Chapter 253 500,000 people

"Ha ha!"

   Before Li Yi could answer, Deputy Director Wang laughed first: "I'm just kidding, I'm afraid that a talent like you can't look down on our small temple, and our unit's salary can't compare to your stars!"

   "The king's game is too much."

  Li Yi smiled and said: "Whether in society or in the work unit, don't we all serve the people the same?"

   "Eh? I'm enlightened, haha!"

Deputy Director Wang smiled brightly, then looked at him and asked, "I think the banquet you mentioned uses salted duck eggs as the main ingredient. I think it's quite reliable. This can be regarded as taking advantage of our local resources and cultural advantages in Gaoyou. This piece Do you have any good suggestions?"

  Hearing him ask this question, Li Yi understood that he wanted to directly come up with a practical plan, preferably a ready-made banquet.

   This is a prostitution for nothing!

Li Yi thought for a while and said with a smile: "I think we can collect relevant special dishes for the folks. Our place is a place where salted duck eggs are produced. There must be many special recipes among the folks. Collect these recipes and make a banquet. Shouldn't be a problem."

   "Oh! I do."

  Deputy Director Wang sighed: "In Gaoyou, salted duck eggs are just a side dish with porridge. They are usually eaten directly, and they are rarely used for cooking."


  Li Yi nodded, and said with a smile: "Su Province has been a land of fish and rice since ancient times, with abundant products, and salted duck eggs really can't be served on any table.

  But now that restaurants are blending in different places, salted egg yolk-flavored dishes are also very popular. It should not be difficult to borrow the recipes of those dishes and use our local salted eggs in Gaoyou as the main ingredient, right? "

   "Then it must be designed by a reliable chef!"

  Deputy Director Wang saw that Li Yi was still not giving in, so he simply stopped going around in circles with him, and said directly: "I want to invite you to design this banquet, and I hope you can lend a helping hand!"

  Seeing that he made his point clear, Li Yi had no choice but to refuse directly, so he could only ask in puzzlement: "Why does it have to be me? Salted egg yolk dishes are not uncommon, right? Other chefs can cook them too?"

   "Can people be the same as people?"

Deputy Director Wang smiled and said: "I heard that you mentioned the yellow-toothed cabbage in Jinmen City on the "Chinese Restaurant" program. Ton, create at least 500 million economic benefits, this is all your influence!"

   "So it is."

  Li Yi suddenly realized.

   No wonder Deputy Director Wang brought people here to greet him and tried to win him over again and again. It turned out that he had taken a fancy to his ability to carry goods.

  When governments around the world are trying to boost domestic demand, generate income and increase efficiency, his ability to drive the economic benefits of a region with a single word is undoubtedly the most important thing for leaders.

  After understanding this point, Li Yi no longer refused, but thought about how to get benefits.

  In business talk business, since there is a need for cooperation, it is only natural for him to make conditions to fight for his own interests.

  Deputy Director Wang was clearly aware of Li Yi's thoughts. Seeing that Li Yi was silent, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, if you are willing to help, I will definitely not let you suffer. If you have any conditions, just ask."

  Hearing what he said, Li Yi felt more at ease.

   When dealing with a leader, I am most afraid of the kind of leader who lets the horse run and prevents the horse from eating grass.

  Deputy Director Wang obviously knows the rules, which greatly reduces the difficulty of communication.

  However, Li Yi didn't mention conditions, but asked with a smile: "What good conditions can Wang Ju offer me?"

   "Money is definitely not there."

  Deputy Director Wang said with a smile: "Our unit's funds are also very tight, but I can still think of some favorable policies, such as tax relief, land concessions, etc.."

As he said that, he raised his finger to the restaurant in the scenic area built by the lake, and said with a smile: "For example, the contract for the restaurant in the scenic area expires at the end of this year. If you can help start this food festival, that restaurant can let you buy Come down and work for two years."

  Hearing this, Li Yi smiled: "Ju Wang wants to keep my people here too!"

   Although this condition sounds very good, a free scenic restaurant sounds like a lot of money, but it may not be the case in reality.

  Most domestic scenic spots are managed by local governments. Although most of them will be outsourced, the management rights are still in the hands of local governments.

  Although some restaurants in scenic spots do make a lot of money, earning tens of millions a year is as easy as drinking water.

   But not all restaurants in scenic spots can make money, which is closely related to the flow of tourists in scenic spots.

  Like restaurants in Disney parks, revenues are calculated in billions.

  However, for some relatively unknown scenic spots, there may not be many tourists in a month, and even rent-free is required to attract businesses to settle in.

  Although Gaoyou Lake is somewhat famous, it is not as famous as West Lake and Dongting Lake, and everyone knows it.

  It is still unknown how the park will be filled with visitors, and Deputy Director Wang didn't say anything about the rent.

  So, this seemingly beautiful condition is actually a big cake, which can be seen but not necessarily eaten.

  If he really agrees to this condition, then he will not only do his best to help organize the food festival, but also spend the next two years in this park.

   It's not in his character.

  Seeing that Li Yi wasn't interested, Deputy Director Wang said with a smile: "Just for example, you can ask for any conditions you have! It's easy to discuss."

  Li Yi smiled, and then said: "Ju Wang, let's open the skylight and speak honestly! It's understandable that you want to use my influence and cooking skills to attract traffic and increase the popularity of the food festival.

   But we are talking about business, I definitely need a certain amount of income, and there is motivation to have income. You should understand this, right? "

   "Understand, understand."

  Deputy Director Wang smiled and said: "I can't let you help me for nothing! What do you think? Just say it, you're welcome, I will try my best to satisfy you."

   "Okay, you and I will be straight!"

  Li Yi said with a smile: "I can help with the food festival, I can design a banquet with Gaoyou salted duck eggs as the main material, and cooperate with our local hotel in Gaoyou to create a themed banquet.

  I can also train a group of stall owners for free, teach them to make some salted egg-style snacks, and sell them at the food festival.

  In addition, I will also use my own influence to help promote our food festival, attract more guests for our food festival, and strive to create a business card-style cultural and tourism project. "

  Listening to Li Yi's words, Deputy Director Wang was a little excited, and nodded again and again: "Yes! Yes! I just want to create a cultural tourism project like a Gaoyou business card. Xiao Li, you really understand me! Haha!"

  Li Yi nodded with a smile, and then said seriously: "I can also guarantee that the number of visitors to this food festival will never be less than 500,000 people. If it is less than 500,000 people, I don't want a penny."

   "500,000 people?"

  Deputy Director Wang's breathing became obviously short of breath.

  This food festival is held by him alone, but he is already very satisfied if there are 50,000 to 100,000 tourists.

  The number of 500,000 tourists is beyond his imagination!




  (end of this chapter)

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