Chapter 390 Fuyuan Jiansanjiangmi

  Listening to what Li Yi and the others were talking about, the audience in the live broadcast room were also discussing in full swing.

   "True glutinous rice epic!"

   "We are an agricultural civilization, and we have experienced too many hardships in history, but by farming, we have survived time and time again."

   "I know! Shennong was the first to plant rice!"

   "Grandpa Yuan is the contemporary Shennong!"

   "It's amazing to think about it. Thousands of years ago, the first person who thought of planting wild rice would know that a small seed can actually feed a brilliant and great civilization?"

   "Thinking carefully, I am horrified. Did we domesticate the rice, or did the rice domesticate us?"

   Just as the audience was chatting in full swing, the boss had asked someone to move out the five bags of glutinous rice that Li Yi wanted.

   "How about round glutinous rice?"

  The boss asked Li Yi.

   "Yes, where is it?"

  Li Yi grabbed the bag of glutinous rice.

  The boss asked casually: "Do you want the product from the south or the north?"

   "Nonsense, of course it's from the north."

  Li Yi looked at him suspiciously, and asked with a smile, "What's wrong? Are you trying to fool me?"

  The main production areas of round glutinous rice are in the north, and the best quality is produced in the northeast.

  The round glutinous rice produced in the south is not as sticky as the round glutinous rice in the north.

  The boss is obviously aware of this, and hastily explained with a smile: "No, I'm used to asking, so I asked casually.

  You know what to do, how could I fool you? "

As he said that, he brought up two and a half bags of sample glutinous rice, and pointed to the one on the left for introduction: "This is produced in Wuchang... Uh, it is actually processed by the local grain factory in Wuchang. The rice is grown in Mudanjiang, and the quality is also good." Not bad, I will sell it as Wuchang rice."

  He chuckled, winked at Li Yi, and explained in a low voice: "It's all industry knowledge, you understand."

   Li Yi naturally knows this kind of way, not only in the grain and oil industry, but in any industry.

  The real Wuchang rice can produce 650,000 tons a year, but the whole country can sell 10 million tons of Wuchang rice every year.

  The real Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs only produce one to two thousand tons a year, but they can be sold all over the country, as many as you want.

  Whether it’s processed rice or overcooked crabs, they are all industry skills, and consumers themselves know it well.

  Li Yi grabbed a handful of "Wuchang" round glutinous rice, smelled the aroma, and chewed a few more.

   Without saying anything, he grabbed another handful of round glutinous rice in the bag next to it and sniffed the aroma.

   "Where is this made?"

  He didn't eat, so he asked the boss.

   "Fu Yuan."

  The boss explained: "Although the rice in Fuyuan is not as famous as Wuchang rice, the food is really good. When I eat at home, I only eat rice from Fuyuan. The quality is quack!"

  Li Yi squeezed a few of them, put them in his mouth, chewed them, and nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, after all, it's the rice that came out of the mouth of the chicken, so bring me five bags too!"

  Hearing Li Yi's words, Wu Lei behind was taken aback, and hurriedly asked, "Is this rice taken out of the chicken's mouth?"


  Li Yi was stunned for a moment, before explaining with a smile: "You can find out when you open the map, Fuyuan is located in Jizui, which is the first place in China to welcome the sun, and it will be dawn after two o'clock in the morning.

  The crops in Fuyuan have a relatively long growth cycle, large temperature difference between day and night, and good water quality.

  This rice has a strong viscosity, is round and full, and has a better taste, which is still very good. "

   "That's it!"

   Wu Lei suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "I thought it was really picked out of the chicken's mouth!"

"How can it be?"

  Li Yi was also amused by his brain hole.

  Zhao Jinmai was listening, and said with a smile: "The rice in Fuyuan is quite famous in the Northeast. It seems that there is a Jiansanjiang rice, which is produced there."

   "Yes, isn't this the rice from Jiansanjiang?"

  Li Yi opened the rice bag, looked at the package, and sure enough there were three large characters of Jian Sanjiang written on it.

   "Jian Sanjiang is located in the middle of Tongjiang, Fujin, Fuyuan and Raohe."

  Li Yi confirmed the place of production: "It belongs to the HLJ, the confluence of the Songhua River and the Wusuli River. The soil is very fertile and it is a top-level cultivated land. The quality of the rice produced must be good."

   "Yes, that's right there."

  Zhao Jinmai responded happily, and then couldn't help asking curiously: "Eh? Brother Yi, is rice from the northeast better than rice from the south? Why do you need rice from the north?"

   "Huh? I never said that the rice in the northeast must be better than the rice in the south!"

  Li Yi explained with a smile: "It's round glutinous rice from the north, and its quality is better than that from the south."

   "How can you tell that the round glutinous rice in the north is better than that in the south?"

  Wu Lei saw the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, so he followed up with questions.

  In the live broadcast room, the audience in the south also booed.

   "That's right! Why do you say that northern rice is better than southern rice?"

   "I want to call Nanami!"

   "The air is shaking and cold, when will Nannanmi stand up?"

   "I'm sorry, southerners don't speak Zhileng."

   Facing the ridicule from the audience, Li Yi calmly explained: "It's not what I said, it's determined by the breed.

  Long glutinous rice, that is, indica glutinous rice, is more suitable for planting in low-latitude, low-altitude hot and humid areas.

  The husk of this kind of rice is relatively thin, so the grains fall off easily.

   And it is relatively resistant to humidity, heat, and strong light, but it has a disadvantage, that is, it is not cold-resistant.

  In the hot and humid southern regions, this kind of rice can be harvested twice or even thrice a year.

  So what is grown in the south is usually long glutinous rice.

   Japonica glutinous rice is round glutinous rice, which is more suitable for planting in high latitudes or low latitudes and high altitude areas.

  The husk of this kind of rice is relatively thick, so the grains are not easy to fall off.

  It is relatively cold-resistant, but it can only withstand low light, and it is not resistant to high temperature.

  So this kind of rice is generally planted in the north and can only be harvested once a year.

  In the Northeast region, this kind of rice can grow up to 180 days a year.

  With a long growth cycle and sufficient grain filling, the starch content of this kind of rice must be higher than that of southern rice. "

   Speaking of this, Li Yi paused, and then smiled at the camera: "So, it's not that I said that the round glutinous rice in the north is better than that in the south, it's just that the south grows less.

   This is just a difference in adapting to local conditions, it’s not about pushing one another! "

Hearing his explanation, the boss also interjected with a smile: "It's not like we're bragging! The quality of our agricultural products in the Northeast is excellent, and the Northeast is all black soil that leaks oil at a pinch! How about calling it the National Granary? Are you right?"

   "No problem."

  Li Yi nodded with a smile, raised his finger and pointed at the rice bag, indicating: "There are a lot of these things, we definitely won't be able to take them back, so I can only trouble you to help arrange a car to deliver them."

   "It's nothing to worry about!"

  The boss smiled and asked, "Is there anything else you want to buy?"

   "Put me all the good soybean oil, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, at least one piece."

  Li Yi patted the rice noodles on his hands: "I have to buy some good dried fruit."




  (end of this chapter)

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