Chapter 242 Three dishes, ready

  Hearing the exclamation of the vice president, the other master judges also reacted and looked at the puffer fish skin in the basin in surprise.

  After freezing for a while, Li Yi fished out the puffer fish skin, and tore off the outer black film and burrs with his hands, leaving only the inner tender skin.

  After that, he took the tender skin to a clean chopping board, and cut the tender skin into thin shreds with a kitchen knife.

  Seeing Li Yi's actions, the vice president and several judges and masters looked solemn.

  The skin of pufferfish with leopard print is also poisonous.

  Although the dose is relatively weak, it is not completely harmless after all.

  If you want to remove its toxicity, you need to clean it very cleanly.

  However, even if it is cleaned, few puffer fish masters dare to make it cold.

  Because fugu poison cannot be removed with boiling water, this is the experience that every fugu master knows.

  If tetrodotoxin remains in the puffer fish skin, it will be quite dangerous.

  Even they themselves dare not use such a radical technique to make pufferfish with leopard print. How dare this kid be so bold?

   "What? Cold salad?"

  Zhao Jinmai also heard the exclamation of the vice president and the others, and couldn't help but let out a low voice.

  She was also taken aback by the word cold salad.

  Using puffer fish skin for salad, isn’t Brother Yi afraid of death?

  Li Yi ignored their surprise. After cutting the tender puffer fish skin into thin strips, he mixed a bowl of edible alkaline solution to soak the tender skin.

  Following that, he turned around and took the shaved puffer meat under the faucet, and cleaned it carefully.

   Seeing him put the cleaned puffer fish meat on the kitchen paper and soak it dry, the hearts of the vice president and several judges suddenly rose again.

  Hey kid, do you want to use puffer fish meat to make sashimi?

  As chefs who have been in the industry for decades, their judgment is still very accurate.

  After absorbing the water from the puffer fish, Li Yi took the washed knife, gently pressed the puffer meat with his fingers, and cut it obliquely.

  The texture of raw fish is crisp and tender, and the knife feels good.

  Feeling the crispness of the fish meat after the blade broke through it, Li Yi began to secrete saliva under his tongue.

  Although humans have mastered fire for tens of thousands of years, raw food still exists in society today.

  Not to mention all kinds of sashimi in the neon country, even in China, there is a very rich culture of eating raw food.

  In ancient times, there was even a special word for raw food, that is "饭".

  The idiom is popular among the people, and the two kinds of food that everyone loves to eat, and the one that represents raw food is even ranked in front of the one that represents cooked food.

  However, 饺 has always represented 鲜饼, that is, yu sheng.

   Later, a character "鲙" was derived, which specifically represented sashimi.

  As early as the Zhou Dynasty, there was such a famous dish as "Turtle and carp", which was roasted soft-shelled turtle and sashimi.

  During the Tang Dynasty, the domestic culture of eating fish meat reached its peak.

  Bai Juyi once wrote "Break Dongting tangerines for fruit, cut Tianchi scales with meat", and mentioned the fish meat at that time.

  Neon Country also learned the method of eating fish meat from the Tang Dynasty at that time, brought it back to the island country, and gradually became the current sashimi culture.

  To this day, raw food culture is still not uncommon in China.

  Chaoshan raw pickled fish, Shunde fish raw, Jiangnan drunk shrimp, Ningbo red paste crab, Dali raw hide, Qiandong cold pig blood, Shasheng fish of the Hezhen ethnic group in Heilongjiang Province, are all representative dishes of raw food.

  These areas with developed raw food culture are also areas with high incidence of dietary parasites in China.

  However, one thing that has to be noticed is that even though there are many vivid examples that prove the harm of parasites, there are still many people who are addicted to raw food and cannot extricate themselves.

  This also proves that raw food does have a certain charm, which makes diners linger and forget.

  In the dream space, Li Yi passed through Shuanglin, and also tasted raw fish from all over the world, pickled raw fish, and drunk river fresh food.

  After crossing the psychological barrier of physical discomfort, various raw foods did leave a deep impression on him.

  It turns out that as long as it is handled properly, raw food will have a special flavor.

  However, the dream space is a dream space after all.

  After returning to reality, Li Yi was still wary of raw food.

  But it is acceptable for him to keep the ingredients fresh and provide a crisper taste.

  As he continued to cut the puffer fish meat into thin slices, they were neatly stacked on the porcelain plate aside, forming a flower composed of fish meat.

  Following that, he found a bunch of seasonings and made a bowl of dipping sauce.

   At this time, the puffer fish skin that has just been soaked has also been soaked.

  Take it out, wash it again, Li Yi put the shredded fish skin on a plate, cut some shredded green onion and ginger, and covered the shredded fish skin.

  Added salt, sugar, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, coriander, and chopped green onion in sequence. Li Yi brought it to the table, put it down, and casually introduced: "Cold puffer fish skin."

  Hearing his introduction, although the vice president and the judges had expected it, they still trembled in their hearts.

   This kid is really not afraid of death!

  Putting down the cold puffer fish skin, Li Yi didn't have time to say more, so he turned around and continued to prepare the other two dishes.

   Taking the blood-drained liver under the water pipe, Li Yi rinsed it carefully.

  He washed the liver ducts with water, cleaning every corner of the liver.

   Seeing his quick and careful movements, the nervous expressions of the vice president and several judges eased slightly.

   I have to say that Li Yi's technique of handling pufferfish is indeed very professional, even a textbook.

   Even if they are asked to demonstrate in person, Li Yi may not be able to do it well and comprehensively.

  During the process of handling the pufferfish, he didn't spill any water droplets, which fell on other places on the table.

  The blood from the puffer fish was also controlled by him on the chopping board, not a single drop flowed out.

  This is the risk prevention and control awareness, careful insight ability, and overall control ability that a professional puffer fisherman must have.

   This shows that all the steps are under Li Yi's control, and there is no possibility of mistakes.

   After cleaning the puffer fish liver, it is already twenty minutes later.

  The puffer fish liver has been washed pale, without the slightest color.

  Li Yi put it in a separate small plate, then found a blowtorch, lit the flame, and sprayed on it.

  The blazing tongue of fire licked it, causing its skin to dry quickly, and then browned, with a fine layer of oil oozing out from underneath.

   Then Li Yi brought a bottle of high-grade liquor and filled a wine cup.

  Put the puffer fish liver into the wine cup, and Li Yi lit the high-grade liquor in the wine cup with a blowtorch.

  The faint blue flame was burning, exuding bursts of wine aroma.

  Following that, Li Yi poured a layer of high-grade liquor on the plate of puffer fish fillets, covering all the fish fillets.

   Waiting quietly, he waited until the blue wine fire in the wine cup was about to dissipate, then he picked up the wine cup and poured the wine inside into the plate of puffer fish fillets.

  The unburned wine line suddenly turned into a fiery snake and fell into the plate, causing a fire full of wine fragrance.

  Under the roasting of the wine fire, the puffer fish fillets on the plate seemed to be on fire, and their color turned white one after another.

   Pick up the plate and the wine cup, and put them next to 【Cold Puffer Skin】.

  Li Yi introduced: "Zhuang Zhou's dream of butterflies, wine-flavored pork liver, three dishes, all ready."




  (end of this chapter)

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