Chapter 547 [Mushroom Steam Pot Chicken]

   "Master Li, hello."

  Xie Tingfeng came to the stove, greeted Li Yi with a smile, and introduced himself: "I am Xie Tingfeng, the food appraiser of this episode."


  Li Yi asked him to look at the oil on his hands, and said with a smile, "It's not convenient to shake hands, glad to meet you."

   "It's okay, it's a pleasure to meet you."

  Xie Tingfeng didn't care, and said with a smile: "I watched the show, and your cooking skills are amazing."


  Li Yi smiled politely: "Don't you also have a gourmet show? You are quite good at cooking."

   "Fortunately, I prefer the feeling of freedom."

  Xie Tingfeng explained with a smile: "I still like to cook, but I don't like to follow the framework, I just have to do something.

  I like to use my imagination and explore new flavors and textures, which I find more interesting. "

  Listening to his words, Li Yi smiled and nodded.

  Li Yi knew that he was also doing a gourmet show, but before eating the dishes he made, Li Yi couldn't evaluate his cooking skills.

   But Li Yi did not fully agree with his point of view.

  Although innovation does require imagination, it must also follow basic laws.

  But Li Yi didn't say anything.

  After all, he doesn't know much about others, maybe they have their own set of logic and rules.

   "Fengzi, where are you going?"

  At the door of the back kitchen, Cai Shaofen walked in, joking with a smile: "What? There are too many fans, are you afraid of being taken advantage of?"

  She made her debut earlier than Nicholas Tingfeng. She is considered Nicholas Tingfeng's senior and a fellow villager, so she dared to make fun of her.

  Sun Li and Jiang Xin also followed in, looking at Xie Tingfeng curiously.

  They have all experienced the most popular stage of Nicholas Tingfeng, and they are also full of curiosity about such an idol superstar.

  Cai Shaofen was already very popular in the Xiangjiang circle, and Xie Tingfeng didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of her, so he could only explain with a smile: "No, I want to communicate with Brother Yi, I'll go there later."

   Cai Shaofen looked at the appearance of Sun Li and Jiang Xin beside her, and laughed and teased: "Oh, if you don't go out, my two younger sisters can't do anything, they are very fond of you."

   "Sister Ada, don't talk nonsense!"

  Hearing her teasing, Jiang Xin hurriedly explained nervously, looking a little shy.

   As a married woman, Sun Li is much more courageous, and admitted frankly: "Yes! You were my idol when I was in school. I liked your songs so much at that time, and I dreamed of marrying you."

   "Haha! Hello!"

   Cai Shaofen was amused by her and laughed, and hurriedly reminded: "Aren't you married? Brother Chao is going to be angry!"

   "He's mad at a fart."

  Sun Li curled her lips and joked: "If he was a woman, he would definitely want to marry Brother Feng more than me."

   Facing her teasing, Xie Tingfeng was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to respond, so he looked at Li Yi, changed the subject and asked, "What kind of food are you cooking?"

   "[Mushroom Steam Pot Chicken]."

  Li Yi explained casually.

   "Oh, Yun Xingcai."

   Nicholas Tingfeng can do food shows, so he still has a little understanding of food.

   "I have always liked cloud province dishes."

  He looked at Li Yi chopping the chicken, and said with a smile: "I think the dishes in Yun Province have a special taste and bold ingredients. The first time I ate dishes made with fresh mint was in Yun Province."

   "Did you eat bugs?"

  Sun Li asked with a smile: "There are a lot of insect dishes in Yun Province."


  Xie Tingfeng recalled: "I have eaten fried long worms, like bamboo worms, locusts, and scorpions.

  Bamboo worms are delicious, fragrant and crispy. Scorpions have no meat and taste sour, so-so. "

  Listening to his description, Jiang Xin frowned and complained bitterly: "Then how can I eat it? It's scary!"

   "Actually, as long as you pass the test in your heart, it still tastes good."

  Listening to Xie Tingfeng's words, the audience in Yunxing also echoed in the live broadcast room.

   "Bamboo worms and bee chrysalis should not be stressful to eat, right? After frying, they are crispy and crispy, how delicious?"

   "It is said that people from Guangdong Province eat everything, but I have never seen people from Yun Province."

  "The people of Yun Province said that every green is a vegetable, and every movement is meat. The fungus must be eaten if it is poisonous, and you can't see that the villain's is not good."

   "Coordinate Dehong, ant eggs cost 160 a catty, is it scary?"

   "In Yun Province, there is nothing we can't eat without poisonous cold salad, mildly poisonous blanching, poisonous boiling, and highly poisonous soaking in wine."

   "As a native of Yun Province for more than 20 years, I really dare not eat those bugs, it's too scary."

   "I just ate fried bumblebee and fried hornet yesterday. It was delicious."

   "It's the best pickled vegetables mixed with bamboo worms, I've tried it."

   “The ant eggs and rice noodles are really delicious.”

   "I really have enough, really not all people in Yun Province eat worms!"

  Xie Tingfeng also noticed the display screen showing the bullet chat, and was a little surprised: "Eh? Your screen is well done, and you can see the bullet chat."

  Looking at the barrage of complaints from the audience, he smiled and said, "There's nothing wrong with eating bugs, right? Don't they also eat bugs in the north? Fried silkworm chrysalis are quite a lot to eat."

   "Yes! My dad loves to eat!"

  Zhao Jinmai interjected with a smile: "Those of us who like to drink like to have a plate of silkworm chrysalis and eat it fried or baked. It is said to be high in protein."

   "The protein content of silkworm chrysalis is indeed very high, more than ten times that of beef."

Xie Tingfeng paused as he spoke, then picked up several pottery pots placed in front of Li Yi, looked at them and said, "But I didn't eat many bugs in Chuncheng, I only ate them when I went to Dehong and Wenshan. arrived.

  Chuncheng has a lot of steam pot chicken, the taste is really delicious.

   After I came back, I tried to make it a few times, and it was delicious. "


  Jiang Xin suggested with a smile: "Then why don't you make a copy for us to try?"


  Xie Tingfeng looked at Li Yi, and asked with a smile, "Master Li, can I do it?"


  Li Yi smiled, and pointed at the ingredients in front of him: "The ingredients and pots are all ready-made here, use whatever you want."


   Nicholas Tingfeng obviously had this intention a long time ago, and said with a smile: "I came to this program today, and I also want to communicate with you.

  Many people say that you are the most powerful chef in China now, and I also want to learn from you. "

   "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be."

  Li Yi smiled and waved his hands: "There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond the people. My level is not the best. I can only say that I rely on novelty to make a living."

  Xie Tingfeng smiled, turned around and greeted him, and the assistant behind him took his overalls.

   Picking up the coat, he flicked it back, like a windbreaker, and put the coat on his body.

   At the same time, the lighting engineer of the lighting team also took advantage of the opportunity to give him a change in light and shadow, and the accompanying photographer also took continuous shots. The shutter clicked, and dozens of photos were taken in a few seconds.

   "Wow! So handsome!"

  Jiang Xin and Sun Li yelled like little girls chasing stars, laughing happily.

  Xie Tingfeng shook his hair with a smile, and smiled at Li Yi: "Then I will also make a steam pot chicken, please comment."




  (end of this chapter)

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