Chapter 391 Crispy and Crispy

  When Li Yi finished shopping around the market, his purchases almost filled a 6.8 meter truck.

  In addition to rice, flour, grain and oil, he bought more than 200 kilograms of various dried fruits, as well as sugar, salt, and various seasonings.

  Wu Lei's legs went limp when he saw a car full of rice, flour, grain and oil.

  He was a little uncertain and asked Li Yi for confirmation: "Brother Yi, do these have to be ground into powder?"

  Li Yi deliberately put on a look of disapproval, and asked calmly: "Otherwise? How can you make dim sum without grinding it into powder?"

  Wu Lei's face turned pale, and he swallowed when he saw the cart full of various kinds of rice and miscellaneous grains.

   A picture appeared in his mind. He was wearing a cloth jacket, his eyes were covered with a layer of black cloth, and then he was pushing the millstone, turning it around, as if it would never end.

   Seeing his frightened face, Li Yi smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry! I have already asked the program team to contact the manufacturer, and will sponsor a few electric grain mills."

  Wu Lei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

   But he still wanted to speak hard, so he deliberately said: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just a little more effort, the manual grinding is more soulful than the machine grinding."

Hearing what he said, Li Yi immediately took out his mobile phone and pretended to make a voice: "Xiao Lu, please tell the manufacturer that those electric grain mills don't need to be delivered, we decided to grind them by hand. more soulful…”

   "Don't! Brother Yi! I was wrong!"

  Wu Lei hurried forward to grab Li Yi's phone, but when he got it, he found that the screen wasn't even unlocked.

  Li Yi looked at him with a smile: "Are you still pretending?"

   "Don't install it, the electric mill is too soulful!"

   Wu Lei subdued with a smile and raised his hands in surrender.

  They were just playing around, Wu Lei knew that Li Yi would definitely not return the mill, he was just doing a show effect with Li Yi.

   But after joking, he was still a little curious: "Brother Yi, since you still use an electric machine to grind flour when you go back, why don't you just buy someone else's grinder?"

   "The taste of grinding will go away."

  Li Yi explained: "All grains have their own taste and aroma, just like seasoning.

   For seasonings with strong aromas such as pepper, star anise, and cumin, the freshly ground ones are more fragrant than the finished ones.

   Put it there after grinding it out, the taste will definitely lose part of it.

  So, fresh and fresh, when buying ingredients, you have to buy new and fresh products.

  Ordinary people may not have the conditions at home. In order to save time and energy, it is understandable to buy some reprocessed products.

  Since we are opening a restaurant, if we want to open the door to welcome customers and sell goods to make money, we must do the best. "

   As he spoke, he patted the compartment of the truck: "The latest and freshest ingredients are the key to making top-quality delicacies."

   "That's not necessarily the case."

  Wu Lei smiled and said, "Give me the latest and freshest ingredients, and I can't make delicious ones."

   While joking, the crew had already loaded the goods left by Li Yi into the car.

   Trucks cannot enter the urban area during the day, so they can only unload at night.

  So, Li Yi took part of the ingredients to be used, put them on the car of the program team, and prepared to take them back to the restaurant for production.

  Leaving behind the financial settlement of the program group, Li Yi and his party got in the car and left under the warm farewell of the bosses.

   By the time Li Yi and his party returned to the restaurant with the ingredients, it was already twelve noon.

  The little thing I ate in the morning has already been digested, and everyone is hungry.

   "Brother Yi, let's get something to eat first!"

  Wu Lei sat slumped on a chair: "Before doing work, people have to eat first!"

   "Can you still be hungry?"

  Li Yi rolled up his sleeves: "What do you want to eat?"

   "Eat anything, the most important thing is to be fast."

   As Wu Lei was speaking, his stomach suddenly gurgled, and he quickly pointed with his finger: "Listen, you are so hungry!"

   "Then let's help together."

  Li Yi signaled: "Go and take out the stewed soup from the freezer, put it on the pot and heat it up, and put the unfinished stewed meat in it, just bring it to a boil."

   As he spoke, he put the bag of high-gluten flour he brought back on the table, and filled two pots out.


  Wu Lei didn't ask Li Yi what he was cooking for, so he got up and walked to the freezer.

  Yesterday’s braised soup was placed in the freezer, and it had already condensed, with a thick layer of light yellow lard floating above it.

  Lard oil seals the aroma of stewed soup, but you can still smell a faint fragrance of stewed and oily.

  Smelling this fragrance, Wu Lei couldn't help swallowing, and his stomach suddenly grunted again.

   "What is it called?"

  Wu Lei patted his stomach: "You little hungry belly, I will fill you up hard later!"

  He brought out the stewed soup, turned around, and saw Huang Xiaoming passing by with a basin of water behind him, looking at him in astonishment.


   Wu Lei explained embarrassingly: "It is filled with rice."

  Huang Xiaoming didn't say anything, just shook his head, and brought the water to Li Yi.

   "Young people nowadays dare to say anything!"

  He put down the basin and couldn't help sighing.

   "What did you say?"

  Li Yi was puzzled.


  Huang Xiaoming didn't explain, but changed the subject and asked, "What are you going to do?"


  Li Yi put some yeast powder into the washbasin, and said with a smile: "Just eat up all the stewed meat, so as not to waste it."

   "Which one do you want? Baijimo or Laotongguan?"

   Huang Xiaoming spoke, but found that saliva had already been secreted.

  The Roujiamo in Shaanxi Province is famous all over the country, but there are different schools of Roujiamo.

  Among them, the most common ones are the cured meat gamo made with Baijimo, and the old Tongguan rou jiamo made with thousand-layer sesame seed cakes.

   "Baiji bun! The old Tongguan kind is more time-consuming."

   As Li Yi said, he dug out another spoonful of lard and put it in the noodles.

   Seeing Li Yi's actions, Huang Xiaoming was a little surprised: "Do you want to put lard in the Baiji bun?"

   "Of course, most of the cake-like pasta needs to be put in lard."

  Li Yi explained while kneading the dough: "Put some lard in the kneading to make the dough more fluffy and crispy.

  Lao Tongguan’s thousand-layer sesame seed cakes are put more. The crispy taste of the cakes is made from lard. "

  Huang Xiaoming was curious: "Aren't the noodles crispy when baked?"

   "Crispy and crisp are different."

  Li Yi explained: "The outer skin of the noodle cake is baked at high temperature, and the water will lose, and it will indeed become hard, forming a crispy texture.

   But the crispy texture is formed by the internal porous structure, like hardened foam.

  In Chinese pastry, one of the most important techniques is to make pastry.

  Puff pastry uses a large number of hydrophobic groups in fats to form a crispy structure combined with flour to make a crispy texture.

  When the pastry is heated, the fat will flow, and the water vapor in the dough will expand, forming a honeycomb-like porous structure.

  Wait until the honeycomb dough is dried, it will form a crispy texture. "




  (end of this chapter)

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