Chapter 571 Riverside Fishing Map

   "It's me, Grandpa, I'm Artest."

  Seeing his grandfather Tang Yu recognized him, Tang Entai smiled and said: "Grandpa, today is your birthday, we all came to see you."

   "Okay, okay, be good."

   Tang Yu smiled slightly, raised his hand and patted the back of Tang Entai's hand.

  The sunlight was a bit dazzling. Tang Yu squinted her eyes, yawned lightly, and said, "A-Tai, you can go outside and play for a while. I just had soup, so I need to sleep for a while."

  Hearing what he said, Tang Entai hurriedly said: "Grandpa, you brought you a gift from the mainland, you should take a look first!"

   As he spoke, he turned around to get the bamboo basket placed behind the wheelchair.

  Tang Yu frowned slightly, a little displeased, but said nothing, just looked at Tang Entai who turned around, and the bamboo basket in his hand...


   Tang Yu, who was originally drowsy, seemed to have been electrocuted, and her muddy eyes instantly became clear, staring at the bamboo basket in Tang Entai's hands.

   "Grandpa, look..."

   Tang Entai just picked up the bamboo basket when Tang Yu grabbed it.

  Gripping the two handles of the bamboo basket, Tang Yu trembled with excitement.

He carefully looked at the bamboo basket, and touched the Guanyin image on the bamboo basket with his thin fingers. He was reluctant to blink, and murmured in praise: "Thin as hair, dense as flesh, thin ears, thick Guanyin...all right." It's's right..."

   Seeing his excited appearance, Tang Entai was also secretly happy.

   Sure enough!

  He knew that this Guanyin fish basket would definitely please his grandfather!

   And seeing how excited Grandpa was, he was much happier than when Second Uncle gave him the bamboo basket last time.

  The second uncle sent such a bamboo basket last time, and the great-grandpa happily handed over the family's banking business to the second uncle.

   This time, his Avalokitesvara fish basket was sent to the heart of the great grandfather. How will the great grandfather reward him?

   Tang Entai had already started to make calculations in his mind.

   "Where did you get this Guanyin fish basket?"

  Tang Yu suddenly turned to look at him with sharp eyes.

   Tang Entai originally wanted to say a few nice words, but after seeing Tang Yu's eyes, those words came to his mouth and he swallowed them back.

   "I bought it in mainland China."

   Tang Entai explained honestly: "I found a bamboo weaving master. This is a work he wove by himself. I think it looks pretty good. I also remembered that you like bamboo weaving, grandpa, so I bought it as a tribute to you."

  Listening to his explanation, a hint of disappointment flashed in Tang Yu's eyes: "Master bamboo weaving? A bamboo weaving master from mainland China?"


   Tang Entai nodded.

  Tang Yu fell silent when she heard the words.

  He looked at the fish basket, observing it inch by inch, and fell into thought from time to time.

  Finally, he put the fish basket on his lap, freed one hand to grab the controller of the wheelchair, and drove the wheelchair to the back of the desk.

  Seeing this, Tang Entai stood up, but did not follow.

  Behind the desk is Tang Yu's office area, and juniors like them have always been prevented from playing there.

   Coming to the back of the desk, Tang Yu opened the door of the cabinet below, and there was a safe inside.

He took out a bunch of keys, found the key of the safe, inserted it into the keyhole, turned it a few times in a specific order, turned the code wheel, entered the code, and finally confirmed his identity with his fingerprints before opening the door. The door of the safe.

  Opening the safe door, Tang Yu looked down.

   There is no gold, silver or jewelry in the safe, nor any land deed bills, only a lonely black cloth bag.

   Tang Yu reached in and took out the black cloth bag.

  The black cloth bag is only a little bigger than his palm, and it is tied with a wide rubber band.

  When he carefully placed the black cloth bag on the desk, there was a slight sound of metal clashing inside.

  Hearing the voice, Tang Yu's eyes flashed with distress, and his movements became a little slower.

   But his trembling hands couldn't even pick up the rubber band. After several attempts, he raised his head and signaled Tang Entai: "A Tai, come here."

   Tang Entai was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked in disbelief, "I'll go there?"

"come over."

   Tang Yu raised his hand to beckon.

   Seeing this, Tang Entai was finally sure that his great-grandpa just let him go.

   Wiping his hands nervously, Tang Entai took a deep breath, and walked towards the back of the desk.

  He felt his legs trembling, but it wasn't frightened, but excited.

  In the Tang family, the area behind Tang Yu's desk is definitely a restricted area. Even the most beloved children, Tang Yu will never let them play behind the desk.

  Even the elders of the second uncle's generation, when they came to Tang Yu's study, they would wait obediently in front of the desk and never dared to offside.

  But Tang Yu actually asked him to go behind the desk, the symbolic meaning behind this is self-evident.

   Therefore, although it was only a few steps away, when Tang Entai came to the back of the desk, he was already a little out of breath.

  He raised his eyes and glanced at the position in front of the desk, only to feel his heart beating.

   This is a small step for Tang Entai, but a big step for the head of the Tang family!


   Tang Entai swallowed, moistened his dry throat, and stood respectfully.

  Tang Yu didn't pay attention to his performance, but just touched the black cloth bag with his fingers, signaling: "Open this, be careful."


   Tang Entai stepped forward, wanting to reach for the black cloth bag.

  But Tang Yu suddenly slapped the desk hard.


   Tang Entai was taken aback, and quickly withdrew his hand, looking at Tang Yu with some fear and doubt.

   Tang Yu frowned and stared at him, reminding again in a deep voice: "Be careful!"

  Looking at his sharp eyes, Tang Entai nodded hesitantly: "Oh...Understood!"

   After finishing speaking, he tentatively asked: "Then I... open it now?"

  Tang Yu glanced at him, then looked at the black cloth bag, and nodded.

  Seeing this, Tang Entai dared to reach out his hand again, and with great care, picked up the black cloth bag.

  The weight of the black cloth bag was heavier than he expected, and it was a little heavy to hold.

  Through the black cloth, he could feel the edges, like a handful of chopsticks.

  Gripping it carefully, he picked up the rubber band, pulled it hard, and then took it off the black cloth bag in circles.

  Removing the rubber band and putting it aside, he carefully held the black cloth bag with both hands and put it back on the table.

  After the rubber band was loosened, the "chopsticks" in the black cloth bag were obviously loose.

  Seeing him put down the black cloth bag, Tang Yu raised her hand and chased him away.

  Seeing this, Tang Entai heaved a sigh of relief, hurriedly took two steps back, and stood aside.

  Tang Yu came close, his hands trembling slightly, and carefully lifted the black cloth, revealing the objects inside.

   Tang Entai stretched his neck to watch, he was also aroused by his grandfather's cautious attitude.

  Tang Yu didn't care about his family property of hundreds of billions, but he took this black cloth bag so seriously.

  What's in it?

  As Tang Yu uncovered the black cloth, the objects inside also revealed their true faces.

   Those are impressively dark yellow metal strips, with patterns engraved on them, which are antique.

  Tang Yu is obviously familiar with these metal strips, and skillfully arranged them in a row in order, with the patterned side facing up.

   After he arranged it, Tang Entai also immediately discovered that the patterns on the metal strips actually formed a pattern.

  It was a picture of fishing by the river. The back of a man was sitting on a boulder by the river and fishing, while a man on the shore was kneeling down to the fisherman.

What's this?

   Tang Entai looked puzzled.





  (end of this chapter)

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