Chapter 370 [Fried Eight Vegetables]

  The four stir-fried dishes at the beginning of the hot dish are not large.

  Li Yi's expectation for them is to use their distinctive taste to whet the appetite of diners.

  Four cooking dishes are the focus of the first half of the banquet.

  Especially [Grilled Whole Pig Head], which is made by stewing a whole pig head, and the portion is not light.

   It takes four or five big men to finish eating just this one pig's head.

  The people who came to the banquet were all old people, and they didn't have much appetite.

   After four hard dishes, you should basically be full.

  So, for the second half of the eight dishes, Li Yi kept the portions to a minimum.

  In addition to the lion's head served on the table, [Flour Steamed Pork] and [Meicai Braised Pork] are also served according to the number of people, one slice per person.

   And [Steamed Pork Ribs with Black Bean Fragrance] is also one piece per person, basically there are not many.

   Such a weight will not take up too much space, nor will it be too greasy, and it will also leave room for the subsequent four mixed dishes.

  The so-called miscellaneous vegetables are miscellaneous vegetables, which are dishes made from pig offal.

   For offal lovers, the charm of offal is even stronger than the meat itself.

  This desire for internal organs comes from human beings' natural animal genes.

  Compared with the tough muscles, ligaments, skin and other parts of animals, the tender internal organs are "soft meat" that is more suitable for consumption.

   Carnivorous hunters in the animal kingdom often eat soft internal organs after catching their prey.

   It is this primitive impulse that makes many offal lovers tend to retain a certain taste of offal when tasting offal.

   But Li Yi didn't have this habit, and the internal organs he made also strived to be clean.

   Otherwise, he wouldn't let Liu Yifei and the others wash all day yesterday.

  Among the four mixed dishes, the first one is [Jiuzhuan Dachang].

   As one of the most famous miscellaneous dishes, this dish is well-known throughout the country.

  Before, Li Yi used tofu to reproduce the vegetarian version of [Jiuzhuan Dachang], but compared with the real fat sausage, the taste of tofu is still different.

  During the preparations in the morning, Li Yi had already stuffed the washed large intestine with whole green onions and washed it again.

  After washing, the original taste of the large intestine has been completely removed.

  【Jiuzhuan Large Intestine】The practice is also stir-fried, because the large intestine used is cooked in advance.

  But in the process of frying, it uses the technique of stir-frying to add color and flavor to the large intestine.

  This dish also requires exquisite control of the heat, but because it can be cut into regular finger-wrenching pieces, Li Yi can fry four servings in two woks at the same time, two servings in each of the left and right hands, and still do well.

   After three times of stir-frying, all this dish was served.

  The Ivory Mountain six-person group in the front hall also sent back the fried dishes that they had eaten before.

  Seeing the empty plate, Li Yi asked, "How's the meal going outside?"

   "Need to say? Look at this empty plate."

   Tang Jianjun said with a smile: "In my impression, when we sit at the table in the village, those old people don't like to eat, and they are thinking about packing.

   Unexpectedly, these old men and women are quite edible, and their combat effectiveness is not low! "

   "It's a good thing to be able to eat, which means good health and a good stomach."

  Wang Xiaoli added on the side: "It also shows that our Chef Li's craftsmanship is good, good guy, I'm almost full from the dishes I serve."

  After hearing their description, Li Yi also settled down.

  Since the old people are satisfied with the food, he is relieved.

   "How many more dishes?"

   Tang Jianjun looked into the pot.

   "It's almost over."

  Li Yi explained casually: "One more [Oil-fried Double Crisp], one [Sauerkraut Blood Sausage and Boiled White Meat], and one [Stir-fried Eight Vegetables], the hot dishes are over."

   "The sauerkraut blood sausage is good!"

  Wang Xiaoli swallowed again: "I'm proud of this."

   "It's a bit of a vegetarian dish."

   Tang Jianjun said with emotion: "This table is full of meat, and the dishes are too tough."

  Li Yi smiled when he heard the words, and then explained: "Stir fried Ba Su is not a vegetarian dish, it is a special dish in Fuzhou, also called Da Pan Chao, which is made with eight kinds of pig offal."

   "Stir-fried with offal water?"

   Tang Jianjun was very puzzled: "Then why is it called stir-fried eight vegetables? Is it not considered meat?"

   "There is an allusion to this."

  Li Yi explained: "It is said that during the Ming Dynasty, there was a famous chef in Hanjiang, Fuzhou, who was very good at making this dish.

   Once, a monk passed by and fainted from hunger. Seeing this, the famous chef helped him into the shop and cooked a big dish for him.

  The monk wolfed it down and found it delicious.

  Some of the onlookers laughed at the monk's breaking the precept, and deliberately asked the famous chef what the dish was called.

  The famous chef refused to answer, so he asked the monk to name it.

  The monk was ashamed, so he casually named it [Fried Basu].

  Later, this dish was renamed [Fried Basu]. "

  Tang Jianjun suddenly realized: "So that's what happened."

  Wang Xiaoli on the side heard the words and couldn't help complaining: "I'm almost starving to death, what can I do if I eat some meat?"

  Looking at his shiny bald head, Tang Jianjun pointed at him and smiled, "Eh? The client is here!"


  Wang Xiaoli smiled and patted him.

  In the live broadcast room, listening to their jokes, the audience was also discussing.

   "Brother Yi actually knows how to make [Stir-fried Basu]? In our Hanjiang side, this dish is a must-have at banquets, and only decades-old chefs can cook it."

   "There is also one in Fuzhou. It's called Da Pan Chao. It's sweet and sour, and it's especially delicious."

   "Hehe! Fuzhou [Stir-fried Basu] is not eaten by dogs! If you have eaten Putian [Stir-fried Basu], you will know how delicious it is!"

"Putian [Fried Basu], the soul is the soup of Putian braised noodles, so this dish can only be tasted best in restaurants in Putian, because only restaurants make braised noodles, and no other place can make this taste .”

   "What are you talking about? Minhou Jingxi's [Fried Basu] is the most authentic, okay?"

  Li Yi had no time to take into account the audience's debate about [Stir-Fried Basu].

  He took out the [Jiuzhuan Dachang], opened the stew pot beside him, and glanced at the [Stir-fried Basu] inside.

  The pot contains difficult-to-cook materials such as pork belly, large intestine, small intestine, and small tripe. These materials need to be stewed for an hour.

  This dish cannot be pressed in a pressure cooker, unless the internal organs are marinated to taste, otherwise even if it is pressed until it is rotten, the ingredients will not have any taste.

  In Hanjiang, Putian and other places in Fujian Province, this [Stir-fried Basu] is a must-have dish for banquets.

   Serving this dish marks the beginning of the feast.

  But Li Yi planned to use it to finish this time.

  The steps of this dish are somewhat cumbersome, because eight kinds of internal organs of pork belly, pork liver, pork lung, pork loin, pig heart, small intestine, large intestine, and small tripe are used to cook.

  Different internal organs are processed in different ways, and the speed of maturation is also different.

  For example, pig heart and pork loin must be soaked in clean water for at least half an hour, and they must be washed repeatedly in the middle to remove the smell of blood and loin, and they must be scalded before being put into the pot.

  The pork loin matures very quickly, so it must be cooked before it is out of the pan, otherwise the taste will be very hard.

  However, the internal organs of pork belly and pig intestines are very resistant to cooking. They must be cooked for at least an hour, otherwise they will not chew well.

  While frying 【Double Crisp】, Li Yi paid attention to the stew pot.

   Wait until [Oil-fried Double Crisp] and [Sauerkraut Blood Sausage and Boiled White Meat] are served successively, this long-simmered [Stir-fried Eight Vegetables] is officially out of the pan.




  (end of this chapter)

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