Chapter 330 Northeast Cuisine

   Tang Jianjun and the others are together, and it is common for them to bury each other.

  Although they were noisy, their work was not vague at all.

   At the end of the day, they help Li Yi slaughter all the pigs, transport them to the truck, and work from start to finish.

   On the way back, they sat in the car, groaning and talking endlessly.

   "Oh my, this is my first time on TV, participating in a show, and I killed a pig for a day."

   "This burden is enough for me to go back and talk for two months."

   "I haven't been so busy going home during the Chinese New Year, have I? The pigs killed on this day are enough for the New Year pigs in our village for a year."

   "I never dreamed of being a pig butcher in my life. If I had known, I would have sang Errenzhuan? I could just sell meat."

  They were sitting together complaining, but in front of them, Wu Lei and the others had straightened their eyes and didn't want to talk anymore.

  The Ivory Mountain Six worked for a day, but it was basically physical work.

   Pressing the pigs, shaving the pigs, and moving the pigs into the car, although a bit tiring, they are also quick and easy.

   Huang Xiaoming, Wu Lei, Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai are responsible for cleaning the internal organs.

  Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai are better, they clean the heart, liver, belly and lungs.

  Huang Xiaoming and Wu Lei washed their large and small intestines for a day.

   Everyone knows what is contained in the large and small intestines.

   That is to say, they are actually like pig manure that has been turned over for a day.

  Wu Lei was really vomited while cleaning the first pig intestine.

  Huang Xiaoming is a little better, but his complexion is also pale.

   They had already retreated and wanted someone to help clean it.

  The smell, they really can't bear it.

  However, when they told Li Yi their thoughts, Li Yi dispelled their thoughts with one sentence.

   "You all think it stinks, let others wash it, can others clean it for you?"

  Hearing Li Yi's words, they fell silent.

   Followed, without saying anything, they stuffed their noses with tissues and went back to continue washing.

  If they haven't seen what's going on in the large intestine with their own eyes before, maybe they can take comfort in seeing what's out of sight.

  But today they saw with their own eyes the appearance of the large intestine after it was opened, and they really didn't dare to trust others unconditionally.

  Li Yi's words are very reasonable, even they can't stand the taste of this thing, let alone others?

  If you ask someone else to wash it, even if the other person washes it so that there is no dirt on the surface, but it may not be in the crevices.

   These large intestines are the ingredients that will be used tomorrow, even if they don't eat them, those grandparents will eat them too.

  So, even for grandparents, they have to do their best to clean all the large intestines.

  So they washed in front of the big basin for a whole day.

  Their efforts are worthwhile. After their careful cleaning, all the pig intestines are cleaned.

  They can pat their chests to assure that those large intestines are definitely the cleanest large intestines they have ever seen in their life.

   They even dare to lick!

  But they didn't blow out this cow, because they were afraid that they would really let them lick it.

  But they definitely dare to eat the dishes made with these large intestines.

  In the live broadcast room, the audience looked at the two with empty eyes, and they were also full of emotion.

  Everyone can see their hard work in cleaning the large intestine.

   "Brother Xiao Ming and Wu Lei are really hardworking! They really washed out the large intestine!"

   "Being a star is not easy, you have to do everything."

   "I can't imagine, anyway, I washed the large intestine once at home, and then I lived at my grandma's house for a week."

  Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai sat in the front row, and they had to lower their heads to smell their bodies from time to time.

  They washed their hearts, liver, spleen, stomach and lungs for a day, and fed several sets of blood sausages. The **** smell on their bodies had soaked into their clothes.

  Liu Yifei took out the perfume, trying to suppress the smell, but was stopped by Li Yi.

   "Don't spray it, it's even worse if you spray it."

  Li Yi shook his head: "There is alcohol in the perfume. When it falls on the body, when it evaporates, it will bring out the blood and stench on the body."

   "Then what to do?"

  Liu Yifei put away the perfume helplessly: "I feel that my hair is full of smell."

   "Just go back and take a shower."

  Li Yi comforted him.

  Zhao Jinmai came over and interjected: "But we want to eat your cooking, I'm almost starving to death."

   "In time."

  Li Yi smiled and said: "I take a shower quickly, I will go to the restaurant to do it first after washing, and when you finish washing and go to the restaurant, it will be just in time for dinner."


  Zhao Jinmai nodded happily, then asked curiously, "What are you going to do?"

  Li Yi thought for a while: "It's a little late, and I don't have much time for big dishes, so let's cook some simple Northeast dishes."

   "Northeast cuisine?"

  Zhao Jinmai became excited: "Can you make pot-wrapped meat?"

   Seeing that she was about to jump up with excitement, Li Yi smiled and nodded: "Yes."

   "Where's the meatloaf?" Zhao Jinmai asked.


   "Three delicacies from the ground?"

   "Can, can."

  Li Yi smiled and said: "Don't worry! You have so many fellow villagers here, can you not let you have fun?"

   "Haha! Good! Brother Yi, you are so handsome!"

  Zhao Jinmai stretched out his hand happily, pretending to hug Li Yi, but Li Yi nodded his head and pushed him back: "Go aside, you smell bad."

   "Hmph! If it were Miss Yifei, you wouldn't think it stinks."

  Zhao Jinmai pouted, then turned around and made a face at Liu Yifei.

   "I owe a beating."

  Liu Yifei raised her hand to strike, but the corners of her mouth were already raised.

  Li Yi glanced at the darkened sky outside the window, took out his mobile phone, and sent a voice message to the staff escorting the car: "Follow the car, keep an eye on it, don't turn off the car, and keep the temperature down."

  The refrigerated truck full of butchered pork followed the show bus, but it had to wait until late at night to get into town.

  After it was completely dark, the bus finally drove back to the hotel.

   After getting out of the car, everyone who was covered in smells went back to their respective rooms without saying a word, and took a shower.

  After returning to the room, Li Yi turned on the hot water fully, covered his whole body with soap, and washed it carefully.

  The oil-removing effect of the soap is much better than that of the shower gel. After washing, his whole body is refreshed, and he becomes white, tender and fragrant again.

   After taking a shower and drying his hair in a hurry, Li Yi changed into his clothes and went to the restaurant.

  After killing a pig for a day, he was also a little tired, but there was still a group of people waiting for food behind him, so there was no way to rest.

  The staff were already in place, and they brought the meat that Li Yi specially brought back for cooking, and put it on the kitchen table.

   When he came to the kitchen, Li Yi knew the way, and started to work.

  It's already night, I don't have time to cook big dishes, so I can only cook some stir-fried dishes and small stews.

   While processing ingredients and preparing side dishes, Li Yi heard footsteps behind him.

  He looked back, but it was Liu Yifei who came.

   Seeing Liu Yifei, Li Yi was a little surprised: "You wash so fast?"

  He didn't expect that Liu Yifei was the first to come.

   "It's okay! The main reason is that there is no makeup, which can save a lot of time."

  Liu Yifei turned her face to the sky, but her lips were still red and her teeth were white.

  She smiled, and secretly added in her heart: It's not because I was afraid that you would be too tired, so I came here to help in a hurry!




  (end of this chapter)

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