Chapter 338 You two can bully me together!

   "Because there is indeed caramel in this sauce."

  Li Yi pointed to the tumbling sauce in the pot, and explained: "There is maltose in this sauce, and the density of maltose is higher than that of sauce, so it will keep sinking to the bottom.

  The part of the maltose that sinks to the bottom and the bottom of the pot will gradually produce a caramelization reaction.

  The caramelization reaction will produce two types of substances, one is the dehydration polymerization product of sugar, which is commonly known as caramel.

   There is another category of degradation products, mainly some volatile aldehydes, ketones, etc.

  They give foods an attractive color and flavor, the so-called caramel flavor.

  What you smell is the taste released after the maltose in the sauce is caramelized. "

   "Hmm... I don't understand."

  Zhao Jinmai blinked, sniffed the smell floating in the pot, and said with a smile: "Anyway, I know, this sauce must be delicious."

   "You admit it."

  Li Yi saw that there was only one-third of the sauce left in the pot, so he took the water starch and signaled to Zhao Jinmai: "Go and get those small tenderloins."

  Zhao Jinmai responded, then turned around and brought over all the sliced ​​tenderloins.

  Li Yi added the water starch into the sauce, and stirred while adding, and the sauce soon became thicker.

  Afterwards, he turned off the fire, put the pot aside to cool down, and then took a big pot, and put all the small tenderloins into the big pot.

  Brought the copper pot, he poured the sauce in the pot into the big basin.

   After pouring about two-thirds of the time, he stopped, then put on disposable gloves, and began to stir with his hands.

  As he stirred, the bright red sauce gradually covered the small tenderloin in the pot, giving the small tenderloin an attractive color.

  The strong aroma of the sauce wafted away, Zhao Jinmai took a deep breath, and exclaimed in surprise: "Wow! It smells so fragrant just after mixing it? Wouldn't it be even more fragrant if it is roasted?"

   As she spoke, she asked Liu Yifei, "Sister Yifei, did you smell it?"

  Liu Yifei was still singeing pig hairs. Hearing this, she looked back and said with a smile, "Now I can only smell the smell of burnt protein."

  Zhao Jinmai picked up the chopsticks, dipped them in the sauce pot, and ran to Liu Yifei quickly, and handed her a signal: "Smell."

  Liu Yifei turned off the spray gun, leaned closer and smelled it, her eyes lit up, and she nodded with a smile: "It smells really good!"

  Li Yi has already mixed the char siu meat well, and put it in the freezer together with the pot.

  He took off the disposable gloves, which were covered in sauce.

  Zhao Jinmai felt a little regretful when he saw the sauce on the top: "It's a pity to wash such a fragrant sauce."

  Li Yi smiled and handed over the glove: "Then why don't you dip it in steamed buns?"


  Zhao Jinmai twitched the corner of his mouth, with a look of disgust: "Disgusting!"

   "Didn't you say it's a pity? The outside of the glove is clean?"

   As Li Yi was speaking, he suddenly saw Liu Yifei laughing and watching the fun, so he picked up the glove and tapped her cheek, leaving a little sauce mark immediately.


  Liu Yifei looked at him in surprise, as if she didn't expect him to do this.

  Seeing this, Zhao Jinmai immediately yelled: "You bully Sister Yifei!"

   As she spoke, she rushed forward, grabbed Li Yi's arm, and turned her head to signal Liu Yifei: "Sister Yifei! I caught him! Hurry up and beat him up!"

  Liu Yifei raised her hand to wipe the mark of sauce on her cheek, then stepped forward with a smile, took Li Yi's glove, and smeared a mark of sauce on Li Yi's face.


  Seeing this, Zhao Jinmai laughed happily, but when he was caught off guard, he suddenly felt his cheeks warm.

  She froze for a moment, then turned her head to look, only to find that Liu Yifei was smiling and putting down her hands, and the sauce on the gloves in her hands was a little less.

   As for what is missing, the answer is already very clear.


   Zhao Jinmai let go of Li Yi's hand after yelling, turned around and rushed towards Liu Yifei, and said with a smile: "Sister Yifei! I will avenge you, but you still bully me."

"Ha ha!"

  Liu Yifei turned around and ran away with a smile, Zhao Jinmai chased after her, and the two laughed and quarreled.

   Zhao Jinmai's skill is still not as agile as Liu Yifei's. After chasing him for a long time, he didn't get revenge, and even got two points on his face.

   "Stop playing, stop playing."

  She resentfully gave up revenge, and complained: "You two bully me together!"

   "Who is willing to bully you! It's too late for you!"

  Liu Yifei smiled and came forward to hug her from behind.

   Being hugged by her, Zhao Jinmai couldn't help but burst into laughter.

   The two talked and laughed, and returned to the desk.

  Liu Yifei handed the disposable gloves back to Li Yi, but Li Yi didn't pick it up, but just signaled: "Put it in the trash can! You won't need it anymore."

"All right."

   In response, she threw away the gloves, and Liu Yifei also came to the sink to wash off the sauce stained on her hands.

  After washing it twice, she sniffed her hands, only to find that there was still a faint smell of char siu sauce.

   "Is this sauce so strong?"

   She was a little surprised.

   "It's not that the sauce is strong, it's because you didn't wash it clean."

  Li Yi signaled: "Wash with the seven-step hand washing method."

   "Which seven steps?"

   Liu Yifei asked curiously.

"I know this."

  Zhao Jinmai laughed and said, "When my younger brother was in kindergarten, he sang handwashing nursery rhymes at home every day."

   As she spoke, she stretched out both hands, nodded and sang: "Two children, touch hands, you carry me on your back, and I will carry you on your back..."

  While singing, she was washing her hands.

  Looking at her magical hand-washing dance, Li Yi was a little surprised, while Liu Yifei looked surprised and smiled happily.

  Zhao Jinmai was embarrassed by her laughter, and couldn't continue singing halfway through.

   Seeing this, Liu Yifei smiled and hugged her: "Haha! You are so cute!"

  Zhao Jinmai blushed and explained: "I learned it from my brother."

   "Teach me quickly."

  Liu Yifei enthusiastically dragged her back to the pool and started to learn.

   Facing the two big friends who had revisited the hand washing class in kindergarten, Li Yi shook his head, then returned to the counter, took the spray gun, and continued to burn the pig's head.

  When Liu Yifei and the others came back after washing their hands, Li Yi had almost burnt the pig's head.

   There was a burst of chatter and laughter outside the front hall, but it was Huang Xiaoming and his unloading team who came back.

   "Brother Yi, the meat has been drained from the sour chamber."

  Wu Lei reported to Li Yi as soon as he entered the kitchen, then stretched his nose and sniffed the air: "What's the smell? It smells so good?"

   "It's the barbecued pork sauce that Brother Yi just made."

  Zhao Jinmai explained: "The meat has been marinated, and it can be made into barbecued pork tomorrow."

   "Wow! Really? I love char siu so much!"

  Wu Lei was very excited, so he rushed to Li Yi's side in a panic, and looked around: "Where's the barbecued pork?"

   "Put it in the freezer and have to marinate overnight."

  Li Yi raised his chin at the refrigerator.

  Wu Lei came to the refrigerator excitedly, opened the door, and looked at the barbecued pork in the eye basin.

   But after looking around, he was a little disappointed: "Why are they all skinny? Is there any fatter one?"

  Li Yi didn't turn his head, and explained casually: "The most traditional barbecued pork is lean meat, not fat."




  (end of this chapter)

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