Chapter 326 How many pig lives?

  Seeing Li Yi approaching, the on-site guard staff and the boss gave up the entrance.

  Li Yi looked at the pig breeds in the circle with different sizes, colors and looks, and nodded in satisfaction.

  In his field of vision, these pigs have become pieces of pork, cured hams, bacon, and plates of fried vegetables.

  Northeast Min pigs have a high percentage of lean meat. Because they live in areas with higher latitudes, the tenderloin has a fatty texture and good meat quality. It is suitable for frying, frying and grilling.

  Shancheng Rongchang pigs have firm limbs and thick buttocks. The two-knife meat is most suitable for stir-frying twice-cooked pork.

  Taihu Meishan pig, a branch of the traditional pig breed Taihu pig, has a wide belly and excellent quality pork belly. It is a good material for making Dongpo pork.

  Perhaps they could sense the killing intent in Li Yi's eyes, the pigs in the circle hid in the depths in panic, huddled together, afraid of being caught by Li Yi, caught out and slaughtered.

   But even so, their fate is already doomed, and the rest is just a matter of time.

   Behind, the cameraman is also taking close-ups of the pigs in the pen.

  The audience in the live broadcast room looked at the pigs with different appearances in the circle, and they were also very curious.

   "I feel that these should be considered half wild boars, right?"

   "In my impression, pigs should still be pink and tender."

   "Whoa! That pig is so ugly! Oh my god! It's amazing!"

   "Those little fragrant pigs are so cute! They must taste good too."

   "Brother Yi really intends to kill himself? Is it possible?"

"Killing a sheep is not the same as killing a pig! Sheep will not resist. If you kill one, the other sheep will still watch you dispose of the dead sheep. As long as you don't put the knife in them, they will never bark. "

   "Pigs are very strong. During Chinese New Year, when pigs are slaughtered in my village, seven or eight men can hold a pig down."

   "I heard that the uglier the better, it seems that the quality of these pork should be good."

  In front of the camera, Li Yi had already planned the slaughter.

   "Is the water ready?"

  He asked a question to the staff who came to meet him earlier.

   "It's burnt, it's in the open space behind."

The staff led him to the back door, pointed to the stove set up on the open space, and the pot of hot water above it and signaled: "It's all here according to your request, and the refrigerated truck you asked for is also parked there , It has been pre-cooled for half an hour."

   "Okay, thanks for your hard work."

   Li Yi smiled and thanked him, and returned to the fence circle.

  Seeing Li Yi coming back, Wu Lei couldn't help asking: "Brother Yi, are you going to kill him?"


  Li Yi nodded, then pointed to the pig in the circle: "Let's kill it first!"


  Wu Lei responded, looked at the folk pigs in the circle, eager to try, but didn't know how to start.

   "Get out of the way, let my third brother show it off."

  Zhou Yunpeng smiled and pushed Tang Jianjun out: "My third brother can hold it down by himself."

  Seeing this, Tang Jianjun rolled up his sleeves and said with a smile: "When I was young, the butchers in the village had to call me. Don't move. I'll come!"

   As he spoke, he was about to open the fence gate, ready to go in and catch the pigs.

   Seeing that he really wanted to go in, Zhou Yunpeng hurriedly dissuaded him: "Third Brother, I'm just joking with you, don't take it seriously!"

   "Whether it is serious or not, I have to catch pigs, and none of you can do it."

  Tang Jianjun still insisted: "You haven't caught it, and if you don't make it right, you will have to do it.

  I have caught it before, and I know how to catch it, better than you. "

   "Don't, don't, third brother."

  Tian Wah stepped forward to hold him back: "No need, at your age, it won't pay to get hurt again, let's let a professional come, okay?"

  Seeing this, Li Yi also stepped forward to persuade him: "Teacher Tang, let me do it! These pigs are still quite strong."

   "No, look at mine."

  Tang Jianjun didn't take it seriously, he pushed the door and entered the fence, and approached the Minzhu who was huddled in the corner.

  The pigs all huddled together, reporting to each other to keep warm, for fear that bad luck would happen to them.

   Tang Jianjun came to the back of the Minzhu, took a good look at its hind feet, took a quick step forward, and grabbed the Minzhu's hoof.


  The minzhu who was pulled by his hind hoof immediately howled in horror.

   Its ear-piercing howl resounded throughout the market, and everyone nearby covered their ears from the noise.

   On-site radio is to adjust the parameters in a hurry to solve the problem of sharp whistling of the equipment.

  Taking off Ruiming's earphones, Wu Lei exclaimed with some fear: "I finally made a sound like killing a pig, it's really noisy!"

  In the pigsty, Tang Jianjun had already caught Minzhu's right hind foot with one hand, and grabbed it with the other hand, clenched tightly with both hands.

   The terrified Minzhu naturally wouldn't let him grab it, so he howled and struggled desperately.

   It has great strength. Even if Tang Jianjun grasped one of its hind hooves with both hands, he was shaken by it and almost fell down.

   While struggling, Minzhu was still squeezing into the pile of pigs.

   Being jostled by other pigs, Tang Jianjun soon lost his hands.


  He patted the dirt on his hands angrily, looked at Min Zhu regretfully, and sighed: "This guy is too strong!"

  Seeing this, Li Yi pushed open the fence door, walked in, and said with a smile, "I'll do it! Teacher Tang."

  "You can't do it either, you have to come up together and hold it down together so that it can't run."

   Tang Jianjun shook his head and said, but suddenly, he noticed something unusual.

  Why is it so quiet?

  When the min pig was braying, the other pigs were also howling loudly, making the noise to death.

   But why is it not calling now?

  He looked back, only to find that the pigs that were huddled together had all collapsed, lying on the ground like sifting chaff, not daring to scream.

What's happening here?

  He was a little puzzled. Just as he was about to ask, he saw Li Yi beside him had already walked to the pig pile.

   Reaching out casually, he pulled the pig's leg squeezed behind him a few times, and Li Yi found Minzhu's hind leg.

  Following, he reached out and grabbed Minzhu's hind leg, just pulling hard.

  Like a carrot pulled out of the soil, the Min pig was pulled out of the pig pile by him.

   But while he was dragging, all the pigs seemed to have become dumb, and none of them dared to bark.

  Dragged Minzhu out, Li Yi let go and threw it on the ground.

   Soon, the incontinent pigs pulled out a hill and urinated in a small river.

  Seeing this scene, Tang Jianjun couldn't help being surprised and said: "Oh! This is a master!"

   He has never seen a person who can make Minzhu so scared that he dare not even bark.

   Behind, Wang Xiaoli also looked at Li Yi, and said with a smile: "This is a professional way of catching pigs! It looks like an old butcher."

  Just touching it casually, scared the pigs into incontinence, which only old butchers can do.

  Those old butchers must bear at least a dozen pig lives in order to have such an effect.

   But Wang Xiaoli couldn't help being a little skeptical seeing Minzhu being so frightened.

  How many pig lives did this Li Yi bear?




  (end of this chapter)

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