Chapter 252 Grasping with both hands

   Li Yi and his party got off at the Wetland Park. As soon as they arrived at the gate, they saw the staff of the scenic spot welcoming them at the gate.

  But besides the staff, there were a few middle-aged men who looked like public officials in front of them, wearing white shirts and formal pants, looking at the bus of the program group with a smile.

  A banner hangs below the gate of the scenic spot, with a few large characters written on it.

  【Warmly welcome the guests of the program "Chinese Restaurant" to Gaoyou Lake for filming! 】

  A red carpet is laid at the gate, and it is paved along the main road of the scenic spot to the welcoming square.

  A temporary stage was set up there. Behind the stage is an advertising wall with a sparkling lake printed on it, and pictures of fish, turtles, shrimps and crabs and other special products on both sides.

  The bottom of the advertising wall is surrounded by cartoon reed patterns and lotus patterns, and a striking title is printed on the top:

  【"Lotus Fragrant Fish Color" / During the investigation of the first Lake Taste Food Festival of Gaoyou Lake】

  Seeing the program group bus coming, the scenic staff who greeted them all took out colored paper cannons, ready to welcome everyone to get off the bus.

   But seeing this battle, everyone in the car couldn't help standing up, looking out of the car in surprise, a little afraid to get out of the car.

   "Why are there so many people?"

  Zhao Jinmai looked at a group of strangers, a little scared, and hid behind Liu Yifei.

  Li Yi leaned over to look at the banner under the gate, and asked the program director, "Why are you so formal?"

The director of the show was also a little puzzled: "When we contacted the person in charge of the scenic spot here, the person in charge of the scenic spot was very enthusiastic, and said that the leader knew we were coming, and welcomed us, and would hold a welcome ceremony. I didn't expect this ceremony How can it be so formal?"

   "Get out of the car first."

  Liu Yifei suggested: "It's not good to let people wait outside."

  Li Yi nodded upon hearing the words: "Just do what you should do."

  Listening to what they said, everyone in the program group also settled down.

   Upon seeing this, the driver opened the door.

  Liu Yifei and Li Yi got out of the car first.

   Seeing the two people appear, the staff of the scenic spot immediately unscrewed the colored paper cannon.

   I only heard a few bang bang bangs, and all of a sudden colored papers were flying all over the sky.

  Liu Yifei behaved very decently and greeted everyone with a smile.

  Li Yi looked at the several public officials who greeted him with a smile, and shook hands with them.

   "Welcome to shoot!"

  The man walking at the front looked about forty years old, with thick hair, black eyebrows, and slightly thick hair on his arms.

  He introduced himself with a smile: "I am Wang Xuecheng, the deputy director of our Gaoyou City Tourism Bureau. I am in charge of cultural tourism promotion and city-wide tourism. Thank you for coming to promote our beautiful Gaoyou!"

  Hearing his self-introduction, Li Yi was a little surprised.

  This time, a simple shooting actually attracted all the leaders of the Tourism Bureau?

After greeting several leaders in circles, the program director finally found out about the situation from the leaders of the scenic spot, took an opportunity to pull Li Yi aside, and explained: "It's just a coincidence that the Gaoyou City Tourism Bureau plans to hold a food festival recently. , was planning, and it turned out that we were coming to shoot, and it was a gourmet show, and these leaders attached great importance to it, so they took this opportunity to meet with us and want to promote it well."

   "I said so!"

  Li Yi understood the reason, and said with a smile: "No wonder a variety show has become a tourism and cultural promotion conference."

  "The economy has been sluggish for the past two years, and local finances have been under great pressure. They are all trying to find ways to make money. Our attention-getting, traffic-heavy programs are highly valued."

  The director of the show lowered his voice and said: "It's all here, so I can only shoot first like this. You can grasp it as long as you can finish the filming smoothly."

   While speaking, Deputy Director Wang also got acquainted with everyone in the program group.

  He is very friendly and has no airs. After greeting everyone in a circle, he remembered everyone's names.

   Facing the camera, he said to everyone with a smile: "It is rare for us Gaoyou to encounter such a popular program. On behalf of all Gaoyou fellow villagers, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you!"

   "You are too kind."

  Liu Yifei smiled and said: "It is also our honor to use our influence to promote Gaoyou and let more people know the charm of our Gaoyou."

   "Haha! Thank you thank you."

  Deputy Director Wang was also very happy to see the cooperation of several people.

   After chatting for a few words, he invited everyone and walked to the stage in front of the welcoming square together.

   Entering the scenic spot, Deputy Director Wang began to talk about the food culture and high-quality specialties of Gaoyou Lake.

  He is very good at chatting, and he also knows the local conditions and customs of Gaoyou Lake very well. He also has some Internet memes at his fingertips.

   Soon, everyone came to the stage.

  Behind the stage, some actors are preparing for a song and dance performance.

  Deputy Director Wang invited everyone to the seats in the front row of the stage, sat down, and enjoyed the show performed by the actors of the art troupe.

  Looking at the show with few bright spots on the stage, Li Yi just sat quietly in the chair, waiting for the end of the performance.

But Deputy Director Wang obviously didn't want to let him go, so he turned around and took the initiative to talk: "Mr. Li, I heard that you are the chef of the program "Chinese Restaurant", and you are also the core of the program. In variety shows, he is also very talented.

  I would like to hear your opinion on our food festival. Which aspect do you think we should focus on in the preparation of dishes? "

  He asked very sincerely, and it sounded like he really wanted to make this food festival a success.

  Li Yi thought for a while, and then said: "Deputy Director Wang, I'm used to speaking directly. Since you asked, I'll give my opinion. Let's not mention the dishes."

   As he spoke, he raised his finger to the performance on the stage and asked, "Since we are a food festival, why do we have this kind of cultural show?"

  Deputy Director Wang was slightly taken aback, and then explained: "Our idea is to create an event that combines food and culture, and make this food festival a business card for our Gaoyou tourism."

  Listening to his explanation, Li Yi shook his head: "You have to grasp it with both hands, and you may not be able to hold it steady with both hands. Do you think Gaoyou's business card is culture or food?"

  Deputy Director Wang thought for a while, and said seriously: "It should still be delicious food. When mentioning Gaoyou, most people will think of Gaoyou salted duck eggs at the first time."

   "Isn't that enough?"

  Li Yi said with a smile: "This is the meaning of a city business card. It allows people to quickly remember the city at a glance. Since we want to develop tourism, we must deepen this impression and expand on this basis.

  Since the salted duck eggs here are famous, we should let the people of the whole country think of Gaoyou immediately when they think of salted duck eggs, and form a thinking inertia.

  At this time, it is completely possible to develop a banquet with salted duck eggs as the main ingredient. Salted duck eggs are used together with Gaoyou Lake’s specialty lake freshness to cook a variety of dishes to attract tourists to come to taste.

  After that, we can also increase the process experience of pickling salted duck eggs, deepen the sense of participation of tourists, and then send the pickled duck eggs to tourists after they are cooked, further deepening the bond between tourists and Gaoyou..."

  Listening to Li Yi's explanation, Deputy Director Wang felt more and more reasonable the more he listened.

  After Li Yi finished speaking, he gave a thumbs up with a smile, and praised: "You have ideas, no wonder the girls in our unit like you so much, should you consider taking the civil servant exam?"




  (end of this chapter)

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