Chapter 179 Yi Ge Jie Yang

   Reba won't be able to come to the show until the day of the show's recording, but Li Yi and the others already know that she is a flying guest, so mentioning a few words in the show in advance can be regarded as helping her increase her exposure.

   After eating snacks and drinking yogurt, Li Yi and his party quickly returned to the restaurant.

  The mutton was unloaded from the car and put into the freezer. Li Yi kept a sheep out and put it on the desk to thaw.

  He is going to disassemble this sheep first, and try the taste tonight.

  No one else could help with the removal of the sheep, so Li Yi had to do it himself.

   When the slightly stiff sheep began to ooze pink blood, Li Yi took out the Yingjisha knife and began to tear the sheep apart.

   Tetrapod livestock, whether it is cattle, sheep, pigs, horses and donkeys, are divided in the same way.

   According to body parts, this kind of livestock can be divided into head, neck, front legs, spine, ribs, belly meat, hind legs, hooves, tails, offal, skin and other parts.

   Whether it is killing pigs or sheep, the steps of segmentation are almost the same.

  Li Yi first took out the whole sheep from the foam box and put it on the chopping board.

  Below the foam box are the sheep's head and feet, as well as a pair of hearts, livers and kidneys.

   Sheep lungs, intestines and other miscellaneous offal were not put in, because it was too troublesome to handle, and it also had a smell, so it was not suitable for air transportation.

  Li Yi took out the sheep's head and sheep's feet and looked at them.

  For this kind of slaughtered sheep, the head and feet of the sheep are removed in advance.

  The master who slaughtered the sheep was very enthusiastic, and even burned the hair on the head and feet of the sheep with fire, but obviously he didn't have time to wash it, so he just scraped it off with a knife.

  The sheep's head and feet were very troublesome to deal with, so Li Yi put them aside first.

  Afterwards, Li Yi cut the knife at the root of the sheep's left front leg, and made a circle around the seam of the bone. The sharp blade cut off the fascia at the joint of the lamb's leg, and the lamb's leg was also removed.

   Seeing this scene, Wu Lei on the side couldn't help applauding: "It's so handsome!"

  Li Yi looked back at him and said with a smile, "Don't be surprised."

  Wu Lei was very excited, and looked at Li Yi's action of cutting the knife and praised: "You are so handsome! Brother Yi! Your technique is really easy to handle!"

  Huang Xiaoming also nodded in agreement: "It feels like there is no bone in it, you cut everything off."

  Looking at Li Yi's sword skills, the audience in the live broadcast room were also amazed.

   "So what the teacher said in Chinese class is true!"

   "In ancient times, there was Paoding who relieved cattle! Now there is Brother Yi who relieved sheep!"

   "It's so easy to unload a leg of lamb, but what about unloading a human leg? It's scary to think about it! [smirk]"

   "What a knife! It seems that Brother Yi has never used this knife before! It looks so beautiful!"

   "If I have this knife skill, I will put on a beard and go to the gate of the community to pretend to be a person from the Western Regions and sell mutton skewers!"

   Seeing Wu Lei and Huang Xiaoming's expressions of amazement, Li Yi smiled and said, "This is very simple, you can kill a few more sheep, and you can do it."

  Wu Lei and Huang Xiaoming shook their heads when they heard the words, "You think highly of us."

  Don't talk about slaughtering sheep, they may not even dare to kill a chicken if they are asked to do so.

  Li Yi's knife was smooth, and in the same way, he quickly removed the rest of the legs.

  Following that, he scratched the root of the leg of lamb with a knife, and with just a few strokes, all the meat on the leg was removed.

   "These are lean tendon meat, the most suitable for making kebabs."

  Li Yi put the meat aside, and signaled to Wu Lei: "You come and cut these meat into small pieces, and roast them on the grill later."

  Afterwards, he pointed to the seasoning box again, and told Huang Xiaoming: "Take out the cumin and chili skin you brought back, grind them into powder with a stone mortar, and use it for barbecue later."


  Huang Xiaoming came to the seasoning box, found out the seasoning, and began to grind it.

  He first poured out the cumin seeds in a half stone mortar, and then smashed them up.

  After a few taps, the rich aroma of cumin floats out.

   "Eh? So thick?"

   Huang Xiaoming smelled the aroma of cumin and was startled.

  The concentration of this aroma is much stronger than the cumin he has eaten, and he seems to have plunged into the prairie.

   "The quality of cumin in Xiyu Province is the best in China. This is fresh cumin ground from cumin seeds. The taste must be strong."

  Li Yi casually explained that his subordinates were not stopping, and the lamb chops had already begun to be divided.

  Huang Xiaoming heard the words, smelled the aroma of cumin, and couldn't help swallowing.

  He didn't eat much at noon, but now he smelled the aroma of cumin, and he was hungry immediately.

  Is this cumin too fragrant?

  Liu Yifei saw that Li Yi had unloaded the lamb chops, so she brought a basin over and said, "I'll go wash it."

"Need not."

  Li Yi shook his head: "This meat is clean, there is no need to wash it, and it will be cooked later. No microorganisms will disappear under high temperature, so don't worry."

   "Do you put it in the pot without washing it?"

   Liu Yifei hesitated.

  Seeing this, Li Yi explained patiently: "As long as the mutton is fresh enough and free from dirt and dirt, it's best not to wash it, otherwise the taste will be greatly reduced.

   You should also eat eel over there, right? Fresh eel can't be washed, it should be fried directly in the pan, otherwise it won't taste good at all. "

Hearing what he said, Liu Yifei thought about it, and nodded thoughtfully: "It seems to be true. I ate eel when I was young, but my mother refused to let me eat it, saying that it hadn't been washed and it was not clean, but I It's delicious to eat."

  In the live broadcast room, many viewers were also posting barrage discussions.

   "Huh? What's the matter? No wonder the mutton I bought always tastes bad. So it's because I washed it too clean?"

   "It's true, some meat really can't be washed, and the taste will be much worse after washing."

   "Isn't it? Is it wrong to wash it clean?"

   "My family sells spicy beef. The beef really can't be washed. After washing, the meat will become loose and taste bad, so you must buy fresh and clean meat."

   "Both low and high temperature can sterilize, as long as the meat is fresh, it's just psychologically unacceptable if you don't wash it."

   "No, no, I'd rather lose a little taste, and eat clean. I really can't accept it without washing."

  The viewers in the live broadcast room had different opinions, but Liu Yifei had already accepted Li Yi's statement.

  Seeing this, Li Yi said to her: "There are iron skewers for barbecue in the box over there, you can wash them, be careful not to get hurt, those iron skewers are very sharp."

   "Okay, I got it."

  Liu Yifei picked up the basin and went to clean the iron sign.

  Seeing this, Zhao Jinmai also came to Li Yi and asked, "Brother Yi, what should I do?"

  Listening to her hoarse voice, Li Yi smiled and said: "You should rest first, go drink some herbal tea."

  Zhao Jinmai heard the words, but refused to rest: "I can't do nothing!"

  Seeing this, Li Yi took out a large soup bucket, put it on the stove, and then signaled to her: "Go get purified water, fill this bucket to two-thirds."


  Zhao Jinmai responded, and went to work with a basin.

   This soup bucket is used to stew mutton. After Li Yi removed the lamb chops, lamb neck, and lamb spine, he put them all into the soup bucket.

  Afterwards, he looked at the crew of the program filming behind him, and said with a smile, "Let's eat hand-caught mutton tonight."

  Hearing what he said, the staff didn't dare to speak, but their expressions became excited, and they all took out their mobile phones and carnivaled in the work group.

   "I knew Brother Yi would not forget us!"




  (end of this chapter)

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