Chapter 280 Fish paste decoration

   "Give you a chance for revenge."

  Li Yi looked at Huang Xiaoming who came back from putting on makeup, and said with a smile, "Help me peel off the meat of those drunken shrimp."

   "This is fine, I have excellent shrimp peeling skills."

  Huang Xiaoming readily agreed.

   Wu Lei saw that no one was willing to try the drunken shrimp again, so he had to eat all the marinated drunken shrimp by himself.

  Li Yi was processing the fish non-stop.

  This time it was a test dish, so he didn't use the few poisonous wild puffer fish, but took out a farmed puffer fish and shaved off the meat.

  Saury, like shad, are spiny fish species.

   One of Zhang Ailing's three major animosities in life is the prickly shad.

  The number of fine spines of saury is no less than that of prickly shad.

  However, in Huaiyang cuisine, there is a way to debone the saury.

   Picking up a saury, Li Yi cut off the flesh and skin on both sides of it.

  Following that, he cut off the abdominal spine, placed the meat on the chopping board, and chopped it gently and rhythmically with the back of the knife.

  As the back of the knife was smashed down, the tough fish meat was smashed into a meat paste little by little, and the tiny meat spines sandwiched between the meat seams also protruded from the meat paste.

   After smashing a layer, Li Yi scraped off the top meat paste with the blade, and continued to smash down.

   Layer after layer, Li Yi kept smashing until there was no fish meat at all, and only a piece of fish skin remained, before stopping.

  The small spines between the fish meat are all left on the fish skin,

   Little by little, the fish was smashed into a puree and scraped off the skin.

  The fine and small spines between the fish meat are all left on the fish skin, like sharp knives, pointing to the sky.

   Put away the fish paste, Li Yi put the fish skin aside, but did not discard it.

  These fish skins are put into the oil pan and fried until crispy with the fish bones. They can be used as snacks, and the taste is not bad.

   Shark can also be stabbed by smashing the mud with the back of a knife, but it cannot be as easy as saury, leaving the spines on the fish skin.

  The subcutaneous fat of shad is very thick, so the connection between the fish skin and the fish meat is not so tight, and the fish bones cannot be connected to the fish skin.

  However, after smashing the fish meat into a puree, the fish bones can still be filtered out through gauze filtration.

  Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai have dug out the crab roe and put them away, and went back to pick the petals.

  But listening to the sound of Li Yi chopping fish meat, they would still look up at Li Yi's direction from time to time.

  Watching Li Yi patiently smashing the fish paste, Zhao Jinmai said to Liu Yifei in a low voice: "Why do I feel that Brother Yi's dishes in this program are very delicate?"

  Liu Yifei looked up at Li Yi, and said with a smile, "Which one of his dishes is not delicate?"

   "No, no, I didn't think it was that detailed in the last issue."

  Zhao Jinmai shook his head and said: "Although the Western Region dishes in the last issue were all delicious, the cooking method was relatively rough, mainly because the ingredients were good.

  But this time, Brother Yi's dishes are not only good in ingredients, but also in extremely delicate cooking methods.

  Not to mention using soup to make flowers, just smashing so many kinds of fish into fish paste is already very troublesome and labor-intensive. "

"so what?"

  Liu Yifei doesn't understand her point.

   "So, Brother Yi has put in so much effort, there must be a reason for it!"

  Zhao Jinmai looked back at Li Yi, then turned his face, looked at Liu Yifei with a smile, squeezed his eyes, and vowed: "I think Brother Yi must have a purpose, otherwise he wouldn't have bothered so much."

   "For what purpose?"

  Liu Yifei still doesn't understand.

  Zhao Jinmai shook his head helplessly, and reminded: "Did you forget? Tomorrow is Qixi Festival!"

  Liu Yifei was taken aback when she heard the words, and subconsciously glanced in Li Yi's direction.

  Li Yi was still chopping fish paste, the two knives in his hands rhythmically.

   After chopping up a ball of fish paste, he scooped it up with a knife and put it into the basin, but he seemed to notice Liu Yifei's gaze from the corner of his eye, and casually raised his eyes to look over.

  Liu Yifei hurriedly withdrew her gaze calmly, lowered her head, and continued picking up the petals.

  But she always felt that Li Yi was still looking at her, and she always wanted to look over subconsciously.

   She didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the sound of Li Yi's knife chopping fish paste sounded again.

  Zhao Jinmai looked at Liu Yifei's uneasy mind, laughed, and asked in a low voice, "Did Brother Yi tell you anything?"


  Liu Yifei was a little surprised. She was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head and asked with a smile, "What are you talking about? I don't know."

   Pursed his lips and smiled, Zhao Jinmai didn't ask any more questions, and sat up straight back.

  Liu Yifei also quietly continued to pick up the petals, but her thoughts were involuntarily distracted.

  She recalled the way Li Yi took her bowl in Gaoyou Noodle Restaurant, and the way her cheeks puffed up after eating, and the corners of her mouth also slightly raised an undetectable arc.

   "Qixi Festival?"

  She read it softly with a voice that she could only hear.

  The petals in her hand had already been picked, so she picked up another one.

  Looking at the blooming flowers, she thought of the divination scenes that many heroines have done in idol dramas.

  Pluck one petal, another.

  She is still doing her job, but her mind has drifted away.

  In front of the desk, Li Yi finally shaved off all the fish and smashed it into mud.

   Put all the fish paste into a big basin, he took some ice cubes, added some water, made a small basin of ice water, and put it aside.

  Following, he added four egg whites, half a bowl of green onion, **** and garlic, and a small amount of salt to the fish mud pot.

  Afterwards, he put his hand in the ice water and soaked it for more than ten seconds, then reached into the fish clay pot, and began to whip it quickly with his hands.

  After whipping for a while, he felt that the temperature of his hands had returned to warm, so he put his hands back into the ice water to cool down.

   This is to avoid the temperature of the hand from affecting the taste of the fish paste during the stirring process, so that the fish paste will be firmer, the product will be firmer, and it will be easier to shape.

  In the coastal areas, when making fish **** and fish cakes, ice water is added to the fish meat, so that the fish **** and fish cakes made in this way will be more elastic.

   During the stirring process, after adding onion and **** water a few times, the fish paste was finally stirred evenly, and gelatin was also produced.

  Li Yi dug out a lump of fish paste, put it in his palm, and then turned his palm over.

   The fish paste still stuck to his palm and did not fall due to gravity.

   This means that the fish paste has been prepared.

  Following, Li Yi called out to Liu Yifei: "Yifei, where did you put the piping bag we bought last time?"

   "Huh? Oh, in the crisper."

  Liu Yifei responded, got up and went to the freezer, and brought the piping bag.


  She handed the piping bag to Li Yi.

  Watching Li Yi stuff fish paste into the piping bag, she seemed to realize something: "You want to use the cake mounting method to make flowers?"


  Li Yi smiled and said, "Otherwise, do you think I'm a fairy who can turn fish into flowers?"

"Ha ha."

  Liu Yifei was amused by him, and then asked: "Can you help me? I have learned how to make pastries, and I know a little bit about mounting flowers."

   "That's just right."

  Li Yi handed her a piping bag filled with fish paste: "Try to make one and let me see."




  (end of this chapter)

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