Chapter 281 Five elements of minced fish

  Li Yi found a tin foil box for egg tarts, and handed it to Liu Yifei, asking her to decorate the tin foil box.

  Liu Yifei has only tried using cream to decorate flowers, but it is the first time to use minced fish.

  However, the steps of decorating flowers are similar. She carefully squeezed the decorating bag, and squeezed the minced fish out of the decorating nozzle bit by bit, trying to extrude the shape of flower petals.

  However, maybe the mounting mouth is too big, or it’s been a long time since I’ve done mounting, and I’m a little novice, but halfway through it, the shape has collapsed.

   "Oh, it's too crowded."

  She was a little embarrassed, so she returned the piping bag to Li Yi: "Forget it, you should do it!"

   "It's okay, try again."

  Li Yi didn't pick up the piping bag, and said with a smile, "It's definitely not going well the first time. Just make a few more. There is no waste in this thing, and it can be used again if you pour it in again."

  Hearing what he said, Liu Yifei smiled, nodded, picked up a tin foil box, and tried again.

  With the first experience, her hands are much more stable this time.

  The first few petals were a bit thick, but as she became more proficient, the extruded petals became thinner and thinner, more and more like real petals.

   Soon, a lifelike "hibiscus flower" appeared in the tin foil box.

  It is white all over, although the middle is a little messy, but the outer petals are already very thin, and it looks beautiful.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Zhao Jinmai came to the front, looked at the "hibiscus flower" in Liu Yifei's hand, and was amazed: "Sister Yifei, you are amazing! If you don't tell me that it is made of fish, I will really think it is a real hibiscus flower !"

  Liu Yifei is also very happy. It is also the first time for her to experience this novel experience of making flowers with minced fish.

   Being able to make such a flower made of fish meat gives her a sense of accomplishment.

  Looking back at Li Yi, she smiled and didn't say anything, but she meant thanks.

   It was Li Yi who encouraged her to try again and made this "hibiscus flower".


  Seeing her turn around, Li Yi smiled and praised her.

  Liu Yifei smiled, and then holding the "hibiscus flower", she took out her mobile phone, handed it to Zhao Jinmai, and said with a smile, "Take a photo for me."

  Zhao Jinmai took the phone, took a few photos for her, and asked her to pose a few poses.

  The photographer also came forward and took several close-ups of "Hibiscus".

   Seeing the shape of fish and flesh into flowers, the audience in the live broadcast room were amazed.

   "This is all right? I thought it was arranging fish slices into flowers, isn't that too exaggerated?"

   "This approach is considered molecular cooking, right?"

   "It's so beautiful, let's not talk about the taste, the idea alone is already amazing!"

   "I don't like to eat fish, because I'm afraid of the trouble of spitting out thorns. This kind of fish flower is simply my dream fish!"

  While the camera and the audience were admiring the "Hibiscus Flower", Li Yi had already mixed a pot of 40°C warm water and placed it next to the minced fish basin.

   Seeing that Liu Yifei had finished taking photos, he said, "If you don't want to take photos, let's soak the flowers in warm water!"

"Oh well."

  Liu Yifei responded, but when she saw the warm water brought by Li Yi, she couldn't help but ask, "Why did you put it in the water? What should I do if it melts?"

   "The minced fish that has been beaten will not melt."

  Li Yi explained: "Put it in warm water to make it set. Otherwise, when it is steamed in the steamer later, the petals of the fish will collapse and the shape will not look good."


  Liu Yifei was very surprised: "I thought that such a finely chopped fish paste would melt after entering the water!"

"Will not."

  Li Yi smiled and said: "If I can melt, then I have been so busy just now, fetching water, and stirring vigorously, isn't my hard work in vain?"

  Hearing what he said, Liu Yifei also remembered the operation he had just done with the fish paste. He used ice water to freeze his hands, and added various onions, ginger, garlic and seasonings. It looked very complicated.

  So, she asked curiously, "Is there anything important about this?"

"Of course."

  Li Yi said with a smile: "Making minced meat is a technical job, paying attention to one water, two salts, three eggs, four oils, and five powders.

   Among the five elements, water is ranked first for a reason.

  Water can dilute the minced fish, so that the minced fish can be strongly solvated, so that a large number of water molecules are arranged around, and it can be shaped and strengthened.

  But because the arrangement of water molecules is directional, and because of the influence of the direction of charge, it must face one direction when stirring.

  伱 I also saw it just now, I kept stirring in one direction, and I didn’t change the direction halfway.

  If you change the direction, the minced fish will spit out water and it cannot be used. "

  Listening to Li Yi's explanation, the cameraman also pointed the camera at him, and in the live broadcast room, the audience was full of barrage.

   "Xiao Fugui's class has started, come and listen!"

   "Teacher Yi, speak slowly, I will remember."

   "Remember everything carefully, this is the test center during the exam."

   "Student, borrow a pen and use it."

   "Eye inserted!"

  Seeing the camera shooting over, Li Yi spoke more carefully: "In addition to water, salt is another key to making minced fish, and it is also very important.

   To put it bluntly, cooking with minced fish is to make use of the salt-solubility and thermal condensation properties of protein to shape minced fish.

  If the amount of salt is too small, the dissolution of myosin and actin will not be much, and the resulting sol will not be very viscous and the network formation will be weak.

  However, if the amount of salt is too much, it will have a certain dehydration effect, which will reduce the water holding capacity of the minced fish, cause denaturation and destroy the protein properties, reduce the elasticity of the minced fish, and affect the taste.

   Therefore, the proportion of minced fish salt is particularly important, neither more nor less. "

  Listening to Li Yi's detailed explanation, the audience in the live broadcast room became serious.

  “I am also a chef, and I also learned how to make fish **** from the master, but the master never explained the principle to me. He always told me how to do it and let me remember.”

   "Brother Yi, this is the real teaching! This is the secret of hard work. In the past, it was a trick of passing on internally but not externally."

   "I found that all the cooking and teaching skills of my brother Yi in this season of "Chinese Restaurant" can be used as advanced teaching materials for senior chefs!"

   "Got it, the restaurant will open tomorrow!"

  In front of the camera, Li Yi picked up a piping bag and was making hibiscus fish flowers while continuing to explain: "The third element in making minced fish is egg white.

  Egg white has the characteristics of strong draft and good coagulation effect. The purpose of adding it is to increase the cementation and maintain the elasticity and tenderness of the minced fish.

   But pay attention, the egg white is expansive, if you add too much, the surface will not be smooth when the minced fish is heated, which will affect the appearance. "

   Quickly made a hibiscus fish flower, put it into the water, Li Yi smelled the fish paste left on his fingers, and said with a smile: "As for the oil and powder, it refers to lard and starch.

  In fact, these two kinds can be added or not. Adding them will improve the quality of fish paste, but the amount is not easy to control.

  Let me tell you the principle first. As for whether you want to add it or not when you make it at home, it’s up to you. "




  (end of this chapter)

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