Chapter 241 He wants salad!

  Hearing the judges' question, Zhao Jinmai also stretched his neck, looked at Li Yi, and waited for his answer.

  She was also full of curiosity about the place of origin of the puffer fish that Li Yi casually mentioned.

  How could Li Yi tell where these puffer fish were caught just by looking at them?

   Facing the doubts of the judges, Li Yi didn't think too much, and explained directly: "Because when you just picked it up, it shitted."

  Hearing his explanation, Zhao Jinmai's eyes widened at the back, and Liu Yifei was also stunned.

   In the live broadcast room, the screen was swiped by question marks.


   "What does **** mean?"

   "Is it distinguished by feces?"

  The audience didn't quite understand, but after hearing Li Yi's words, the judges smiled, and obviously understood the reason.

  But he didn't explain, but motioned to Li Yi: "Go on."

   Upon hearing this, Li Yi explained patiently: "The pufferfish with leopard print can also migrate, and can swim all the way to the middle of the Yangtze River, as far as Dongting Lake.

  After birth, some of the small fish will swim to the sea, but some will stay in the waters of the Yangtze River to feed and fatten up, and then swim to the sea in the spring of the next year.

  However, the leopard pufferfish that live in different waters, because they eat different food, **** differently.

  For example, the pufferfish with leopard prints living in Dongting Lake eats small fish and shrimps, and there are many small crabs, so the **** is usually grayish white.

  But the leopard pufferfish living in Fanyang Lake will eat a considerable part of the plants, such as leaves and filamentous algae, which will make its feces appear dark green and the length of the feces is relatively long.

  However, the leopard-print pufferfish living in Taihu Lake is quite special, because it mainly feeds on elephant-nosed fleas.

   Elephant flea is a kind of water flea. It often eats the leopard puffer with elephant flea. The feces will be gray-black and relatively short in length. "

  Speaking, Li Yi stretched out his finger to a wound behind the pectoral fin of the leopard-printed pufferfish in the net bag, and explained: "This leopard-printed pufferfish has a wound here, it looks like a new wound, and it should have been caught not long ago.

   Therefore, its feeding habits should not have changed, and the color of its feces should also reflect its feeding status when it lived in the wild.

  The **** it pulled just now was in the shape of gray-black segments, so I roughly guessed that it should have been fished from Taihu Lake, and it didn’t take long to catch it, no more than two days at most. "

  Listening to Li Yi's series of explanations, both Zhao Jinmai and Liu Yifei were dumbfounded.

   There was even more silence in the live broadcast room. All the audience were staring at the judges, wondering if what Li Yi said was true.

  The judges who looked at Li Yi already had a satisfied smile on their faces.

   "That's right, this is the one that was delivered this morning, and it was caught in Taihu Lake yesterday."

  His words proved the accuracy of Li Yi's guess, and the next moment, the live broadcast room was full of barrage!

   "Fuck! You guessed it right!"

   "Is this also okay? Look at the manure to identify the place of origin?"

   "So that's the case. I thought it was some kind of metaphysics, but it turned out to be science. It's well-founded, bull beep!"

   "Brother Yi, I was adopted. Can you look at my **** and recognize where I am from?"

   "Leopard-print Pufferfish: My family, the underpants have been seen through!"

  The audience in the live broadcast room was amazed, and Zhao Jinmai in front of the camera was also applauding, sincerely admiring: "Brother Yi is so awesome!"

  Li Yi turned around and smiled, and raised his chin at them.

  The gray-haired judge said with a smile: "It's ok, you don't need to take the test anymore. Your theoretical knowledge is more solid than mine. I'm not good enough to pass you."

  His words also represented that Li Yi had successfully passed the theoretical exam.

  His words were not modest. The vice chairman and several judges were also communicating, and they looked back at Li Yi from time to time with amazed eyes.

   Li Yi's unique skill of distinguishing feces from fish really surprised them.

   Without more than ten years of experience in blowfish slaughter, it is absolutely impossible to have such a solid theoretical knowledge.

  After confirming this point, the attitude of the judges and teachers towards Li Yi became much warmer.

  Li Yi has already used his solid theoretical knowledge to prove his strength and won their respect.

   "Since your theory is so solid, let's try the practical operation next!"

  The vice president came to the gray-haired judges, took the net bag, and handed it to Li Yi: "Since you know so much about the leopard-print puffer, I'll leave this one to you to cook!"

  Seeing this, Li Yi didn't say much, took the net bag directly, and came to the operation desk beside him.

  There is a complete set of kitchen utensils and stoves for processing puffer fish on the desk.

  Li Yi took out the puffer fish, put it on the chopping board, and slapped the fish unconsciously with a knife, and directly slashed with the knife.

  It was similar to the previous method in the puffer fish restaurant, except that Li Yi didn't use scissors this time, but a thin knife.

   Skillfully cut off the fish head, cut off the fins, gouged out the eyeballs, and peeled off the skin, the process is still the same.

  Following that, he inserted the knife into the jawbone, cut open the fish gills, and slowly pulled out the internal organs with his hands, including the brain, fish bubbles, kidneys, intestines, up to the anus, bladder and gonads.

  Seeing his skillful and gentle movements, several judges and teachers couldn't help but stepped forward, watched around him, and nodded repeatedly.

  After seeing Li Yi skillfully remove the puffer fish liver, the expressions of several judges became serious again.

   In most species of puffer fish, the toxin is present in the liver.

  The poison in the liver of a puffer fish is enough to cause more than 30 people to burp their farts.

  Therefore, most puffer fish restaurants do not include liver and other internal organs in dishes, and most of them will be disposed of centrally.

   In the fugu license exam, students are not required to cook with offal.

  As long as you know how to separate the internal organs, leaving the three parts of fish skin, fish meat, and fish bones, and clean them, you can already be counted as a qualified puffer fish master.

  This is also the reason why the exam requires three dishes.

  Generally, the puffer fish masters who take the exam will choose to stew the fish skin in red or white to make soup, and then make the fish meat into charcoal grill or hot pot.

  Finally fry a fish bone, and the work is basically done.

   But seeing Li Yi cut open the puffer fish liver and began to squeeze blood, they realized that Li Yi seemed to be using the puffer fish liver for cooking!

   But this is clearly a wild leopard puffer, the liver is highly toxic.

  If it is not handled cleanly, it will be dangerous to eat it.

   Li Yi ate the three dishes for the exam by himself, and if something happened, it would be his own.

  He is so confident that he can guarantee that no poison will be left behind?

  Li Yi was not distracted, but was carefully cleaning the puffer fish meat, puffer fish skin and puffer fish liver.

   Turning on the stove, he boiled a pot of hot water, and when the water boiled, he threw the puffer fish skin into it and scalded it.

   Two minutes later, he fished out the puffer fish skin.

  After two minutes of blanching, the fugu skin has been cooked to half-cooked.

   Taking out some ice cubes from the refrigerator beside him, Li Yi made a basin of ice water and put the puffer fish skin in it.

  Seeing his steps, the vice president beside him couldn't help but widen his eyes, guessing his plan.

   "He wants salad!"




  (end of this chapter)

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