Chapter 337 Char Siu Sauce

  After the refrigerated truck parked in the parking lot outside the palace, Huang Xiaoming took Wu Lei and the Ivory Mountain Six to unload the goods.

  Unloading is a purely manual job, you only need to bring in the meat and put it in the acid discharge room.

  Li Yi didn't go with him to unload the goods, he had more important work to do.

  Tomorrow's banquet, there are many raw materials for dishes that must be processed in advance.

  For example, the broth that is used in most dishes, he has to stew it in advance so that it will be easy to use tomorrow.

   There is also plum blossom meat used for making barbecued pork, which should also be marinated overnight in advance.

  In addition, there are also pig heads for [Grilled Whole Pig Head] and [Roasted Suckling Pig], which must be prepared in advance and can be prepared tomorrow.

  Therefore, Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai followed Li Yi in the back kitchen and got busy.

  Boom! Boom!

   There was a dull sound echoing in the kitchen, it was Li Yi chopping a pig's head.

  He lowered the ax from the mandible, and chopped the whole pig's head in half.

  [Grilled Whole Pig Head] is one of the three famous heads in Huaiyang cuisine, the other two are [Braised Silver Carp Head] and [Braised Lion Head].

  If three dishes are served at the same time, it is the so-called three-head feast.

  [Braised Lion Head] Li Yi will also make it tomorrow, but [Braised Silver Carp Head] uses silver carp head, which does not meet the raw material requirements for the whole pig feast, so we can only wait for the next opportunity.

  【Grilled Whole Pig Head】To remove all the hair and bones on the pig head, handle it cleanly, and cook the whole pig head in a pot.

  After the finished product is made, the meat is overripe, fat but not greasy, and you can eat meat without worrying about the bones. It is a dish suitable for all ages, and it is very suitable for the elderly.

   But this dish was time-consuming to prepare. After Li Yi split the pig's head one by one, he burned the pig's head with a spray gun.

  This is to burn off all the hair on the pig's head, leaving only the pig's head meat.

  Li Yi burned it very carefully, every inch of the pig's head was burnt black, like black charcoal.

   Seeing the pig's head with a black shell, Liu Yifei, who was cutting the pork tenderloin, couldn't help asking, "Did it burn too hard? It's all mushy."

   "It needs to be burned harder."

  Li Yi explained casually: "The darker the pig hair is, the cleaner it will be. If it is not cooked through, there will be a layer of hard stubble of pig hair left on the pig's head, which will taste bad."

  Liu Yifei heard the words, glanced at the pig's head, shook her head and sighed: "It's not easy to eat something delicious!"

   "But as long as it tastes good, it's worth it."

  Li Yi joked: "It's like fat sausages. No matter how troublesome it is to wash, it's more enjoyable to eat."

   "Brother Yi."

  Zhao Jinmai returned to the desk with a bunch of seasonings in his arms, and asked Li Yi, "How much do you need to put in these sauces?"

   "You put it there first, and I'll talk about it after I boil it into char siu sauce."

   As Li Yi said, he turned down the flame of the spray gun, and signaled to her: "Come and burn the pig's head for me, I'll cook the char siu sauce."


  Zhao Jinmai was a little surprised, pointed to himself, and then waved his hand: "I dare not."

   "It's okay."

  Li Yi smiled and persuaded her: "It's similar to a lighter, as long as you don't burn yourself."

  Zhao Jinmai was still a little hesitant. Seeing this, Liu Yifei put down the knife and signaled: "I'll do it!"

   Saying that, she went to wash her hands in the sink beside her.

  Li Yi smiled and asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

  Liu Yifei smiled and shook her head: "If it's dangerous, you definitely won't let us do it."

  Hearing what she said, Li Yi nodded, then handed her the spray gun, and told her how to use it along the way.

  If old-fashioned gas tanks were used as spray guns, Li Yi would definitely not let them move.

   But this kind of air tank type spray gun is relatively safe, and generally there will be no problems.

  After listening to Li Yi, Liu Yifei understood how to use it.

   Tried to start a fire, she followed Li Yi's example and lit a pig's head.

  Seeing her relaxed appearance, Zhao Jinmai looked envious: "Sister Yifei, you are amazing! You are amazing!"

   "Why don't others play the role of Little Dragon Girl?"

  Li Yi made a joke with a smile, and came to the desk, and gathered all the seasonings brought by Zhao Jinmai.

  These seasonings are used to make barbecued pork sauce.

  In Cantonese cuisine, barbecued pork is absolutely supreme.

   For many Cantonese people, tender and juicy char siew is an indispensable delicacy on the table every day.

  That's why the Cantonese talents teach children the saying "It's better to use raw barbeque pork than to give birth to you".

  Because of Guangdong people's love for barbecued pork, barbecued meat shops all over the streets and alleys will sell barbecued pork.

  And each store has its own method of making barbecued pork, which is the so-called secret recipe passed down from generation to generation.

  A roast meat restaurant, if it can't even cook barbecued pork, it will not be far from closing down.

  Bringing a bowl, Li Yi added seasonings to the bowl.

  If you want to make char siu delicious, in addition to good meat quality, the char siew sauce is also the most important thing.

  Every char siu has its own unique secret recipe, but it remains the same. All char siew sauce must contain soy sauce and sugar.

   These are the most important two ingredients of char siew, and also the sauce used in the oldest char siu.

  Soy sauce can color the char siu and increase the saltiness.

  The maltose or honey can cover the char siu with a honey shell, making the char siu more fragrant and sweet.

  However, after years of development and improvements by generations of chefs, the modern char siu sauce is much more complex than the ancient ones, and the taste is richer and more delicious.

  Looking at the dazzling array of seasonings in front of him, Li Yi first added an appropriate amount of soy sauce to the bowl.

   This is the soy sauce he made before. It has light soy sauce and dark soy sauce. It is salty and has a better coloring effect.

  Afterwards, he chopped some minced garlic, added it, and added some sand **** powder.

  These two seasonings will make the char siu have a richer aroma when it is grilled.

  Following that, he added some southern milk and a proper amount of red yeast rice powder.

  These two ingredients are used for coloring, the purpose is to make the char siu have a red and attractive color, and Nanrui can also add a special aroma of fermentation to the char siew.

   Mix the sauce thoroughly, and he took a bottle of rose wine.

  This rose wine is also the key seasoning of modern char siu flavor.

  The reason why the char siu in many roast pork restaurants is delicious and tastes like char siu is because of the addition of this wine for seasoning.

  Following that, he added some maltose to it, then started the pot and turned on the fire, ready to make the sauce.

  Put a small copper pot on the stove, he poured the prepared sauce into it, and boiled it over low heat.

  The soy sauce and wine in these sauces are corrosive, so they cannot be boiled in an iron pan.

   While the sauce was cooking, he took a bag of corn starch and adjusted a little water starch.

  Staying by the side of the pot, he kept pushing the sauce with a wooden spoon.

   There is maltose in the sauce, if it is not pushed in time, it is easy to paste.

   Watching the sauce tumbling in the pot, he controlled the rhythm of the stirring.

   Gradually, a rich aroma began to appear. Zhao Jinmai, who was taking over from Liu Yifei and cutting the tenderloin, smelled the aroma and couldn't help but exclaim: "Wow! It smells so good!"

  After cutting the last few pieces of tenderloin, she put down the knife and came to the pot.

   Taking a deep breath, she was a little puzzled: "Why is this smell familiar? But I can't tell."

  Li Yi glanced at her and asked with a smile, "Did you mean caramel macchiato?"

   "Eh! Yes!"

  Zhao Jinmai clapped his hands in surprise, and then asked curiously, "How do you know?"




  (end of this chapter)

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