said, he seems to have believed in the story about Master Taishan meeting a fairy?

Tang Yu didn't notice Tang Entai's silence, and still said to himself: "It is recorded in ancient books that Master Taishan was just the son of an ordinary bamboo craftsman. Later, when he went to the mountains to cut bamboo, he met a fairy by chance and taught him bamboo weaving techniques. Become a generation of masters.

  When people saw this record, they thought it was a rhetorical technique and a fictional story.

  But there is also a family tree handed down together with this set of copper slips, and there is a short article in the family tree, which tells the story of this incident in detail.

  The short article is the dictation of Master Taishan before his death. He told the posterity about the appearance of the immortal he met back then.

  A lot of information is mentioned in the short article, such as short hair, fishing rod, reel, fish basket, and a box that can release silent thunder and ecstasy.

  Master Taishan himself was taken away by a fairy and sealed in a box, this is what he saw with his own eyes..."

  Listening to Tang Yu's narration, Tang Entai didn't pay attention at first.

  But when he heard the description of the immortal appearance, the image of a modern fisherman appeared in his mind.

  At that time, people had long hair, and before Buddhism was introduced, no one cut their hair short.

  A fishing rod with a reel doesn’t sound like a product of that era, does it?

  Especially the box that releases the silent thunder light, doesn’t it sound like a camera or a mobile phone?

  After realizing this, he couldn't help asking: "Master Taishan was photographed, right?"

   "You think it's a camera too?"

  Tang Yu looked up at him, and then said seriously: "Patriarchs of all generations have doubts about the authenticity of this matter. It was not until the camera appeared in the last century that the head of the family was convinced of the authenticity of this matter."

   "It may not be true, right?"

   Tang Entai hesitated: "Many liars will use tricks and magic tricks to cheat, which is not uncommon."

   "How to explain the bamboo weaving technique?"

  Tang Yu shook his head: "The problem is that the immortal did not deceive Master Taishan at all, and taught him a set of bamboo weaving techniques.

  Also, Master Taishan also mentioned that after he met the immortal, the immortal promised him to teach him bamboo weaving techniques the next day, but he waited a full year before seeing the immortal again.

   But the immortal told him that he just went back to the house to pick up some items, but when he came out, a year had passed.

  This shows that where the immortal is, the time flow rate is different from reality. "

  Listening to his analysis, Tang Entai only felt his scalp itching, as if he was about to grow his brain.

   "Grandpa, do you think there are really immortals in this world?"

   He tentatively asked.

   "I don't believe in gods."

   Tang Yu shook his head.

"Oh, all right…"

   Tang Entai heaved a sigh of relief.

  But Tang Yu added: "However, I believe there are aliens in this world."


   Tang Entai was silent.

  Why did you even pull out the aliens?

  Is this writing science fiction?

  Tang Yu's face flushed slightly, and his breathing was a little heavy: "From ancient times to the present, there are many people who say that they met immortals or taught them in their dreams, but there is no conclusive evidence.

  Master Taishan met an immortal, this is recorded in exact words and objects, this is definitely not a coincidence!

  If there are immortals...if there are immortals...longevity? "

  Maybe because he was too excited, he held on to the armrest and suddenly couldn't help coughing.

   Seeing him coughing, Tang Entai hurried forward and patted his back.

   Feeling the coughing shock coming from his back, Tang Entai understood a little bit.

   No wonder Grandpa kept talking about Xianyuan, it turned out that it was because he didn't want to die.

   After coughing for a long while, Tang Yu finally recovered.

   He breathed a sigh of relief before he asked, "Which master made this bamboo basket?"




  (end of this chapter)

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