Chapter 360 Interview

   "Grandpa and grandma, welcome to the Chinese restaurant."

  Wu Lei and Zhao Jinmai acted as doormen at the door, welcoming the arriving old people.

  Seeing their fair and pleasant appearance, the old people who came were very happy.

  It was like seeing their own children. The old people pulled them to look left and right, and couldn't put it down.

   Facing the love of the old people, Wu Lei and Zhao Jinmai were also very patient, leading them to the banquet table one by one, and sat down.

  The old people don’t need an introduction at all, they just need to say “Where are you from” to start a chat.

   Their accents come from all over the world, and they don’t even know each other, but they still seem to be old friends who have known each other for decades, chatting with each other about the past.

   During the short intervals between chatting, they would occasionally look up and look around, looking at the golden roof of the palace in the distance, the surrounding palace walls, and the lights in the courtyard, their eyes were blurred.

   It's as if this is a dream.

   "Grandma, sit here."

  The treetop led the two old ladies to find seats and arranged for them to sit down.

While pouring them a cup of hot tea, the treetop told them: "The tea is a bit hot. Let it dry before drinking. You can eat whatever you want on this table, but don't eat too much. There will be good food later, let's save some Stomach is good."

   Mu Shang also led the two grandfathers to the table, and also explained: "The toilet is over there, if you are afraid that you can't find it, call me later when you want to use it, and I will take you there.

  Let's stop smoking, it's bad for your health, if you really want to smoke, you can go to the toilet, there is a small smoking area there. "

  The old people listened, nodding repeatedly, rubbing their hands as rough as a file, and sitting awkwardly on the chairs.

  They were wearing brand new clothes, but they didn't look like they fit.

   Years of hard work made their backs bent habitually, their shoulders collapsed, and they could not support their clothes.

  But they were all trying to sit upright, and they kept peeking at the film crew and camera in the corner from the corner of their eyes.

  In their view, this is on TV, and all the parents and folks in their hometown can see it.

   Seeing their nervousness, Shuzhi and Mu Shang looked at each other with complicated emotions.

  They can understand the uneasiness of these grandparents, because they have never been out of the province, never been to the capital, and never participated in such an occasion.

  Although they have appeared on their channel before, it was just a small play on their self-media channel, and it took a few days of familiarization before they got used to the shooting of the camera.

  But this time "Chinese Restaurant" is an official variety show, a live broadcast for audiences across the country. In the eyes of the old people, this is undoubtedly a big deal.

   Seeing this, Mu Shang pulled the treetop aside and said in a low voice, "Grandpa and grandma are still too nervous."

   "Well, yes, I think other grandparents are also quite restrained."

  Treetop nodded and said: "On this occasion, grandparents are still under a lot of psychological pressure."

   "I think it's best to help them get used to it in advance, do you think that's okay?"

   Mu Shang expressed his thoughts, and after hearing this, the treetop nodded again and again: "This is good, this is good, call the baboons and the others together."

   As she said that, she turned around and called the baboons and coco who were photographed behind, and told them Mu Shang's thoughts.

   Soon, they divided into four groups, called the cameramen of the four program groups, and led them to chat with the old people at the table.

   "Grandpa, this is the cameraman of our program group."

   Mu Shang brought the camera to the grandfather who had just brought him, and introduced to him: "This machine is broadcasting live now, and many viewers can see you from here. Would you like to say hello to our audience friends?"

  Hearing this, the grandfather hurriedly waved at the camera and smiled honestly.

  Mu Shang looked at him and praised him with a smile: "Grandpa, you are really energetic in this outfit. You must have been a handsome guy when you were young."

  Grandpa smiled and looked at the camera without speaking, but the tension in the whole person has relaxed a little.

  Seeing that he was gradually relaxing, Mu Shang suggested with a smile: "Grandpa, please introduce yourself to our audience! Maybe there are fellow villagers from our mountain city here!"

Hearing what he said, Grandpa thought for a while, and then introduced himself to the camera in a mountain dialect: "Hello folks, audience, my name is Chen Erwa, I am from Huatian Township, Youyang, a mountain city, and I am seventy-five years old." !"

   Mu Shang smiled and nodded encouragingly, and after he finished speaking, he turned to the camera and asked, "Do you have any friends from our mountain city? Let me see."

  There is a live barrage display behind the camera, and the top has been swiped by "1".


   "Passing by in the deep mountain city, hello grandpa!"

   "Hi, grandpa! I'm also a child of the mountain city!"

   "111! I'm from Youyang! I didn't expect grandpa to be from Youyang!"

   Mu Shang looked at the barrage, pointed at the barrage and said with a smile: "Grandpa, look, these are all from the mountain city, and they are all greeting you!"


  Grandpa Chen smiled and nodded: "All are well, little comrades."

   Mu Shang was taken aback for a moment, and then explained to the audience: "Grandpa Chen was a soldier and fought in wars. He is a serious Sichuan army!"

  Hearing Mu Shang's words, Grandpa Chen's expression became a little serious, and then he touched the non-existent button of the neckline, and then raised his hand to salute the camera.

  In an instant, the live broadcast room was full of barrage.

   "Wow! No wonder Grandpa looked so energetic, it turned out to be Lao Chuanjun!"

   "Grandpa is domineering! Sichuan army cowhide!"



  Looking at the barrage, Mu Shang seriously introduced: "Grandpa Chen wanted to come to the capital to visit after he retired, but he had to go back first because of family problems.

  But since then, Grandpa Chen never had the chance to visit the capital again.

  This time, thanks to the "Chinese Restaurant" program team, I can give Grandpa Chen this opportunity to realize a dream that has been fulfilled for many years. Grandpa, are you happy? "

  He smiled and asked Grandpa Chen.


  Grandpa Chen nodded with a smile, feeling much more relaxed.

   Seeing this, Mu Shang asked again: "Then what is your favorite food, Grandpa?"

   "I like to eat... I like to eat quack the most."

   After Grandpa Chen finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing.

   "Haha! That's just right!"

   Mu Shang smiled and said: "Today's dishes are all quack, let's have a good meal today, shall we?"


  Grandpa Chen nodded vigorously, then wiped his face with a smile. At this moment, he has completely relaxed.

   After chatting with him for a few more words, Mu Shang turned to the grandma next door, and asked with a smile, "Grandma, where are you from?"

  Behind him, treetops, baboons, and coco are all doing interviews, introducing the old people to the audience.

  In the live broadcast room, viewers from all over the country were also surprised to find that there were grandparents from their hometown on the show, and the sense of participation was instantly overwhelming.

  As they interviewed, the old people present gradually relaxed, and their fear of the camera dissipated, and instead they waited for the interview with some curiosity.

  For them, this is capital that they can show off for a long time after returning home!




  (end of this chapter)

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