Chapter 325 Going off track in three sentences

  Only Zhao Jinmai was from the Northeast.

  But although other people haven't watched "Hometown Love" much, they have heard of Xie Guangkun and Liu Neng's names.

   "Mr. Xie, no, uh..."

  Wu Lei wanted to say hello, but forgot Tang Jianjun's name, and was stunned on the spot for a while.

  Seeing this, Tang Jianjun smiled and said, "It's okay, just call me Xie Guangkun and Liu Neng."

   As he spoke, he pointed to Wang Xiaoli next to him.

   "My name is Wensong, my stage name is Girl Mengmeng Fist, you know?"

  Wen Song put on a sissy pose, and shouted coquettishly: "Hey~!"

   "Hey! Don't disgust me."

  Tian Wa on the side pulled him aside, and smiled with his tongue out: "My name is Tian Wa, and I play Wang Musheng in Xiangai, that big tongue."

   "My name is Yang Shulin'er. I'm different from them. I'm a singer."

  Yang Shulin joked with a smile: "Have you heard of Tan Qingyuan? I sang it."

   Zhou Yunpeng heard the words, and leaned forward to encourage him: "You have to sing a few lines? If you don't sing a few lines, people will know which song you are talking about?"

   "Sing a few words?"

  Yang Shulin opened his mouth and came: "The sun is setting in the western mountains~! The beauty is back to the embroidery room~! Candlelight is shining on the peach blossom powder~!"

   "Sounds good!"

  Zhou Yunpeng clapped vigorously: "It sounds so good! Speaking is better than singing!"

   "Go to the upper side!"

  Yang Shulin pretended to be disgusted and pushed him: "You talk show actor, what do you know about music?"

   "Nonsense, I'm a stand-up show performer, do I need to understand music? Isn't it over if I speak better than I sing?"

   Zhou Yunpeng laughed and complained, but he had already introduced himself once while talking.

  The natural generosity and humor of the Northeast people are fully reflected in the six of them. They just greeted each other in a circle, and they chatted the whole place lively in a few words.

  But after hearing what was going to be recorded today, the six of them were all dumbfounded.

   "What the hell? Killing a pig?"

  Tang Jianjun raised his voice: "Are we here to kill pigs on the show?"

  Wang Xiaoli also asked at the side: "No, it's not the Chinese New Year yet?"

   "That's right."

  As the store manager, Huang Xiaoming explained to them: "The theme of the program we are going to record this time is to invite some older people to participate in the recording of our program across the country.

  Many of them are from mountainous areas, and they may have never been to the capital once in their life. We plan to accompany them to play in the capital, and Brother Yi also plans to cook some hard dishes for them.

   The toughest dish, of course, has to be meat, so Yi Ge specially bought some good pigs, intending to slaughter them for the meat, and cook a whole pig feast for the old people.

  Brother Yi bought a total of ten big pigs and ten small pigs. With just a few of us, we would definitely not be able to slaughter them all in one day.

  So, I have to ask my brothers for help. Let’s slaughter those pigs together and take care of them. When the old people arrive tomorrow, they can cook directly. "

  After hearing his explanation, the group of six understood the reason.

   Tang Jianjun immediately said: "No problem, it's on us!"

  Wang Xiaoli also nodded and praised repeatedly: "This thing is done in a real way, it's great! Caring for the elderly, there are many elderly people, let alone come to the capital, and have never been out of the county in their entire lives."

   "Good topic."

   Zhou Yunpeng interjected: "Then I have to bring my third brother, he is old."

  They are all apprentices of Zhao Benshan, and Tang Jianjun is the third child, so everyone calls him the third brother.

When Tang Jianjun heard the word "older", his eyes were immediately aroused, and he yelled at Zhou Yunpeng: "Give me back my age, do you believe that I look like a boy than you? I will kill a pig later, and I will give it to that pig by myself." Press there, humble, do you believe it?"

  Zhou Yunpeng didn't give him any face, shook his head and smiled and said: "I don't believe it, eh? When you get to the place later, don't do anything! Let my third brother show it, he can hold the pig there by himself."

   Tian Wahaha smiled and complained: "Don't you know that my third brother's nickname is Sai Zhangfei?"

   "What is Zhang Fei? He is obviously a living King Kong!"

  Wang Xiaoli joked with a smile.

   "What the hell?"

  Zhou Yunpeng pretended not to hear clearly: "What King Kong? Transformers? Whose Transformers have hair on their heads?"

   "Has it grown?"

  Wen Song looked at Tang Jianjun curiously.


  Zhou Yunpeng chuckled: "It just didn't grow a few."

  "Xie Guangkun" was speechless by each of them, so they could only laugh and curse: "Go to the other side!"

  Seeing that they strayed away in three sentences, and turned into a bickering meeting in a short while, Li Yi and the others also watched with smiles on their faces.

  The director of the program group laughed from ear to ear.

   With these few people present, there is no need to write scripts at all, just let them chat together, and it is enough to make one episode of the show.

   "Get in the car first!"

  Huang Xiaoming greeted.

   If we continue our chat, it will be noon.

  Everyone got into the car and went straight to the livestock market.

   Sitting in the car, Tang Jianjun and others were still chatting with each other, but the topic changed to killing pigs.

  After hearing Zhao Jinmai say that Li Yi bought Minzhu, the group of six immediately showed great interest.

   "Old Minzhu is a good thing!"

   Tang Jianjun is the oldest and has the most say on this: “When I was young, all the pigs were raised in the village, and at that time there were Damin pigs, Ermin pigs, and purse pigs.

The meat is really delicious, the meat is textured, what is the kind that rich people eat now, snowflake beef, the kind with texture in the meat, it is called marble pattern, the meat of Minzhu is marble Tattooed!

   To be honest, it is really fragrant! Feed pigs don't have that smell at all. If you use the oil fried from the pork to fry and order dishes, that guy can make people feel confused! "

  Listening to his description, Zhou Yunpeng asked curiously: "Then why didn't I see it when I was young?"

   "Nonsense, how old are you?"

  Tang Jianjun made fun of it casually.

   Not to be outdone, Zhou Yunpeng immediately replied: "How else can I say how old you are?"

   "Aren't you convinced?"

  Tang Jianjun rolled up his sleeves and challenged: "Come on, break your wrist if you don't accept it, I will do it for you humbly."

   Several people quarreled like a well-coordinated one. You said one sentence to another, and it was airtight.

  Liu Yifei listened to their chat curiously, and was teased by them from time to time, covering her mouth and snickering.

   Li Yi on the side was communicating with the staff who went there in advance to arrange. They had already received all the live pigs sent over there, and they also brought over the open-air stove and large iron pot that had been used to make pilaf.

   When the pigs are slaughtered and scalded later, they have to use that big iron pot to boil water.

   Soon, the group arrived at the livestock market.

  The Livestock Market is located in the Mulin Road section of Shunyi, and it is the largest live livestock market in Beijing.

  However, most of the transactions here are cattle and sheep, and live pig transactions are relatively rare here.

   Tang Jianjun and the six of them came to this place for the first time. They saw fences one after another, shutting up cattle and sheep one after another. They were all chatting excitedly.

   "There must be thousands of cows here?"

   "There should be no thousands of head, at most three or four hundred head, and a lot of sheep, this guy, the smell is old."

   "These animals alone must be worth tens of millions?"

   "Family wealth, hairy children are not counted, haven't you heard of it?"

   Talking all the way, soon, they came to the fence pigsty.

  Seeing the healthy pigs in the pen, Tang Jianjun recognized the civilian pig at a glance.

   "Isn't that Damin pig? He looks uglier than Liu Neng!"




  (end of this chapter)

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