Chapter 371 [Roast suckling pig]


   After Li Yi took out the 【Stir-fried Basu】, he and Wang Gang served the dishes at the outlet.

Tang Jianjun brought several people from Ivory Mountain to the dining outlet, looked at the huge plate and [Stir-fried Basu] with only one spoon in it, and laughed and complained: "Why is the amount of this dish getting smaller and smaller, and the plate is getting bigger and bigger? ?”

  Li Yi explained with a smile: "It's already the twenty-fourth dish, how can the old people still have so much appetite? Try it and get it, so as not to waste it."

   "Makes sense."

  Wang Xiaoli squeezed forward, picked up the tray and said with a smile: "It's okay! I'll eat what I can't finish later!"

  After sending [Fried Basu] out, Li Yi turned around and saw Chen Chen standing by the counter where the stew pot was placed, stretching his neck to look in, sucking in his little nose.

   "Eh? Ultraman is hungry?"

  Li Yi laughed and teased.

   Chenchen turned around and saw him coming back, he smiled and asked flatteringly, "Brother, can you give me a taste?"

   "Huh? Why don't you say I'm a monster?"

   Li Yi was amused by him, and laughed and joked.

  Chenchen walked over with shameful brows, took his hand, rubbed his face against the back of his hand, and hummed, "Give me a bite, just one."

  Seeing his appearance, Li Yi smiled and said to Wang Gang: "This kid will never be hungry when he grows up."

   After finishing speaking, Li Yi pushed his head, brought him to the stew pot, and filled a small bowl for him: "Take it and eat it!"


   Chenchen held the bowl happily, and ran to Liu Yifei.

  He clumsily scooped up a spoonful of stewed pork belly, and brought it to Liu Yifei: "Sister, you eat."

   Seeing this, Liu Yifei widened her eyes in surprise, and then she was amused by him: "Haha! Thank you, I won't eat it, you can eat it!"

   "You eat!"

  Chen Chen is still insisting.

  At this time, Zhao Jinmai, who came in with a teapot, happened to see this scene.

   "Chenchen, what are you doing?"

  Zhao Jinmai shouted.

   Seeing his own sister appear, Chen Chen was so frightened that he hurriedly stuffed the pork belly into his mouth.

   "Okay you!"

  Zhao Jinmai came to him with a teapot in his hand, smiled and nodded on his head: "You have never fed me like this, you heartless brother."

  Paused, she glanced at Li Yi, then smiled and joked: "You dare to take pictures of Brother Yi's flattery? Do you still want to eat delicious food?"


  Liu Yifei looked at her suspiciously.

"Ha ha!"

  Zhao Jinmai laughed, then lowered his head and approached Chen Chen, and opened his mouth to signal: "Give me a bite!"

  Chen Chen didn't dare to refuse, so he scooped up a spoonful and fed it to her.

   "That's more or less."

  Zhao Jinmai stood up satisfied, patted his head, and told him: "In the future, you are only allowed to feed me, not other girls, do you hear me?"

"heard it."

   Chenchen nodded, and added: "There is also mother."

   "Well, and Mom."

  Zhao Jinmai responded, and was immediately attracted by the taste of [Fried Basu]: "Eh? This small intestine is delicious!"

   The piece Chenchen fed her happened to be a piece of small intestine.

  The small intestine was washed clean, leaving only a layer of intestine skin, which was stewed until soft.

  Zhao Jinmai chewed a few times, and it was easily chewed, and the more he chewed, the more fragrant he became.

   "The small intestine is used to make this dish!"

  Hearing her exclamation, Liu Yifei suddenly realized: "No wonder Brother Yi asked Xiao Lei and the others to clean his small intestines!"

   "Actually, the small intestine is also delicious when used for stir-frying."

  Zhao Jinmai smiled while chewing: "My grandma can make stir-fried pig small intestines. My dad likes to eat them very much, but people in other places don't seem to eat small intestines, so I haven't heard much about them."

"Who said that?"

  Li Yi walked over with a bowl of [Fried Basu], and said with a smile, "Many places eat it, but Sichuan Province eats it! The maojiezi in the fat rice rolls is made from small intestines, and it's also delicious.

  The stewed hot pot in Beijing used to be called stewed small intestine, which is made of small intestine.

   There are also sets of sausages from Fujian Province, and Suzhou also has them. Wherever pork is eaten, no inch of pork will be wasted. "

  Zhao Jinmai looked at the bowl in his hand, but didn't argue, just laughed and teased: "Are you here to feed Sister Yifei again?"

Li Yi smiled and didn't speak, while Liu Yifei hurriedly reached out to take the bowl, smiled and pointed to the spread egg skins: "Here are forty spreads, if there are not enough, I will spread some more. "

   "Enough, not so much."

  Li Yi withdrew his hand and rubbed Chen Chen's head beside him: "These pastries are just for tasting. After eating more than twenty dishes, I can't eat any more delicious food."

   "What about the roast suckling pig?"

  Liu Yifei pointed to the roast suckling pig rotating in a row of ovens by the wall: "Then if no one eats the roasted suckling pig, wouldn't it be a waste?"

   "How come no one eats it?"

  Li Yi smiled and said: "So many staff members outside have not eaten yet! When these roasted suckling pigs are served on the table, I will cut some of them and put them on a plate for my grandparents to taste.

   The leftovers that haven’t been moved can be left to the staff to eat later. You can’t let people stare at them for a day, and they can’t eat anything, right? Isn't that right, Master Cai? "

   As he spoke, he raised his chin at Master Cai, who was shooting at the side.

  Master Cai was filming and it was inconvenient to talk, but the blooming smile on his face revealed his good mood.

   "Haha! I'm so happy for Master Cai!"

  Zhao Jinmai joked with a smile: "There is roast suckling pig!"

  Li Yi smiled, and asked Liu Yifei: "Do you want to eat fatter or thinner? I'll cut it up and bring it to you later."

"It will be all right."

  Liu Yifei smiled slightly.

  Zhao Jinmai grinned, moving his eyes back and forth between the two of them, with an expression of eating melons.

  Li Yi glanced at her from the corner of his eye, and cursed with a smile: "Are you laughing?"

"Ha ha!"

  Zhao Jinmai laughed out loud, then quickly picked up the teapot and ran to the water heater: "I'll get the water!"

  Li Yi shook his head, and walked to the oven.

  In the translucent oven, the suckling pigs were hanging on the shelf, shining crystal clear, golden and buttery, and oil was dripping down continuously from below.

   This is the only main dish in [Whole Pig Banquet], and it is also the core of the banquet.

  【Whole Pig Feast】is named after this dish.

  In ancient times when material conditions were scarce, being able to turn precious piglets into roast suckling pigs was the top luxury that ordinary people could see.

   Looking at the time, it was almost time.

  Li Yi took the insulated gloves and put them on his hands.

   Coming to the back of the oven, Li Yi moved sideways and opened the oven door.


  The furnace door made of stainless steel plate was pulled open with a creak, and the hot air inside gushed out, like the crowd after the subway arrived.

  The buzzing and rotating grill in the furnace, the fat that was continuously roasted from the suckling pig, and the contact with the crispy roasted pig skin, the sizzling sound became clear.

   And the clearest thing is the rich meaty aroma that exploded like a nuclear bomb!

   After opening the oven door, within two seconds, everyone in the back kitchen looked over.

   This smell is a bit outrageous!




  (end of this chapter)

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