Chapter 359 To Fresh Salt Soup

   "You guy, you are too modest, how can you be so polite?"

  Wen Song heard what he said, and joked: "You should say, if this is in private, I must admit that you are very good, but this is on the show, I can only say that you still have to practice."

   "No no, this dish is too perfect, I really can't make it."

  Wang Gang repeatedly explained: "The ratio of ingredients, taste, and heat control of this dish are all impeccable.

  It has been simmered in water for two hours, and it can still maintain its shape, but it will not become too hard due to the addition of too much starch. This ratio is difficult to grasp and requires a lot of experience.

   Moreover, the ratio of fat to lean meat is also well mastered. Part of the fat melts immediately in the mouth, but there are enough lean meat and water chestnuts to ensure the three taste levels of melting, soft and crisp.

   After stewing for two and a half hours, the water chestnuts can still retain a little bit of crisp core, which is really amazing.

  Its mouthfeel is also perfect, with sugar and sweetness, but not too obvious.

  Salt mouth is also very suitable, neither salty nor bland.

  Master Li added salt when mixing the meat, and he added it three times.

  Put salt into the meat to beat the onion and **** water into the meat.

   But when steaming, the salt will be steamed out.

  And clear chicken soup also needs salt, otherwise it will not be fresh and fishy.

  I drank this chicken soup, the salt taste is just right, not too much and not too little, very fresh.

  The seasoning is so good, even if I learn it, if I don’t learn to make it dozens of times, I still can’t handle it well. "

  Listening to his serious explanation, Wen Song didn't know what to say, so he could only smile and shook his head: "This kid is too honest."

  The artists present all understood what he meant.

  Appearing on the show is an opportunity for everyone to show themselves. Under such circumstances, most people will find ways to show their strengths.

   No one is willing to admit that they are inferior to others in front of so many audiences, let alone someone like Wang Gang who relies on professional skills for a living.

  But Wang Gang himself didn't feel any embarrassment. Li Yi's fire is so good that he really can't do it.

   From the road to simplicity, many famous chefs with top skills and who can cook a lot of kung fu dishes still can't make it right at the first time when it comes to Yankou.

   And salt is already the longest-used condiment in human history, and it is also the most common and basic condiment that everyone will use.

  It is the most basic salt mouth, but it is the most difficult to handle.

   Li Yi's hype skills are indeed very powerful, and Wang Gang admires it very much.

  But Wang Gang felt a little shocked, even a little scared, by his ingenious handling.

  If Li Yi added salt to season after leaving the steamer, then Wang Gang would definitely not be surprised.

  But Li Yi beat all the salt to be added into the meat before putting it on the steamer.

  Then steam for two and a half hours to stew out the salt in the meat.

   Make the salt inside and outside consistent, not only make the taste of the lion's head just right, but also give the chicken soup a salty taste.

  How could such precise control be possible without decades of cooking experience?

   But how old is Li Yi?

  Even those top state banquet chefs and veteran chefs with decades of experience may not have such absolute confidence in their skills, right?

  This kind of self-confidence is the reason why Wang Gang feels terrified.

  He couldn't understand, how could Li Yi dare to be so confident that his handling of Yankou would be so just right?

  However, what he didn't know was that Li Yi's experience was no longer calculated in units of ten years, but in units of hundreds of years.

   Moreover, in Li Yi's view, this kind of trickery is just basic skills, and it's not a big deal.

  He has seen the truly miraculous Yankou's unique skills.

   It was Zhang Dongguan, the chief chef of the imperial kitchen, who had a bet with a chef named Ma Zhuo once after drinking, saying that he could make the most fresh salt soup in the world with salt and water.

  Ma Zhuo bet five taels of gold with him.

  Zhang Dongguan immediately went to the stove and cooked three dishes for Ma Zhuo to taste.

  The first dish is fried shrimp, the second dish is scrambled eggs, and the third dish is fried lamb with green onions.

   Ma Zhuo tasted them one by one, and said that the shrimps were bland, the eggs were just right, and the mutton with scallions was too salty.

  After hearing his comments, Zhang Dongguan poured a bowl of water, then took the salt shaker, picked up a pinch of salt, and sprinkled it into the water for Ma Zhuo to taste.

   Ma Zhuo took a sip of salt water, and immediately convinced himself, and lost five taels of gold to Zhang Dongguan.

  That is the real exquisite Yankou, the real superb skill.

  Salt is the first of all flavors and the ancestor of umami.

  But everyone's taste sensitivity is different, some people are light, some people are heavy.

  For example, after Ma Zhuo lost gold, all the chefs present went up to taste the bowl of salt soup, but some said it was bland, while others said it was salty, because everyone has different tastes.

  Master Lu Cai's mouth is heavy, but it feels light.

  The Huaiyang cuisine master tastes light, but it feels salty.

  The reason why Zhang Dongguan fried the three dishes was to try Ma Zhuo's mouth.

  After determining the range of his taste sensitivity, Zhang Dongguan mixed a bowl of salt water that was most suitable for him to drink.

  There is a lot of salt in the human body, but the salt concentration of water in each person's body is slightly different.

The reason why Ma Zhuo thinks the bowl of salt water is extremely delicious is obviously because the concentration of the bowl of salt water is the same as the salt concentration in his body, reaching the level of isotonic saline, so it makes him have a refreshing taste like cell respiration experience.

   This is a technique specially adjusted to the perfect saltiness according to each person's taste. Even in Li Yi's view, it is a magical skill.

  Although Li Yi can adjust the saltiness level that suits most people's tastes, like Zhang Dongguan, he is still a bit far behind in being able to play with salt to the extreme level.

Regarding Wang Gang's unstinting praise, Li Yi smiled politely: "I'm so embarrassed by your praise, this dish is actually difficult for those who can't, and it's not difficult for those who can, you can try it later Just try it and you'll know."

   While speaking, there was a faint voice coming from the front hall.

  Huang Xiaoming went out to take a look, but there were already staff members accompanying the old man to the restaurant.

  They were the first batch of guests who arrived in the capital yesterday, and they had finished visiting the Forbidden City accompanied by the staff.

  Seeing that an old man had arrived, Huang Xiaoming hurriedly asked Wu Lei and Zhao Jinmai to look after them in the front hall.

  Old people have difficulty moving, so someone needs to serve tea and water to help take care of them.

   Knowing that an old man had arrived, Li Yi continued to work, and speeded up.

After looking at the time, he took out the suckling pig that had been marinated for an hour, brushed it with crispy water, then wrapped the ears, tail and other places that were easy to burn with tin foil, and hung it in the in the oven.

  The most important main dish in the banquet of thousands of seniors is the roast suckling pig.

  But because the teeth of the elderly are often bad, the suckling pigs at the Qiansen Banquet must first be marinated until crispy, and then baked in the oven until crispy.

  Following that, Li Yi vacated most of the stoves, and when the members of the Pirate Moon Club arrived at the restaurant with the large team, it was time to serve the dishes.




  (end of this chapter)

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