Chapter 548 Don't just advertise


  Li Yi nodded with a smile, and then motioned to Wu Lei: "Bring one of the chopping boards over there."


  Wu Lei stepped aside quickly, carried the red chopping board for chopping meat, and placed it in front of Xie Tingfeng.

  Xie Tingfeng rolled up his sleeves, came to the pot with a dozen bare chickens, and asked, "Can I use this chicken?"


  Li Yi responded, but when he saw that he was catching chickens, he reminded: "The sink is over there."

  Xie Tingfeng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "It's okay, the chicken also needs to be washed."

   As he spoke, he took the bare chicken, went to the vegetable sink, and started cleaning it.

  Seeing this, Li Yi didn't say any more, but just got busy on his own.

   Soon, Xie Tingfeng washed the chicken and walked back with the chicken.

   The chicken in his hand was obviously not dripping with clean water, and the water was still dripping underneath, leaving a trail of water on the floor.

  Li Yi heard the sound of water drops falling to the ground, looked back, frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, just winked at Wu Lei.

  Seeing this, Wu Lei immediately understood what he meant, turned around and ran to the tool room, and took out the mop.

   In his previous kitchen work, Li Yi had established rules.

  For example, after working every day, you must wash the pots and dishes, and clean all the places before leaving.

  For example, the used tools must be returned to the original place, and they must be cleaned without leaving water or oil stains.

   Also, when cleaning the ingredients, be careful not to splash water on the ground.

   The desk with the most stringent requirements is the desk specially used for white cases.

   Except for Li Yi, no one else can touch that desk.

  However, Li Yi didn't make a mandatory requirement, he just did it personally.

  If the pots and pans are not cleaned, he would rather wash them all before leaving.

  If someone finds that someone has put the used chopsticks and spoons back to their original place, he will also clean all the tableware again.

  As long as he sees water on the floor, he will take the mop to clean it without saying a word.

  As for the white case, when he is not using it, he always covers it with a plastic sheet.

   Even if he uses it himself, he must wash his hands thoroughly.

  And if he finds any traces of other people's tampering, he will thoroughly clean the desk and cover it again.

  Wu Lei and the others didn't hear Li Yi mention these requests, but after seeing Li Yi do it again and again, they also followed suit and formed a habit.

   In Li Yi's view, these are the most basic work literacy.

   And behind these work literacy, there are also their reasons.

  Cleanliness is the primary condition of the kitchen, which is responsible for the diners.

   The cleanliness of tools and tableware is the most basic requirement, and they must be clean.

  The back kitchen is a heavily polluted place, not only blood, oil and various sewage pollution in the cooking process, but also biological pollution.

  Cockroaches, mice, flies and other insects are the favorites to visit the kitchen.

  If you leave dirty kitchen utensils and tableware, it will undoubtedly become a delicacy for these pests.

   After being touched by these pests, it is inevitable that germs will be left behind.

  If you use such kitchen utensils and tableware to make food and eat it, it will definitely affect your health.

  In addition to cleanliness, the second requirement of the kitchen is safety.

  Water and fire are ruthless, and these two things are the most common in the kitchen.

  As a chef, you must keep your eyes on the fire. Outside the kitchen, you must always have a water source for fire fighting.

  Ancient back kitchens have always been earthy or brick floors.

  But in order to pursue beauty in modern times, floor tiles will be laid.

   Good-looking is good-looking, but after the tiles are wet with water, they tend to become very slippery, making it easy for people to slip.

  So, Li Yi has always paid special attention to the water stains on the floor, and will clean them up once found.

  When cleaning the ingredients, he will also be extra careful, trying to let the splashed water fall into the sink.

  At first, when Zhao Jinmai and the others were washing vegetables, they would hold the vegetables high, and they didn't pay attention to the width when washing them, and often spilled water.

  But after Li Yi cleaned up silently a few times, they realized their problem, and they would follow Li Yi's example and be more careful when cleaning up.

  Wu Lei took the mop and wiped off the water stains on the floor in two or three strokes.

  However, when he was about to put the mop back, Xie Tingfeng took another **** and went to the vegetable sink to wash it.

   After cleaning, Xie Tingfeng shook off the water on the **** and returned to the desk.

  Looking at a few more strings of water stains on the floor, Wu Lei picked up the mop, came over again, and wiped off the water stains.

   After drying, he didn't put the mop back, but leaned on it in his hand.

  He guessed that Nicholas Tingfeng will definitely continue to clean up later, and it will definitely have to be delayed.

  Then it’s better to wait with a mop, so as not to run back and forth.

  Xie Tingfeng didn't notice that he was mopping the floor behind him. After putting the chicken on the table, he turned around and took a box from the assistant.

  Opening the box, he went out and took tools like the flying robbers in the movie who took equipment.

  Take out a knife case, he introduced to the camera: "This is a set of knife brand I created myself, called Lei Ting, and it is manufactured by German WMF brand manufacturer.

  People who often like to cook should know this brand. WMF is the most famous kitchen utensils brand in Dezhou. Together with BMW and Mercedes-Benz, it is known as the three national treasure brands.

  WMF has a history of more than 160 years, and its share of kitchenware in the European market has always been ranked first.

  This set of knives uses the traditional European forging process in the Middle Ages. The blades are repeatedly forged and then polished. A total of more than 30 manual processing processes are required.

  Finally, laser technology is used to inspect every process of it to ensure its sharpness.

  So its quality is very good, sharp enough and hard enough, it is very easy to use whether it is cooking Western food or Chinese food. "

   As he spoke, he pointed to the position of the handle of the knife and asked the photographer to take a close-up: "Here is my personal signature and Thunder's brand logo. These are also handmade, so handsome."

  Xie Tingfeng's mouth was full of smiles, as if he was introducing his new toy.

  After introducing the steel used in the knives, he said: "This set of knives is sold on the e-commerce platform. If you are interested, you can go and have a look. I guarantee that you will never regret it after using it."

  At this time, the on-site director behind the camera suddenly heard something, and came to the side with his earphones covered.

  Wang Tian's voice came out of the earphones: "Tell the post, cut this part, and, you go and remind him, don't just advertise on the show."

   At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room had been aroused by Xie Tingfeng's words, and they went to the e-commerce platform to search for this set of Thunder kitchen knives.

  However, after searching, there was a lot of complaints in the live broadcast room.




  (end of this chapter)

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