Chapter 329 Acid discharge

  In the live broadcast room, the audience's admiration and jokes were also swiping the screen.

   "What is flowing water? This is it!"

   "Hiss! My neck hurts watching it."

   "This meat is really good, it doesn't look too fat, and the stew is delicious."

   "I've taken a fancy to that knife, it's like an ancient magic weapon!"

   "Hello? The police? A cute little piggy was murdered! The pig's head was chopped off!

  Is no one in charge? Where is the law? Today he dares to kill pigs, tomorrow he will dare to kill! "

   "Leave me a large intestine, I want to eat sashimi."

   While joking, Li Yi in front of the camera was already dissecting the pig's abdominal cavity.

  Just now, he cut the fat layer of the pig's abdomen with a knife from top to bottom.

   But Li Yi still kept some distance from the inner abdominal cavity.

  It is necessary to be careful when dealing with the abdominal cavity, because once the peritoneal lining is broken, there are viscera inside, and most of them are large and small intestines.

   If you accidentally cut your intestines, it will be troublesome to deal with.

   Therefore, Li Yi used a small knife to carefully cut open the pig's abdominal cavity, leaving only a thin layer of peritoneal lining, so he didn't continue to use the knife.

   Afterwards, he took the ax and split the ribs in half.

  After the ribs are cut open, the inner lungs and heart are also exposed.

  Following that, Li Yi put away the knife, stretched out his hand to find the correct position in the abdominal cavity, pierced the inner lining of the abdominal cavity with his index finger, and then stroked upwards.

  His finger was like a blunt knife, cutting through the thin lining of the abdominal cavity.

  Without the wrapping of the peritoneal lining, the stomach pouch and the gray large and small intestines in the abdominal cavity poured out directly.

   But being pulled by the **** at the anus, they didn't fall out, but hung near the diaphragm and piled up in a pile.

  Li Yi took the ax, cut open the pelvis, and then cut off the **** and **** with a knife.

  Afterwards, he cut open the inner membrane connecting the viscera on the inside, cut off the gastric tube, and pulled the large intestine, and the whole intestine was pulled out by him.

   Throwing the intestines and belly into the basin beside him, Li Yi turned his head and signaled: "Brother Ming, Xiao Lei, bring those two iron hooks over and give me a hand."

   Huang Xiaoming and Wu Lei followed what he said, took the iron hooks, hooked the rib fans from left to right, pulled them apart, and exposed the chest cavity.

  Li Yi leaned over again, cut off his heart, liver, spleen and lungs, and put them aside.

   At this time, the abdominal cavity and chest cavity of the whole pig are already empty, and only two kidneys are left hanging on both sides of the keel.

   Taking the ax, Li Yi lowered the ax from the tail, and split it vertically along the keel.

  With his slashing, the whole pig was also divided into left and right leaves by him.

  Wu Lei also heaved a sigh of relief as Minzhu gradually changed into a familiar look.

   This is the pork you see in your daily life!

  After completely dividing the pig into two, Li Yi told the staff beside him: "Go and ask the master to bring the car over!"

  Before leaving yesterday, he arranged work for the staff and asked them to find a refrigerated truck to come over.

  In order to save time, he must slaughter all the pigs today.

  But the slaughtered pork needs to be properly preserved.

  Long-distance transportation of raw meat often adopts low-temperature quick-freezing technology, which can preserve the freshness of the meat to the greatest extent.

  However, low-temperature freezing will still affect the quality of the meat.

  So Li Yi found a refrigerated truck, and asked the refrigerated truck to set the temperature at around 0°C to store slaughtered meat.

  Seeing the refrigerated truck approaching, Li Yi asked everyone to help and sent the pig to the truck.

  But after sending the pigs to the car, Tang Jianjun was very sorry: "This meat will not taste good as soon as it is frozen! It would be better if it was slaughtered and eaten right away. Such a good pig is in vain."

  Hearing what he said, Li Yi smiled and said, "Don't worry, the meat won't be affected."

   "Then how can it not be affected?"

   Tang Jianjun shook his head: "This frozen meat is not as good as fresh meat."

  Li Yi smiled: "I didn't say I want to freeze it, did I?"


   Tang Jianjun was stunned: "Why do you put it in the car if it is not frozen? The car is cold, like an ice cellar."

  Li Yi motioned for the driver to close the car door first, and then explained: "You think it's cold because it's too hot outside, but the temperature inside the car is only 1-2 degrees Celsius, which is above zero.

  The reason why frozen meat is not as tasty as fresh meat is because in the temperature range of -1~-5°C, the moisture between cells will form fine ice crystals.

   This temperature range is called the ice crystal formation zone.

  These ice crystals will pierce the cell membrane. After thawing, the water in the cell will be lost, and the taste of the meat will be greatly reduced. "

   "It's such a thing."

   Tang Jianjun nodded again and again: "No wonder the frozen meat dripped water when it melted. I thought it was the ice on it, but it turned out to be the water in the meat!"


  Li Yi continued to explain: "So, if the temperature in this car is above 0°C, ice crystals will not be produced in the meat, destroying the cell structure, and its taste will not be affected."

   "Isn't that broken?"

   Tang Jianjun was surprised.

"Will not."

  Li Yi smiled and said: "It's only a few hours, and most bacteria will be inhibited at a temperature below 8°C.

   Moreover, the temperature of 0-4 ℃ also has a certain deacidification effect, and the meat quality will become better. "

   "Acid discharge?"

  Tang Jianjun became even more confused: "I've heard that beef is sour. Is this pork also sour?"

   "All meat can discharge acid."

  Li Yi explained: "After livestock such as pigs and cattle are slaughtered, the body cells lose the oxygen supply brought by the blood circulation, so they will undergo anaerobic respiration and produce a certain amount of lactic acid.

  Although these lactic acids are harmless to humans, they will affect the flavor of meat.

   After slaughtering a pig, I will put it in the car and reduce the temperature of the pork to 0-4℃ as soon as possible.

  Then, I will send them back to the acidification room I modified in the restaurant, where there is a suitable temperature and air flow for acidification, which can decompose the lactic acid in the meat into carbon dioxide, water and alcohol and then volatilize it.

  At the same time, the adenosine triphosphate in the pork cells will be decomposed into glycosides, which is the main component of monosodium glutamate, under the action of enzymes, to increase the freshness of the meat.

   During this process, the pH of the meat will also be changed, and the metabolic products will be decomposed and excreted to the greatest extent, so the meat will be more delicious. "

   Tang Jianjun was stunned by his series of technical terms. He froze for a moment before waving his hand: "Forget it, just pretend that I didn't say anything."

  Wang Xiaoli saw his embarrassment from the side, and laughed: "Hahaha! Do you know the benefits of reading more? He is a cultural person, why are you talking nonsense with him?"

  Li Yi heard the words, smiled and explained to Tang Jianjun: "There is a specialization in art, if you talk about Errenzhuan, I am definitely not as professional as Teacher Tang."

  With his words, Tang Jianjun immediately borrowed the **** to get off the donkey: "Yes, you are a professional, and you must know more than me."

  Wang Xiaoli saw this, and was still burying him at the side: "You are not very professional in Errenzhuan, so you just put money on your face."




  (end of this chapter)

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